At a time when any negative commentary on current events, political matters national and international is almost without exception condemned and dismissed without further consideration, how is it possible to initiate important discussion on how matters really stand? And why is it that so many people, by no means only politicians, are so adamant in their resistance to negative comments?
Firstly, it is never going to be possible to change for the better any of the things that are in desperate need of change, until it is acknowledged that the direction in which they are presently moving is impractical, counterproductive, and quite often results in the exact opposite of its intended aim. Therefore, however unpalatable it may be, it is essential that these matters should be faced squarely and honestly, the wrong direction and the wrong result admitted and the reasons identified, in order that appropriate changes and improvements can be made.
Those who claim political leadership should be among the first to admit mistakes, and to deal honestly with the public by explaining what is now needed. But politicians will, it seems, do almost anything to avoid this. This is a normal human response, since none of us likes to admit mistakes. But politicians are additionally inhibited from such honest plain speaking by the knowledge that many of the population themselves DO NOT WANT either to hear that message or to face up to the frequently unpleasant and inconvenient consequences of the required changes. This in no way excuses the cowardice of the politicians, but neither does it excuse the members of the public who are just as anxious not to face the facts.
If a car is headed at some speed towards the edge of a cliff, the driver is culpable if he ignores warning signs along the way. This does not alter the fact that he and the passengers will undoubtedly come to a very sticky end if the signs are ignored and the journey to destruction continues. And if the driver refuses to heed the signs, the passengers themselves have some responsibility to do whatever they can to MAKE him stop and turn around.
So it does rather seem that the population is in the grip of a death wish, at the moment. Anything rather than draw the conclusion that they are headed towards the edge of the cliff, because apparently, they would rather risk extinction than retrace their route and embark on another road, which will take them away from the danger ahead.
And why should this be? Well, in terms of our present society, one of the reasons is that things have been materially far too comfortable for far too long, and the road back in the other direction towards some lasting stability is by no means all smooth tarmac – there are numerous potholes in it that will make for an uncomfortable ride, and bumps and humps that may well damage or even destroy the suspension. After years of material comfort and prosperity, it is simply too much for many people to grasp that it is rapidly coming to an end, and for many that end may well be final if our direction is not changed. The longer we delay facing that, the longer, harder and more hazardous will be the route back, and material comfort will certainly not be the order of the day for many a long year.