Leaving Islam Ads on the road again! I am thrilled to report that the legal matter with Miami Dade Transit has been settled. Not only will FDI and SIOA's buses be going back up, but another twenty will be added to the original buy and rolling down the sweet streets of Collins Avenue. This is a huge victory on the constitutional issues. This is the work of SIOA. Have you joined our Facebook group yet? Go here now! Have you made a contribution to the bus campaign? Robert and I want to roll this out nationwide. We have no big money, big donors. We aren't Daniel Pipes or CSP or FDD -- we are two people fighting with all the gusto we can muster. Every dime you contribute goes into these initiatives like FDI at CPAC (buy the DVD), the Aqsa Parvez Memorial, Geert Wilders at CPAC -- these were actions that I developed and executed with my indispensable colleague Robert Spencer. But we cannot do it without you. CANNOT. I am not CAIR with 50 million in dirty Saudi dollars. I am the individual -- trying to change the course of human events. We make things happen. We are on the offense in this war on the West. Help us. Make a Paypal contribution NOW to director@jihadwatch.org (still waiting on a 501c status for SIOA). We are going nationwide with this campaign, we need dough for buses and lawyers. Ads will be back up May 3rd. Here is the our lawyer, David Yerushalmi's, statement: Case Demonstrates that CAIR is a Fraudulent Civil Rights Organization Lobbying on behalf of Hamas and the OIC: The bus ad, which appears immediately below, began running on Tuesday, April 13th. Just two days later, on Thursday, after pressure from CAIR, the bus ads had already been pulled down and Mr. Yerushalmi’s clients received notice of the ad contract termination through media reports on Friday. CAIR, as it typically does, issued nationwide press releases and blasted emails to tens of thousands of outlets on Friday crowing over its “victory” of suppressing free speech on the grounds that the ads promoted “bigotry”. Newspaper and other media stories in the Miami Herald, the Orlando Sentinel, Fox Business News, and NBC ran blindly with the CAIR-generated story on Friday with headlines like: “Miami-Dade Transit Throws Islamic Ad Under the Bus.” Ironically, CAIR, which has been named by the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI as a Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas front group and unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror fund raising trial—a trial which culminated in guilty verdicts for all of the Muslim Brotherhood defendants—claims it is “the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights organization.” “It is ironic,” Mr. Yerushalmi noted, “that the media allows CAIR to claim the mantle of a civil rights organization when it embraces censorship by the government all in the service of the “anti-blasphemy” platform of the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC), which calls for international legislation providing for criminal penalties against anyone who “insults Islam and its prophet Mohammed.” Mr. Yerushalmi added that the Center for Security Policy, a leading Washington D.C. national security think tank run by former Reagan administration official Frank Gaffney, has documented that CAIR is an illegal, unregistered foreign agent of the OIC, receiving millions of dollars from Islamic countries in order to pursue their political goals in the U.S. (See the CAIR Observatory at www.cairunmasked.org.) Mr. Yerushalmi is General Counsel to the Center for Security Policy. By Friday, the day after the bus ads had been pulled, Mr. Yerushalmi and his co-counsel Robert Muise were prepared to go into federal court early the next week. A teleconference was arranged first with the Miami-Dade County Attorney’s office, which took place Monday afternoon. After listening to Mr. Yerushalmi’s brief, the county attorneys conceded the ads should not have been pulled. By Tuesday, Mr. Yerushalmi had negotiated a full and complete retraction of the contract termination with a NY-based attorney for CBS Outdoor. Not only would the original 10 king-sized ads go back up on the Transit Authority buses, but CBS would run an additional 20 king-sized bus ads for the same original contract price. The new agreement was inked and signed by Wednesday, April 21. The ads are expected to go back up by ____. “This is not just an important day for the First Amendment. It is a ‘teaching moment’ to the media and to others in various government agencies who come across CAIR,” Mr. Yerushalmi added. “CAIR is a criminal organization with ties to Hamas and other jihadists. This is not my opinion but the considered view of the U.S. Attorney’s office, the FBI, and the federal courts, all based on the evidence CAIR has never refuted. If you find yourself on the same side of an issue with CAIR, you’d better examine the facts a bit more closely. You’re likely in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood, even if only unwittingly.” Mr. Yerushalmi is currently prosecuting two separate fraud cases against CAIR brought by Muslim American former CAIR clients who were defrauded by CAIR. About David Yerushalmi, Esq. David Yerushalmi has been practicing law for more than 26 years. He is a litigator specializing in securities law, public policy relating to national security, and public interest law. Mr. Yerushalmi is licensed and practices in Washington D.C., New York, California, and Arizona. UPDATE Robert has a great post here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 04:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (16) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 03:36 PM in Radio Interviews | Permalink | Comments (0) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! The Tea party is endorsing a Democrat? Who voted for Nancy Pelosi? I thought the tea party was a response to the leftist coup and the RINOs who lost the core principles of individual rights, low taxes, small government................... Suckers. When the Tea Party Express last week endorsed Idaho Rep. Walt Minnick — the only Democrat to receive the backing of the conservative grassroots group — one of his Republican challengers said he was simply baffled to learn the news, considering Minnick’s past votes that line up with Democrats on the estate tax and Guantanamo Bay. “He voted for Nancy Pelosi. I mean all these things — I’m like, ‘Wait a minute. This is the guy you guys want to get behind nationally?’” said Republican Vaughn Ward, an active Marine Corps reserve officer whose candidacy for Minnick’s seat was endorsed by Sarah Palin. His initial shock, Ward told The Daily Caller during an interview Tuesday, turned to frustration upon learning from Tea Party groups in Idaho — who he said have not endorsed candidates in the race yet — that the Tea Party Express didn’t consult them before the endorsement of the Democrat. “My campaign manager e-mailed it to me the day it happened, and I thought, ‘Huh, that’s interesting.’ And I started making some phone calls around and found out that, one, they didn’t consult anyone in Idaho,” said Ward, who also faces primary competition from state Rep. Raul Labrador and three other Republican candidates. The Republican added: “It’s almost like, ‘Did they really do a thorough job of investigating his voting record?’” Sal Russo, a strategist with Tea Party Express, said the group did reach out to a number of groups and activists, many of whom support Minnick. Democrats who “are willing to stand up to Pelosi and Reid” should get support from Tea Party organizations “to encourage others” to act similarly, he said. “When you find someone willing to stand up, you got to stand up with him,” Russo said. The strategist said he wouldn’t be surprised to see the group add another Democrat or two to the list. “It can’t be a one-party issue. Fiscal responsibility has to be embedded in both parties,” he said. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 11:38 AM in RINOs | Permalink | Comments (7) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Denmark's Muslims have shown a peculiar take on multicultural sentiment, as expressed in Denmark’s public spaces (back in 2009): Back in January of 2009, Muslim Wissam Freijeh opened fire on two Israeli salesmen in the Odense Rosegarden Center (a Danish mall). Islamic antisemitism in action. Now a newly created facebook page celebrates this Muslim nazi. I received this article from a student in Denmark. It's about a group on Facebook which sings praises for "a man called Wissam Frejih, a man who shot two Jews... because they were Jews. I wrote about how problematic it is that the Danish-Palestinian youth is so antisemitic and violent." Needless to say the authors of the article have been threatened. Much thanks to Igor for translating his article (below): The group is to be discussed in the Danish parliaments Legal Affairs committee. UPDATE: Please read Robert's dead on right piece: The persistent fiction that Islamic anti-Semitism is a borrowing from Nazism Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 09:10 AM in Antisemitism:Modern Argument to Age Old Hate, DENMARK: Danish cartoons, Europe frontline, Islamic Jew hatred |Permalink | Comments (3) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! A nuclear-ready Iran is preparing for world war. Here, there, everywhere. We ...... have Obama. The gathering storm .... "Iran will develop and test an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching the United States by 2015," says a new 12 page unclassified report prepared by the Department of Defense on the Iran Military Threat. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 08:48 AM in IRAN: The Fourth Reich | Permalink | Comments (1) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! It's a dark day, America, when a leading pundit on the FOX network, even a clownish one, admits that the risk of the threat of Muslim violence outweighs the benefits of free speech. Does O'Reilly understand what he has said and done? I am not a big O'Reilly fan. He is weak and equivocal, so I don't expect much from him, but this is so profound a capitulation to Islam and a relinquishing of our most basic American freedom, it must be met with outrage and indignation. Surrender to this century's nazis out of fear is a giant step back into the dark ages. The last thing we should do in response to jihad is silence ourselves. That is sharia law. O'Reilly is advocating adherence to Islamic law on national television. Starts at minute 4:00 .... "This risk is higher than the reward." The risk of free speech is higher than the reward ...... so then what, Bill? What comes after that? Pictures of Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders, Westergaard and others and a voice over in video (Anwar Al Awlaki) talking about assassinations of those who have defamed the prophet Mohammed – “Harming allah and his messenger is a reason to encourage Muslims to kill whoever does that.” And: “there is nothing more between you and me as the sword, there will be no dialogue, there will be no forgiveness, no building bridges, no attempts of reconciliation, there will only be the sword between you and me." Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 11:50 PM in Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude, DENMARK: Danish cartoons, Europe frontline, Free Speech Silenced | Permalink |Comments (51) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! The strategy is submitting to Muslim extremists and not killing them? When did that happen? Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, is a dhimmi Jew who should be forced to live in an Islamic country. A Jewicidal asshat. DENVER – A watchdog group objected Tuesday to an evangelist's invitation to speak at the Pentagon next month, saying his past description of Islam as "evil" offended Muslims who work for the Department of Defense and the appearance should be canceled. MikeyWeinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, said inviting evangelist Franklin Graham to speak May 6, theNational Day of Prayer, "would be like bringing someone in on national prayer day madly denigrating Christianity" or other religious groups. It would also endanger American troops by stirring up Muslim extremists, Weinstein said. Graham is the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham and president and CEO of both Samaritan's Purse, a Christian international relief organization in Boone, N.C., and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, in Charlotte, N.C. He said through a spokesman that he will be a guest of the Pentagon and will speak only if he's still invited. A military spokeswoman said she was locating officials to respond to the criticism. After the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Graham said Islam "is a very evil and wicked religion." He hasn't changed his views on Islam, said his spokesman, Mark DeMoss. DeMoss quoted Graham as saying, "As the father of a son serving in his fourth combat tour, I'd be glad to know someone was leading a prayer service at the National Day of Prayer, or any other day." Weinstein, the foundation president, also criticized the Pentagon's working relationship with the National Day of Prayer Task Force, a Colorado group that organizes Christian events for the prayer day, designated by Congress. