Monday, 26 April 2010
Nick Clegg's immigration policy was denounced as 'laughable' yesterday as it emerged that up to 2.2million people could benefit from his party's controversial 'amnesty'.
Daily Mail (26-Apr-2010)
Nick Clegg is wrong to suggest that illegal immigrants in Britain should be granted an... (26-Apr-2010)
More than a million foreigners could be given British citizenship under Liberal Democrat plans to offer an amnesty to illegal immigrants, it emerged on... (26-Apr-2010)
MORE than a million illegal immigrants are now living in Britain. That s practically double the Government s estimate. It shows ministers have no idea how many people have really snuck...
Daily Star (26-Apr-2010)
MORE than a million people have breached Britain s chaotic border controls and are living here illegally, according to a shocking...
Daily Express (26-Apr-2010)
AFTER another polished, if deceitful, performance in the televised debates, Nick Clegg s popularity...
Daily Express (26-Apr-2010)
IMMIGRATION minister Phil Woolas admits that he has no idea how many illegal immigrants there are in the UK at this moment. It s a question that no immigration minister can answer, he says. Really? What an extraordinary assertion. Surely that is a key question and he ought to know the answer.
Daily Express (26-Apr-2010)
Comments (0) Add to My Stories It was one of Nick Clegg's most effective, albeit well-rehearsed, lines in the TV debate - when he accused the Tories in the European Parliament of joining forces with the 'nutters', ' homophobes' and 'anti-Semites'.
The Mail On Sunday (26-Apr-2010)
MORE than a million illegal immigrants live in Britain - double the previous...
Online Sun (26-Apr-2010)
MORE than a million illegal immigrants live in Britain - double the previous...
The Scottish Sun (26-Apr-2010)
MORE than a million illegal immigrants are living in Britain twice the official figure, it was claimed last night. And pressure group MigrationWatch, which produced the figures warned Lib Dem plans for an amnesty could double the number...
Daily Star (26-Apr-2010)
ARROGANT Nick Clegg yesterday spelled out the price for his Lib Dems propping up Labour - HE must be Prime...
The Scottish Sun (26-Apr-2010)
THOUSANDS of east European gypsies could be on their way to Britain following the dramatic rise of a far-Right party in their...
Daily Express (26-Apr-2010)
A study for MigrationWatch warns figures are double government estimates and proposed amnesty could add a total of 2.2m to the population
Sunday Times (25-Apr-2010)
Exclusive by Norman Silvester, Sunday Mail PRISON bosses have been forced to create a special unit for Chinese criminals and suspects accused of running hash...
Daily Record (25-Apr-2010)
Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has been defending his policies on immigration, after his opponents criticised his party's proposals for an amnesty for long-term illegal...
BBC News (25-Apr-2010)
Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Advertisement Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has been defending his policies on immigration, after his opponents criticised his party's proposals for an amnesty for long-term illegal...
BBC News (25-Apr-2010)
Half of us think spending on the NHS should be increased by the new government, according to a poll for the Royal College of Nursing. 40 percent believe it should stay the same - although most questioned felt the cash should be spent more effectively with the health...
LBC (25-Apr-2010)
The Conservative leader admits the TV debates have dramatically altered the course of the campaign - but insists they were good for...
Guardian Unlimited - Politics (25-Apr-2010)
DOUBTS over Nick Cleggs commitment to British interests in the EU intensified last night after it emerged he once led a campaign to return the historic Elgin Marbles to his friends in...
Sunday Express (25-Apr-2010)
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