Thursday, 15th April 2010
The UJS loses the plot
What on earth has got into the Union of Jewish Students? The Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS) is a principal source of anti-Jewish, anti-Israel and anti-western hatred and incitement on campus. It invites as speakers Islamic radicals and bigots who spout poison about Israel and the Jews. It is one of the main reasons Jewish students on campus run a gauntlet of hatred and intimidation. If there is a body that Jewish students should be fighting with all the means at their disposal, this is it. Yet as the Director of the Centre for Social Cohesion Douglas Murray writes incredulously on his Telegraph blog, having invited Murray to speak on a panel at the NUS conference the UJS suddenly disinvited him – because it had decided to host the panel in association with FOSIS, which had made it a condition of its participation that Murray was not invited to speak.
Since when did the UJS decide to take orders from the enemies of the Jewish people, and correspondingly take a stand against such a defender of the Jews and the free world?