A selection of recent media reports
Sunday, 4 April 2010
David Cameron is heading for an overall majority in single figures at the coming general election, according to a newly published poll. The survey for the Sunday Express put Mr Cameron's Conservatives 11 points clear of Labour, restoring the sort of advantage Tories were enjoying until a New Year rally by...
Guardian.co.uk (04-Apr-2010)
ENGLAND will construct a tough new border control with Scotland in a shock move to keep out unwanted migrants post-independence, it emerged...
Daily Express (04-Apr-2010)
If THERE is a rushing in the air this morning, it is the sound of chickens coming home to roost. our poll reveals that 20 per cent of voters regard uncontrolled immigration as their biggest concern, which is hardly surprising given the total failure of Labour s 13-year open-door immigration...
Daily Express (04-Apr-2010)
Millions of visas allowing foreigners to enter Britain are being issued by an American company and a High Street travel agent rather than British...
Mail Online (04-Apr-2010)
The PM's talk of 'British values' seeks to reassure working class Labour voters, but does nothing to counter...
The Independent (04-Apr-2010)
TWO illegal immigrants are begging the authorities to kick them OUT of...
News of the World (03-Apr-2010)
SO, Gordon Brown has "misled" us (and that's the charitable interpretation) on the state of migration in Britain, by insisting that figures are falling - when in fact they're not.
News of the World (03-Apr-2010)
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Britannia Radio