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 04:46 PM in Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude | Permalink | Comments (9) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 04:08 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Democrats Blame 'Right-Wingers' for Terrorism Pamela Geller, Newsmax If you suffered through last Sunday's morning news, you may have seen David Gregory in a particularly pompous mode, positing yet again that the real threat to America is the threat of one man, one terror attack that of Timothy McVeigh, well over a decade ago. The 15,000... Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 03:22 PM in Atlas Articles, Homeland Security? | Permalink | Comments (3) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! 2008: “I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” 2010 (bolding mine): …since any Social Security plan would probably preserve benefits for those nearing retirement, it would not help the administration achieve its goal of reducing the deficit to 3 percent of gross domestic product, from 10 percent, within a decade. One way to reach that 3 percent goal, by the calculations of Mr. Obama’s economic team: a 5 percent value-added tax, which would generate enough revenue to simultaneously permit the reduction in corporate tax rates Republicans favor. hat tip Redstate. Remember this guy? The demos used it to club George H. W. Bush to death, and Bush actually liked America. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 01:17 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Don't miss my piece today in Human Events on the suppression of free speech in Miami: Bus ads pulled for being "offensive to Islam." In an outrageous denial of free speech rights, Miami-Dade Transit last week forced the removal of a “Leaving Islam” ad campaign on Miami buses because the ads might be “offensive to Islam.” The Freedom Defense Initiative, the new organization I have begun with bestselling author and Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, and the group Stop Islamization of America started the ad campaign as a defense of religious freedom. Our ad asked, “Fatwa on your head? Is your family or community threatening you? Leaving Islam? Got questions? Get answers! RefugefromIslam.com.” It was the first time anyone offered public help to people threatened under Islam’s death penalty for apostasy. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 01:05 PM in Atlas Articles, Free Speech Silenced | Permalink | Comments (3) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! More nonsensical self-delusional crap about moderate Muslim countries, where it's s not even moderate for devout Muslims. These blasphemy laws are an insult to me; where are my laws? And Obama just partnered with Egypt to c0-sponsor a similar law at the UN. Like killing our bus ads in Miami - do not insult Islam! Law Banning Blasphemy Is Upheld in Indonesia NY Times The country Obama grew up in, drank in, and whose culture is most obviously reflected in his foreign policy and strange and peculiar love for America. How far down is the USG's head in the sand? Here's the money quote. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has told Indonesians that their nation is a living example of how Islam, democracy and modernity can not only co-exist, but thrive. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 12:03 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! In case you missed my appearance on Breitbart's B-cast earlier today discussing the Islamic supremacist suppression of free speech. Watch it now. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 01:14 AM in Atlas Interviews ...., SIOA: Stop the Islamization of America | Permalink | Comments (4) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Salvation and succor in abundance for a deeply trouble nation starving for honorable, honest and courageous leadership. Lt Colonel Allen West sent me his latest.................just in time. Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Retired) “Kiss the Ring” Greetings Wheels on the Road (WOTR) readers, fellow South Floridians, and all Americans, time for another monthly political assessment. There are so many thoughts running through my brain but they all come back to the events of Thursday, 15 April 2010….Tax Day. On that day I had the distinct honor and pleasure to address two TEA Party groups; Ft Lauderdale and West Palm Beach. It was a fantastic gathering of everyday Americans with their families. However, we get the topic of this month’s installment from our dear President. It was President Obama who after the tax day rallies admonished the participants that they should just say, “Thank You”. That is correct; his highness believes that you loyal subjects should be thankful for all the new taxes and growth of government imposed in his first year. So what exactly is the T.E.A. Party movement, first of all it stands for Taxed Enough Already, and associates itself with the original Boston Tea Party. The first tea party lamented the issue of “taxation without representation”. The current tea party addresses “taxation with misrepresentation”, as evidenced by the Obamacare legislative process involving more broken arms than at a rugby match./p> The tea party today is made of all walks of life and it is just amazing how so many are seeking to define it and harness it into something which they can understand. It is a movement of American conscience, not a political party. It is a movement that is based upon principle of governance and philosophy, not partisan politics. When you are at a tea party event you feel a sense of that which started America on this road some 233 years ago; human will and yearning for Liberty. Regardless of the insidious claims, this movement stretches across race, gender, age, and ethnicity. If you recognize that which makes America unique, and yes President Obama, exceptional, you understand the tea party movement. But why is it that the tea party has drawn so much attention, negative mostly, from media sources and political operatives? One word, it is fear. Today is the 15th anniversary of a tragic and terrible day in America, the Oklahoma City bombing. What should be a day of remembrance and mourning was used by another Democrat President, Bill Clinton, to launch a despicable attack against the tea party movement. Clinton made the comparison of what resulted in the deaths of 168 Americans to Americans seeking to “redress their grievances to government”, highly disgusting and dishonorable. In accordance with such we have Time magazine writer Joe Klein accusing Sarah Palin and others of sedition, a felony crime. What we are witnessing is the imagined fear of the liberal progressives in America. They are attempting to create a sense of intimidation and violence where no such thing exists. The constant stoking and probing for the smoking gun that will solidify their claim comes up empty time and time again. The real fear of the liberal progressives is that the silent majority is no longer silent and is rejecting their collectivist, big government agenda centered on nationalizing production and expansion of the entitlement class. Americans are rejecting the notion of the nanny-state where we find 47% of Americans are not paying taxes. We are rejecting the liberal progressive objective of having a majority of Americans wedded to government either by subsistence checks or by employment. The real fear is that since 2006 the Democrat party has laid ruin to our fundamental principles upon which America was built, namely our Constitution. They realize that there is a true danger for them in the mid-term elections of 2010, that means you too Ron Klein! And that is not intimidation, just means we will defeat you in the Congressional race for Florida district 22./ If one really wants a lesson in political intimidation you need only look to the history of the Democrat party. It is the party which created the Ku Klux Klan as its terrorist arm. It is the party of segregation, Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, and lynching, among other forms of violence. It is the party that reversed much of the Reconstruction era civil rights legislation and would have blocked the Civil Rights Act of the early 1960’s, save not for Republican Senator Everett Dirksen. Today the Democrat party maintains its intimidation mantra through the thugs of ACORN, SEIU, New Black Panther Party, Code Pink, and anarchist groups. See if any political party recognizes violence and intimidation in America, it is the Democrat party. Now with the media in tow, they have expanded their means by which to attack simple Americans yearning for their freedom and liberty. Let us never forget the heinous treatment of former President George W Bush and the last American President to be shot……a Republican, Ronald Reagan. It is beyond contempt and belief that the party who promoted slavery and segregation is now attempting to call anyone racist. I find it absolutely humorous when the left attacks me as a; radical, racist, uncle tom, oreo, sellout, and token. The actions of the left media who interviewed a black Gentleman at a tea party trying to coach him into condemning the tea party as racist is reprehensible, but indicative of the MSM. The real racists in America are liberal progressives. Their dishonest tyranny which promotes failing social welfare policies centers on enslavement, not empowerment. They have created a new 21st century plantation and utilize such people as Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the Congressional black caucus as their plantation overseer’s. The duplicitous hypocrisy of a Senator Harry Reid making statements about “light-skinned” and “non-negro dialect” as being acceptable to him is the essence of racism. How funny, that the mindless lemming lap dogs who refer to themselves as black leaders gave him a pass. Therefore, I am proud to stand with my American Brothers and Sisters, and their children, at TEA Party events and rallies. I would rather stand with them than live in shame and submission to the party of slavery, secession, segregation, and now socialism. It is amazing to me that President Obama and his cronies find it hard to address our real enemies; Islamic terrorists, muslim extremists, and jihadists. Instead he seeks to ridicule and demonize Americans exercising their Constitutional rights, truly Alinsky style. The TEA Party movement is about the rejection of his policies, not his skin color. The TEA Party movement is about rejecting ruling class elitism and career politicians that feel Americans should say thank you and in submission, “Kiss the Ring”. Americans have no issue with being justly governed, but we will reject being ruled, ask the last fella who tried, King George III. We are having a TEA Party across the land, time for true Americans to make a stand. Steadfast and Loyal! LTC A B West (USA, Ret) Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 06:15 PM in Allen West: Lt. Colonel's Column from Kandahar | Permalink | Comments (22) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 03:35 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! The Orlando Sentinel calls the newly formed pro-freedom, human rights group an anti-Islam hate group for trying to help apostates but never identifies CAIR as an un-indicted co-conspirator, Hamas tied, Muslim Brotherhood front. Needless to say, they have pulled the article. Libel is libel and slander is slander. They call this journalism. "Miami-Dade Transit Drops Anti-Islam ads," by Jeff Kunerth in the Orlando Sentinel, April 19: The South Florida CAIR asked that the ads, produced by the hate group Stop the Islamization of America, be dropped because they promote bigotry and may fuel discrimination against ordinary Florida Muslims. "We believe Miami-Dade Transit did the right thing in dropping this campaign of hatred and intolerance," said CAIR-SFL Executive Director Muhammed Malik. "The advertisement's reference to apostasy is merely a smoke-screen for the promotion of anti-Islam bigotry and the attempted marginalization of American Muslims." Robert added this comment: SIOA stands for the freedom of speech, the equality of rights of all people before the law, and the freedom of conscience (as exemplified by these bus ads, designed to protect those threatened with death for leaving Islam, in accord with Islam's traditional death penalty for apostasy, which comes from Muhammad the Islamic prophet's dictum, "If anyone changes his religion, kill him"). All of these are denied in Islamic law. Would you then defend their extinguishing and characterize their defense as "hate"? Please note also that the Council on American-Islamic Relations is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case, has had several of its officials convicted of jihad terror activities, and has opposed every anti-terror measure introduced since 9/11. Which one is the "hate group" again? The Orlando Sentinel ought to be ashamed to publish this defamatory nonsense. And I added the comment I posted on Jaweed's smear piece at The Miani Herald: Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 02:38 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Once again the global jihad plainly states their goal of worldwide domination as demanded and prescribed by Islamic teaching and the Koran. But Obama and his leftraitors insist Timothy McVeigh is the problem -- got that? Top Ranked Islamic Site Calls for the Final Jihad! By Logan's Warning Another excuse that I hear frequently is that Muslims are nowhere near the majority in the West. This does not matter though, as they never stop pushing, and the Koran instructs them that they do not have to be anywhere the majority to defeat the enemy. The day is soon coming when non-Muslims will have only three choices, convert to Islam, accept Islamic rule and live as a second-class citizen, or die. Take a look in the mirror. Do you have it in you to stand up for life as we know it, for your families future generations? They are counting on you. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 01:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (5) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! It's only a matter of time that they'll succeed somewhere, sometime ................"al qaeda," arabic translation of Centcom or HQ, foiled in their plot to conquer Canada. Toronto 18 wanted to behead prime minister, announce it on CBC tv Creeping sharia Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 12:22 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (6) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! And the hits keep coming ............Jaweed Kaleem continues to shill for CAIR in his latest hit piece on the bus campaign and SIOA. Join SIOA today -- go here -- help us fight this. Here is what he wrote yesterday: The ads, which went up Tuesday, said ``Fatwa on your head? Is your community or family threatening you?'' and directed Muslims to a website encouraging them to leave Islam. Robert Spencer, associate director of New York-based Stop the Islamization of America, which purchased the ads for one-month as the first leg of a national campaign, said they were ``offered in defense of religious liberty.'' But on Thursday, Miami-Dade Transit spokeswoman Karla Damian said that after reviewing the ads, the department decided they ``may be offensive to Islam'' and would remove them before the buses ran on Friday. Damian said the ads were able to initially go up because Miami-Dade Transit has an outside company sell ad space and does not routinely review ads before they run. The South Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations had critiqued the ads as promoting ``bigotry'' and making false statements about Islam. ``Islam guarantees freedom to and freedom from religion. . . . [We] reject as un-Islamic any extremist interpretation that sanctions the killing of any individual because she decided to `leave Islam,'' said director Muhammed Malik. To which I commented: I emailed Kaleem separately and said: Jaweed, Why is CAIR named without it's criminal and terror tied history? And why doesn't the Miami Herald, the free press, express outrage at the violation the first amendment. Apostasy is punishable by death - the corpses are many. Ibn Warraq, Wafa Sultan, Nonie Darwish, former Muslims, could all speak to this Yours in liberty, Pamela Executive Director SIOA RELATED: WE ARE SUING MIAMI-DADE TRANSIT! Help Us fight! Miami Transit Pulls SIOA "Leaving Islam" Ads: Living Under Sharia SIOA Nationwide Ad Campaign Kicks off in Miami: "Leaving Islam ... Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 11:26 AM in CAIR: JIHAD IN AMERICA 2008, 2009, Free Speech Silenced, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD, SIOA: Stop the Islamization of America | Permalink | Comments (2) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! If you suffered through Sunday's morning news shows on the alphabet networks, David Gregory, particularly pompous and moronic, posited yet again that the real threat to America is the threat of one man, one terror attack -- well over a decade ago, Timothy McVeigh. The 15,000 Islamic attacks across the world since 911 are "fringe." Lord knows, nudnik Napolitano's bowels are all in an uproar over the threat of McVeigh. Today is the terrible anniversary of the Oklahoma Federal building bombing. Worse still is the Democrats' exploitation of OKC to demonize patriots, tea partiers, senior citizens and great Americans working to save this great nation from the scourge of the party of treason and, worst of all, the cover-up of the OKC Islamic connection. Hussein-al-Husseini, an Iraqi soldier in Saddam Hussein's Army, sat beside Timothy McVeigh in the Ryder truck financed by Ramzi Youseff (Khalid Sheik Muhammad's nephew). The Oklahoma City bombing, exactly 15 years ago tomorrow, was the first heinous Islamic terror attack on American soil. Within our jurisdictional, legal and resource limits, the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee has conducted an intensive investigation into whether there was a foreign connection to the Oklahoma City bombing. The effort focused primarily on two theories that seemed to be based on factual evidence that, if verified, would indicate a foreign participation in the bombing. At the outset, members of Congress were met with a startling development. PART I: Possible Middle Eastern Connections There is serious, yet in some cases circumstantial, evidence that suggests a possible Middle Eastern connection to the Oklahoma City bombing (named “OKBOMB” by federal investigators): For example, of all the cities in the world, convicted terrorist Ramzi Yousef and Terry Nichols were in Cebu City in the Philippines at the same time three months before the Oklahoma City bombing. Yousef was the perpetrator of the first World Trade Center attack as well as the mastermind behind the planning of other high-profile attacks on Americans. Furthermore, Ramzi Yousef’s phone records, from the months before he detonated the first World Trade Center bomb in early 1993, show calls placed to the Filipina neighbor and close friend of Terry Nichols’ in-laws in Queens, New York. The opportunity for interaction between American terrorist, Nichols, and al-Qaeda terrorist, Yousef, is evident. One indicator that this terrorist act had broader implications came directly from Abdul Hakim