Thursday, April 29, 2010
Obama Engagement Rules Emboldening Iran
In keeping with his policy of appeasement, a thoroughly inexperienced Commander-in-Chief is restraining the U.S. Navy in the face of Iranian aggression, as reported here.
In a sense, the revelation recalls Obama's restraining of U.S. Navy SEALs when an American cargo captain was held hostage by Islamist-backed Somali pirates. The captain was rescued in spite of Obama, not because of him.IRAN'S ISLAMONAZI PRESIDENT COMING TO NY
The new Hitler--Iran's Islamonazi maniac-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad--is coming to New York to address a United Nations nuclear conference. As reported here, Ahmadinejad will be the featured, lead-off speaker at the IAEA event, which begins next Monday.
As China Confidential predicted, U.S. President Barack Obama's election and engagement (appeasement) policy practically guaranteed Iran that it would have the time and space it needed to advance its nuclear program to a point where it could only be stopped by war (or revolution). Even if stricter sanctions on Iran are adopted internationally, the measures will fail.
Containment will also fail. An imperialist power bent on overthrowing the power relations among nations--the status quo--cannot be contained. Instead, it must be defeated.
There is more about Ahmadinejad's "victory tour" and Obama's "bizarre and unsafe" Iran policy over here.
Not to worry! Obama is focused on fighting Muslims' "otherization," according to the administration's emissary to "the Muslim world." Click here for the report.
Question: When Iran becomes a nuclear-weapons state or a country clearly capable of producing nuclear weapons on short notice, will Obama have the decency to resign from office or at least announce that he will not run for reelection?North Korean Aggression to Go Unpunished
Nuclear-armed North Korea is again being allowed to get away with mass murder of South Koreans. Click here for the story.
Just as Hitler and the Nazis tested the European powers in the run-up to World War II, the North Korean Kimists will persist in provoking and testing South Korea ... and its ally, the United States ... while Islamist Iran, Pyongyang's partner in nuclear/missile crime, takes copious notes.
Another North Korean nuclear test is likely.Iran Threatens to Arrest Suntanned Women
Where is the outrage?
How can so-called progressives in the United States and Europe--including America's most left-wing-ever President--still stand for the appeasement of fundamentalist/fascist Islam?
Thursday, 29 April 2010
The mad mullahs of nuclear-arming Iran say suntans violate Islamic law because women should be kept covered and cloaked, veiled and hidden, etc. Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio