>> MONDAY, APRIL 05, 2010
With the likelihood that Gordon Brown will FINALLY call the General Election tomorrow, the BBC are lumbering up for the final round of "Save Gordon." Last evening, I listened to the BBC Radio 4 between 10-11pm and there was the concerted witch-hunt against Chris Grayling and also an attack on George Osborne. It's going to be a tumultuous four weeks as the BBC seeks to damage the Conservatives as much as possible which I would hope David Cameron will remember when he gets in power. The malignancy of the State Broadcaster needs excised once and for all.
>> SUNDAY, APRIL 04, 2010
... to Scott Whitlock from NewsBusters and The Media Research Center for the shout out on Twitter.
That is all.
Radio Five Live whipped itself into quite a frenzy over the Chris Grayling rumpus. Stephen Nolan could hardly contain himself when the story broke during his show last night, admitting to the senior programme editor of Channel 4 News today that he was "ready to burst" waiting for the boxing to finish (not a pleasant image - can't get Mr Creosote out of my mind for some reason).
Five Live's political reporter Chris Mason shared Nolan's enthusiasm:
Anna Adams ("Interactive Reporter, BBC News") was so excited she posted her first tweets in over a week. The story remained Five Live's top headline until midday today (even the breaking news of three car bombs and dozens dead in Baghdad was deemed a lesser item on the 11am and 11.30 am bulletins). Unsurprisingly, the Tory Party's widening lead in the opinion polls was not considered very newsworthy.
The fervour shown for this story by the Beeb (and particularly Five Live) suggests that there are a number of BBC journalists simply itching to give the Tories a good kicking. Unfortunately for them I don't think most people are particularly bothered one way or the other by Grayling's views on gays and B&Bs. Still, no doubt there will be other opportunities to stick the boot in between now and election day.
Sunday night update. Keeping it going:
Update 2. And as of 10.30pm Sunday night it's the number one headline on Radio Five Live again.
Stomach turning
From today's Telegraph
The editors and presenters on Radio 4's Today programme have been told they must interview representatives of the BNP, Ukip, the Green party, SNP and Plaid Cymru on the same show, the morning after the debates.No Alka Seltzer needed for the leaders of the Greens, the SNP and Plaid Cymru, just the BNP and UKIP. So even the party that came second in the European elections is beyond the pale as far as sophisticated metropolitan BBC journalists are concerned. Too stupid to know that UKIP's leader is Lord Pearson, not Nigel Farage, though. (H-t John Anderson in the comments).
Sources said this will leave almost no room for serious discussion of how the mainstream leaders performed.
One source said: "We're all spitting feathers here. This is further proof that the BBC's obsession with 'compliance' is destroying its news coverage and journalism.
"The only result of this directive from Mark Byford and the rest of the overpaid detached senior management is that listeners will simply switch off in droves.
"The idea of having to interview the Ukip leader Nigel Farage – let alone Nick Griffin – is turning people's stomachs."
Happy Easter, Papa
I hold no brief for the Pope; I am a Protestant if anything. However, I do recognise when the forces of Progressivism see an opp for agitation, and that time is now. As a Briton, I don't really give a damn about the proclivities of papists. If guilty of a crime, let 'em go to jail. If not, let them be like every other oddity up with which we put. I cannot think of any justification for the BBC's intense interest in the Catholic church and child sex. Can it be that there are limits to tolerance? How borgeois! Or is it just al Beeb seeking to stick it into another institution of western civilisation? As a reader/viewer/citizen, I just find their scrutiny bizarre, three days running by my count. Why are the Beebies so obsessed with Catholic child sex?