Murad, Yousef’s roommate, childhood friend, and fellow convicted terrorist. On the day of the bombing, Murad claimed responsibility for this terrorist act from his jail cell in New York. He bragged to his prison guards, verbally and in writing, that the bombing of the Murrah federal building was the work of the “Liberation Army.” His confession was similar to the one Yousef had made two years earlier in the immediate aftermath of the first attempt to destroy the Word Trade Center. Hours after he drove a Ryder truck into the garage of the north tower of the World Trade Center and detonated the deadly bomb, Yousef called the FBI from a pay phone in Newark International Airport and boasted that the “Liberation Army” had conducted the attack. He then boarded a plane and escaped, ending up in Manila, Philippines. Note: the Oklahoma City Bombing followed a similar pattern to the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center —a rental truck loaded with ammonium-based explosives, using similar detonation devices, based on the strategy of driving a vehicle into or near a target. Another possibility of Islamic terrorist involvement in the Oklahoma City bombing was pursued by Jayna Davis, a local Oklahoma City television reporter. Davis did extensive research in the immediate and long term aftermath of the crime and concluded that a small group of recent Iraqi Ă©migrĂ©s living in the Oklahoma City area helped McVeigh bomb the Murrah building. She documented multiple witnesses who placed Timothy McVeigh with a foreign-looking person (and/or persons) in the days leading up to, as well as the day of, the Oklahoma City bombing. Her witnesses offer substantial support to the theory of a Middle Eastern connection and relate directly to the existence of John Doe Two. The FBI, much to the frustration of some of its own investigators, discarded the possibility of the existence of John Doe Two, two months into the investigation. There are a number of factors, including information provided by Davis, indicating the existence of John Doe Two and a possible Middle Eastern connection. Note: at the outset of the subcommittee’s investigation, former Oklahoma governor Frank Keating personally requested that the investigation be called off. During his meeting with the subcommittee chairman, Governor Keating mentioned that then- President Bill Clinton had called him only hours after the bombing. According to Keating, President Clinton’s first comment to him after the bombing was “God, I hope there’s no Middle Eastern connection to this.” This mindset, described by Governor Keating, may or may not have influenced the original Oklahoma City bombing investigators. There were many reasons to believe that there might have been a foreign connection. There should have been no hesitation to investigate and make that determination, even if it would have required a forceful retaliation. Terry Nichol's in the Philippines [...] Nichols’ skill as a terrorist seems to have grown while in the Philippines. Initially he was an unsuccessful bomb-maker. According to Michael Fortier’s testimony, Nichols and McVeigh failed miserably when they tested an explosive device in the Arizona desert just six months before they bombed the Murrah building. After Nichols’ final trip to the Philippines, he and McVeigh were fully capable of manufacturing the crude but deadly bomb that was used to bring down the Murrah federal building. Terry Nichols and Ramzi Yousef Lisa and Marife Torres had a Filipina friend and fellow “tour guide” in Shelton’s mail order bride business named Vilma Elumbaring. Lisa claims that Vilma dated a man whose last name was “Khan” and that Marife, Vilma, and Khan were together on at least one occasion at a disco in Cebu one month before Terry Nichols first traveled there. This Khan could possibly be Yousef friend and fellow terrorist, Wali Khan, who trained aspiring terrorists in the Philippines and was later convicted of plotting to blow up U.S. airliners. According to one Abu Sayyaf (see below) member who trained with Khan, he was a master at making explosives. If the “Khan,” identified by Vilma as part of the Cebu disco scene was convicted terrorist Wali Khan, that would place Terry Nichols and a Yousef ally in the same circles in Cebu City. In addition to a “Khan” being with Marife’s group in Cebu, a prominent member of the Philippine terrorist organization, Abu Sayyaf, made statements to investigators and police in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing. Edwin Angeles had trained at the terrorist camp in Mindanao around the time Wali Khan was there. Angeles told McVeigh defense team interviewers that Terry Nichols had met with Yousef, Khan, and Murad on at least one occasion in Mindanao in the early 1990s. There is no doubt, however, that Nichols and Yousef were both in Cebu City in December and January prior to the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Yousef, having successfully escaped America after exploding a bomb in the World Trade Center in February 1993, had been living in Manila with Murad and Khan. They were working on their next two part plan, Project Bojinka: a conspiracy to place bombs on twelve American airliners which would explode over the Pacific Ocean, potentially killing hundreds of Americans, and to overtake the cockpits of American airliners and crash them into buildings such as the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Yousef decided to do a test-run of his airline-bombing plot in December 1994. He took a Philippine Airline flight from Manila where, after placing his test bomb underneath a seat, he disembarked in Cebu City. The bomb exploded on its way to Tokyo, killing a Japanese businessman. Meanwhile, Terry Nichols and his wife were in Cebu City, where Marife was attending college at Southwestern University. [...] Note: Nichols hastily departed the Philippines immediately after the Yousef bomb operation was discovered and Murad was arrested in Manila.Shortly before, Nichols had arranged his reservations to leave at a later date. Inexplicably, his plans changed the day the Manila bomb plot was broken up. All this justifiably leads to speculation that the Bojinka bombing plot may have been tied to a more grandiose scheme. Had the Bojinka plot and the Oklahoma City bombing occurred in the same time frame, it would have been a spectacular worldwide attack on the American people. Evidence is circumstantial but serious questions remains. Phone Records Possibly Linking Yousef to Nichols [...]