Hospitals across England are planning to shed at least 650 doctors and 2,000 nurses under new cost-cutting plans A study for MigrationWatch warns figures are double government estimates and proposed amnesty could add a total of 2.2m to the population Scientist suggests that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact
The government last year refused to help the £30 billion chemicals group, now moving offshore to escape UK tax rates The €45 billion rescue package by the International Monetary Fund and European Union comes with harsh conditions
Official figures show that it reached £23.5 billion last month - £3 billion short of the Chancellor’s forecast The volume of goods sold on the high street rose 0.4 per cent last month after a 2.5 per cent rise in FebruarySecret NHS cuts to axe thousands of medics
UK home to 1m illegal immigrants
Hawking: aliens exists, just don't talk to them
In the great non-battle over the economy in the election,
it has all come down to £6 billion
More...Ineos quit Britain after ministers snubbed Vat plea
Years of austerity for bailed-out Greece
Government borrowing hits record high
March retail sales raise fears for recovery
Sunday, 25 April 2010
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Britannia Radio