According to the BBC, Ed Balls "received a standing ovation - unusual for a minister at a teachers' conference - as he outlined the increased investments in education since 1997." It seems some people DO have success when it comes to having their complaints upheld by the BBC. As long as they belong to the anti-Israel brigade. With the likelihood that Gordon Brown will FINALLY call the General Election tomorrow, the BBC are lumbering up for the final round of "Save Gordon." Last evening, I listened to the BBC Radio 4 between 10-11pm and there was the concerted witch-hunt against Chris Grayling and also an attack on George Osborne. It's going to be a tumultuous four weeks as the BBC seeks to damage the Conservatives as much as possible which I would hope David Cameron will remember when he gets in power. The malignancy of the State Broadcaster needs excised once and for all.
Selective feedback
Wow. Good to know. Those investments wouldn't have included massive pay increases for teachers, would they? I believe they would (not that the BBC would ever spell it out). And who wouldn't give an ovation when the pay concerned was theirs?
The Beeb seemed to think that Balls' challenge to the Conservatives to match his spending plans for education was a solid punch.
On the other hand the BBC consider it just not worth remarking that one ofBritain's most celebrated recent war heroes wanted to "knock out" Gordon Brown, so angry was he made by Brown's disrespect for the armed forces.
I guess Balls' jab just seemed more punchy, from a certain point of view. (thank to Hippiepooter and others for pointing out the Beharry omission)Ooops. BBC Retracts Misleading Report
Should a report that shows anti Israel campaigners in a poor light accidentally slip through the net, the BBC Editorial department will leap into action.
Nobody can interrupt a meeting or performance and come out smelling of roses.
Certainly Tony Greenstein and Deborah Fink’s display of exhibitionism that ruined the Jerusalem Quartet’s performance at the Wigmore Hall was counterproductive in the extreme. I hope their ‘cause’ suffered a setback of disproportionately greater magnitude than the distress their disruptive outbursts caused to the musicians and the audience that had hoped to enjoy the performance.
On the other hand, a meeting that took place at the School of Oriental and African Studies last year in which the guest speaker was Bongani Masuku, "a man condemned as an inciter of hatred against Jews by the South African Human Rights Commission," was ‘disrupted’ by a question from Jonathan Hoffman about the morality of hosting such an event and inviting such a speaker, a hullaballoo ensued, which, unlike the one at the Wigmore Hall, was reported on the BBC website.
In the confusion it is alleged that racist taunts were hurled at Mr. Hoffman. “Jew-ish” and some such. Whatever they were, the threatening atmosphere that was engendered simply because of a question that went against the grain, was undeniable. If you can bear to look at the video, you’ll see that when Mr Hoffman asks “Why do you interrupt me?” The woman behind him can clearly be seen wagging a finger and saying “Because you’re a Jew!”
Some furious lobbying by organisations such as “JustPeaceUK” were instigated, in order to get the BBC report amended to what they considered was a TRUE representation of what had taken place, and to omit the bit about the racist taunts.
They succeeded; not only was the web report amended, but the original reporter was reprimanded, and the editor wrote:“After publication it quickly became clear that there was more to what had happened in the meeting than was apparent from the video and Mr Hoffman’s allegations. As soon as that became clear the story was amended to reflect the differing views of those who had been at the meeting.
It is regrettable that the original story did not reflect a wider range of views and the journalist concerned has been made well aware of the requirement to do so in the future.
Yours Sincerely
Hugh Berlyn
News and Sport Interactive
BBC England “
Concert disrupter and anti-Zionist campaigner Tony Greenstein proudly declares the success of their lobbying on his website under the heading
“ BBC - Hoffman Lied When Claiming He was a Victim of anti-Semitism.”
Not only that, but the Head of editorial complaints, Fraser Steel has writtenapologising profusely and promising to take further action. We must wait with bated breath to see what that will be..TARGET THE TORIES!
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
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Britannia Radio