. As Chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee in October 2005, I provided the FBI with the evidence showing Yousef’s phone calls to the close friends and neighbors of Terry Nichols’ in-laws in Queens, but have not received a response that addressed these facts.To date, the FBI has not responded to my request for their assessment. Additionally, I asked the FBI for information from their Yousef investigation concerning Mila Densing. Inexplicably, they do not seem to have interviewed her. Nichols has gotten something of a pass on the culpability of his participation in this horrific act of violence. His complicated attempts to manipulate those investigating OKBOMB, including the subcommittee, suggest capabilities that belie his image as subservient to McVeigh. To this day, Nichols does not fully acknowledge his complicity in this monstrous crime, seeking instead to draw attention to others, some of whom he self-servingly hints have yet to be exposed. John Doe Two Timothy McVeigh visited Elliot’s Body Shop in Junction City, Kansas on the afternoon of Monday, April 17, 1995, in order to rent a Ryder Truck for the bombing. After the bombing, FBI sketch artist Roy Rozycki interviewed Elliot’s Body Shop employees Eldon Elliot, Vicki Beemer, and Tom Kessinger. They assisted the FBI in producing a likeness of “John Doe One” and “John Doe Two,” which were released to the public on Thursday, April 20, 1995. McVeigh was clearly John Doe One. [...] An employee at a tire store in Oklahoma City stated that he saw McVeigh and a “dark” passenger wearing a ball cap pull into the driveway of his tire store at 8:45 a.m. on April 19 and asked for directions to 5th and Harvey Streets. This witness identified Timothy McVeigh from a lineup without having seen the composite drawings. McVeigh denied stopping at a tire store to his lawyers and his methodical planning may make it unlikely that he did. Nevertheless, the witness is credible. Jeff Davis delivered Chinese food to McVeigh’s room at the Dreamland Motel in Kansas on April 15. Davis, another credible witness, claims the man who opened the door to accept the order was not McVeigh. Here, again, another participant in the crime is apparent, yet never explained by authorities. On June 14, 1995, the FBI called off the hunt for John Doe Two. [..] City Ryder truck rental remains adamant that a second man accompanied McVeigh. Eldon Elliot emphatically states that there was a second man with McVeigh, and that the FBI has aggressively pressured him to change his story. He, too, is a credible witness. Oklahoma CityIraqis Within minutes of the Oklahoma City bombing, local television reporter Jayna Davis was at the scene of the crime interviewing witnesses. In the weeks and months afterward, she continued to investigate the bombing and, in her television broadcasts, asked viewers with information to come forward. She was particularly focused on the FBI’s original sketch of John Doe Two. There are multiple witnesses in Oklahoma City who placed Timothy McVeigh with another person at the scene of the bombing. The description of this accomplice offered by the witnesses at the scene closely resembles the sketch made of McVeigh’s companion when he rented the Ryder truck. The hard fact remains that witnesses saw McVeigh with a man leading up to and on the day of the bombing. Authorities still contend that McVeigh was alone. The belief that the FBI dropped its search for John Doe Two prematurely appears justified. Davis has presented evidence that John Doe Two, who was with McVeigh in the Ryder truck on the day of the bombing, was a recent Iraqi immigrant who lived and worked in Oklahoma City. The Iraqi in question, Hussain Al-Hussaini, was one of a group of Iraqis hired to do odd jobs for a Palestinian landlord, Samir Khalil, who owned properties throughout the area. K halil hired the Iraqi newcomers, supposedly refugees from the first Gulf War, to maintain his rental properties. Khalil himself served time for insurance fraud in the early 1990s. Hussaini resembles John Doe Two and was identified by witnesses on the scene. Adding to the suspicion, Hussain al Hussani was less than forthcoming about his whereabouts the morning of the bombing. His alibi, brought out in civil court depositions, is contradictory and unconvincing. One more disturbing revelation of this investigation is that Hussain Al-Hussaini was never interviewed by federal law enforcement. More alarming is the discovery of a published list of un-indicted coconspirators from the first World Trade Center bombing that includes the name Samir Khalil. This subcommittee asked the Department of Justice to determine if the man’s name on the unindicted coconspirators World Trade Center bombing list is the same man in Oklahoma City. A letter responding to this request stated that such a task would be too “burdensome.” This unwillingness on the part of the Justice Department to look into a possible solid link between the Oklahoma City bombing and the first World Trade Center attack is extremely disappointing, bordering on dereliction of duty. To this day, federal law enforcement cannot explain what, if anything was done to examine these possible links or scrutinize Khalil’s activity related to terrorism in his hometown. Justice officials should at least show some curiosity about the subcommittee’s request as to whether there is circumstantial evidence linking two major domestic terrorist attacks. As a result, our investigation into this matter is incomplete. Conclusions Federal law enforcement has been accused of an institutional mind-set that congressional oversight is a nuisance to be avoided or blocked. That mind-set was painfully obvious during this subcommittee’s inquiry into the Oklahoma City bombing. If the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee was successful, it should have resulted 12 in a positive affirmation of federal law enforcement’s willingness to find and share vital information. Instead, Justice Department officials (and perhaps, the CIA) were less than responsive in crucial stages of this investigation, exemplifying needless defensiveness. Most of the official narrative of the OKBOMB investigation survives close scrutiny. However, this inquiry would have been significantly more complete with greater cooperation from federal law enforcement. Congressional investigators should not face such resistance in doing their job, which is to find the facts and determine the truth. Nevertheless, the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee’s efforts uncovered significant new and relevant information not previously discovered or disclosed; however, unanswered questions and unresolved mysteries remain. Discoveries ô In 2005, ten years after the bombing, after a tip to the FBI and Congress, a second stash of explosives was found under the floorboards of Terry Nichols’ house. It had been inexcusably missed during the FBI’s original searches. ô Terry Nichols brought a book entitled The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives with him to the Philippines. This clearly suggests that sensual indulgence was not the only reason Nichols visited the Philippines. ô Terry Nichols was responsible for the robbery of Arkansas gun dealer Roger Moore. Nichols acknowledged this for the first time in a two-hour prison interview with the chairman and staff of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee. ô Ramzi Yousef called Mila Densing’s apartment on multiple occasions in the period leading up to the World Trade Center bombing in February 1993. The FBI failed to interview Densing, who was a friend and neighbor of the relatives of Marife, Terry Nichols’ Filipina wife. ô Palestinian Ă©migrĂ© Samir Khalil hired Iraqis who witnesses claim were with Tim McVeigh at the scene of the bombing. The name Samir Khalil appears on the list of possible unindicted coconspirators to the first World Trade Center bombing. ô Although there are indications that McVeigh may have been involved with the bank robbers along with Strassmeir, three of the bank robbers that the committee was able to contact, Langan, Stedeford and Brescia all denied being involved with McVeigh in anyway. Michael Brescia, a paroled Midwest Bank Robber, asserted to staff that he had never met Timothy McVeigh. McVeigh privately denied knowing Brescia in communications with his legal team. ô McVeigh conceded to his legal team the OKBOMB conspiracy did begin September 13, 1994 with the passage of the assault weapons ban. Unanswered Questions 13 ô While McVeigh affirmed that the OKBOMB conspiracy began in September 1994, it remains a question if there was a meeting with Elohim radicals, including Strassmeir, on or after that date. What has been verified is that on that day McVeigh checked into a motel that day near Elohim City. ô Did McVeigh receive funds from the Midwest Bank Robbers? ô Did Kevin McCarthy ever see Strassmeir with McVeigh or did he know of a friendship between them? For a time, McCarthy was Strassmeir’s roommate in Elohim City. After being arrested, another gang member suggested McCarthy had helped McVeigh with the Oklahoma City bombing. ô Why has the Department of Justice been unable or unwilling to help the subcommittee locate Kevin McCarthy? ô Where was Hussain Al-Hussaini the morning of April 19, 1995? ô Were the several reliable witnesses wrong when they claimed to have seen McVeigh with Hussaini? ô Why was Terry Nichols concerned for his personal safety when he traveled to the Philippines in November 1994? ô Why did Terry Nichols leave $20,000 in a package at his ex-wife Lana Padilla’s house before departing for the Philippines in November 1994? Where did Nichols get the money? ô How did Terry Nichols, a man with no steady job or source of income, finance his five trips to the Philippines? ô Why was an unaccounted-for leg found in the debris after the bombing? ô Did Terry Nichols play a bigger role than he has admitted or has been thus far proven? ô Why was there so little investigatory focus on Strassmeir and Hussaini? ô Why the rush to rule out the existence of John Doe Two? Findings 1) The FBI was not justified in calling off any further investigation into John Doe Two. 2) The FBI did not thoroughly investigate the potential involvement of Andreas Strassmeir and Hussain al-Hussaini, et. al. despite evidence showing they may have played a role. 3) Authorities erred in allowing Timothy McVeigh to move forward the time of his execution while major questions remained about whether others were involved in the crime. 14 4) The DoJ has not seriously examined new information uncovered by this subcommittee. Specifically: phone records from Ramzi Yousef to a friend of Nichols’ in-laws as well as the name Samir Khalil appearing on an unindicted coconspirators World Trade Center bombing list. 5) Whether or not there was a foreign connection to the bombing is inconclusive. Questions remain unanswered and mysteries remain unresolved. Final Thoughts The original date of the 2001 execution of Timothy McVeigh was postponed by 30 days, following the belated discovery of more than 3000 documents. The files related primarily to the question of John Doe Two and eyewitness sightings. These documents did not raise significant doubt about McVeigh’s guilt. Their disappearance, nevertheless, demonstrated that, despite multiple admonitions from the presiding judge and reassurances from law enforcement, the authorities missed key files in what was then the most prominent case in US legal history. We know now they even missed a second stash of explosives hidden in the Nichols house. Read highlights of former NBC reporter Jayna's Davis's best seller: The Third Terrorist here. Within twenty-four hours, KFOR-TV's news director tapped Jayna to cover the FBI's international manhunt for the elusive John Doe 2. Initially, the Justice Department was desperate to find the mysterious Middle East suspect, but for unexplained reasons, abruptly abandoned its pursuit of the third terrorist. Did he even exist? Eyewitnesses assured Jayna that he did. With a journalist's practiced skill, the author recounts her amazing journey leading from the smoking rubble of the Murrah Federal Building to the sleazy haunts of John Doe 2. McVeigh's Middle Eastern cohorts have been solidly identified in dozens of sworn witness statements' firsthand accounts which are corroborated by a methodically assembled investigative dossier. Deconstructing the murky past of the accused paves a trail of clues leading from the plains of Oklahoma to the sands of Iraq. Hussain Al-Hussaini, a self-professed insurrectionist, told the press that he had been imprisoned for publicly criticizing the Butcher of Baghdad. But Al-Hussaini's woeful tale of "persecution" under the tyrannical reign of ousted Iraqi despot, Saddam Hussein, does not stand up to scrutiny. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 04:05 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (34) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This!SIOA LEGAL VICTORY! BIG WIN FOR FREE SPEECH! HUGE CAIR DEFEAT! LETS ROLL! MIAMI BUS ADS ROLL OUT IN BIGGER NUMBERS THAN BEFORE
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