Tuesday, 20th April 2010
Yesterday, I wrote in the Daily Mail that David Cameron’s hope’n’change strategy of repositioning the Tories on the left, in the stupid belief that this was the way to win the trust of British voters, had left him totally unable to deal with the Nick Clegg phenomenon. His paralysis was plain for all to see in last Thursday’s TV talent show. Trying to puncture the Clegg bubble by personalised election homilies from his garden won’t help either. It’s what Cameron is actually saying that matters. And he’s still not saying what he needs to say, because he hasn’t understood that his problem lies with his entire strategy. Saying as he said yesterday from the shrubberies of Notting Hill that ‘only the Tories could blow apart the old way of doing things’ merely shows that the Cameroons really, really don’t...
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
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Britannia Radio