Shalom from Israel (Prof. Sol Budnik) In re: US contribution to the Holocaust by refusing to accept Jewish refugees from Nazi terror. The fact is that German-American Nazis were involved in pogroms of Jews in America, who weren't protected by the police, Jews were lynched in USA in the 1920-30, were prohibited to attend universities or enter private clubs up to the 1960s, synagogues were burned in the 1960s, and US companies and banks had worked for and financed Hitler's death machine prior and during the WW2, and the US Army had stolen looted Jewish assets stashed by the Nazis in Germany and had illegally brought said $ billions worth Jewish properties (gold, fine art, etc.) to the US, whereby American generals and soldiers had unjustly enriched themselves. Moreover, second Holocaust is happening nowadays in Israel due to the US State Dept, CIA and US Army and their trained Arab assassins and terrorists, occupants of native and sovereign Jewish lands. The fact is that the US had armed illegal Jordan with American tanks which were used in Jordan's assault on Israel in two wars. CIA and US Army train and arm PLO mass murderers to kill Israelis, and the US Defense Ministry has armed now Egypt to the teeth to destroy Israel.
Having that in mind I move you to jointly file a criminal complaint and class action vs. American companies and banks for their Nazi Germany business ties and profits, the US State Dept., the US Army and the Defense Dept. which also strive now to destroy Israel by forcing it to create a forth illegal Arab-Palestinian state on occupied Jewish lands, since Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are such illegal Arab-Palestinian states illegally created by British and French occupants on native and sovereign Jewish lands of former Jewish Kingdoms of Judea and of Israel, also allocated for Jewish Homeland up to Iraqi border (includes current Jordan and Syria) by the 1917 Balfour Agreement, 1920 League of Nations Decree and the 1949 Geneva Conference.
Charges vs. the defendants are criminal conspiracy, contribution to the genocide and crimes against humanity, racial discrimination of Jewish-Americans and destruction of the synagogues, unjust enrichment in criminal offences due to WW2 and genocide, treason and ties to the German Nazi enemy, grand theft of looted Jewish assets, aiding, abetting, financing and arming illegal, totalitarian and terrorist Arab regimes and organizations in the Middle East and in occupied Jewish territories of Judea, Gaza, Samaria and Hebron, conspiracy to destroy the state of Israel, criminal interference into internal Israeli affairs by Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, etc. The case against Obama is in the next email.
I can donate to you my works of art for your online charitable auction to raise legal funds for our court cases, which can also be collected via Jewish and Christian organizations. I also move you and your colleagues to join me in the creation of our Israeli Material Claims Org. to claim $100B in compensations, reparations and restitutions from the USSR/Russia, EU and Arab states for the genocide of Jews, crimes against humanity and unjust enrichment on looted Jewish assets based on my ready cases against Britain and France? Info is available. We can start with a petition to the UN and US government to enforce our reparation and restitution claims vs. Egypt and Jordan, since they had grossly violated the UN creation of Israel by repeated wars and terror, occupation of native Jewish lands (italy had recently paid $5.5B to Libya for occupation) and lands allocated to Israel by int. agreements, crimes against humanity, desecration and destruction of synagogues. Class action vs. Iraqi Central Bank for Iraqi Scud bombardment damages in Israel is ready as well. In cases of Egypt, Jordan and Iraq, US financial aid to them can be confiscated in the amount of our claims. Prof. Sol Budnik president, UTG-PRI LTD. Tel Aviv |
Friday, 30 April 2010
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Britannia Radio