It has emerged that 98.5 per cent of new jobs have gone to foreign-born migrants since Labour came to power This was the day when the great cross-party silence on mass immigration - one of the most important issues of our time - finally ended. For it was the day it emerged that a breathtaking 98.5 per cent of new jobs have gone to foreign-born migrants since Labour came to power. So much for Gordon Brown's pledge of British jobs for British workers! It was also the day a study found that Labour's tax and benefits changes, which will cost £270 per UK household this year, are destroying incentives to work. An unmistakable picture emerges: Britons are being lured into idleness by the welfare trap - at huge cost to the working population - while foreign nationals pour in to take low-paid jobs. What an insane way to run a country. But the immigration issue is not only about jobs and welfare. It's also about the sheer pressure of numbers - and the way Labour has set about altering the makeup of our society. In Britain today, there are countless schools where pupils speak a dozen or more languages - none of them English. How can teachers be expected to teach, or pupils to learn? Meanwhile, hospitals, housing, prisons and transport all struggle to cope with the unprecedented influx of migrants. Indeed, from the start, this Government's handling of immigration has been a history of bungling and betrayal. Didn't the Home Office estimate that no more than 13,000 Eastern Europeans would move to Britain after the EU's enlargement in 2004? In fact well over a million had signed up to the Worker Registration scheme by 2009 - and that excludes the self-employed and countless others who did not bother to sign. Then there are the student visas - 1.5million handed out in just eight years - including some 150,000 to migrants sponsored by bogus colleges. And as James Slack reports in his audit today, Labour has granted another 1.5million applications for British citizenship. Of course, these official figures don't include the countless illegal migrants working in sweatshops and kitchens in Britain's burgeoning black economy. With our population projected to reach 70million by 2029, no wonder voters regularly place immigration among their top two or three concerns. Doesn't it defy belief, therefore, that the mainstream parties have tiptoed round this issue of burning concern to people of every colour - apparently in fear of being accused of 'racism' if they speak up? Indeed, to his deep shame, Mr Brown has himself sought to silence debate, saying anyone who dares suggest Labour is doing too little to control our borders is pandering to our 'worst instincts'. Let it be said, loud and clear: this isn't about race. It's about jobs, welfare, public services and the biggest demographic upheaval in our country's history. Mass immigration isn't a side-issue, to be discussed only by the nastier fringe parties. It's a matter of historic significance which will almost certainly be Labour's most lasting legacy. The millions who are concerned about it must no longer be treated, in David Cameron's own striking phrase, as the 'Great Ignored'. There's nothing preachy about Shirley Chaplin. She's not trying to bully anyone into accepting her beliefs. She's simply a dedicated Christian nurse, in a Christian country, who wishes to carry on wearing the small crucifix that has given her comfort for 38 years. Now an industrial tribunal rules she can't. In the midst of an election campaign, shouldn't our politicians have something to say about this outrage?Tiptoeing round the immigration taboo
Last updated at 9:07 AM on 08th April 2010More from Daily Mail Comment...
A Christian country?
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Thursday, 8 April 2010
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