Thursday, 22 April 2010

US debate on military option does not impress Tehran 
DEBKAfile Special Report April 21, 2010, 5:41 PM (GMT+02:00) 
Tags:  Iran nuclear   US-Iran  
US Dep. Defense Secretary Michele Flournoy

The Obama administration appeared torn by internal debate when Wednesday, April 21, US deputy defense secretary Michele Flournoy said: "The US has ruled out a military strike against Iran's nuclear program any time soon " - only to be contradicted a few hours later when the Pentagon spokesman denied the United States had dropped its military option.
Iranian officialdom believes the debate is a trick to put them to sleep, while the US gradually builds up its Persian Gulf forces to peak in two or three months.

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The Middle East nuclear race is already on
DEBKAfile DEBKA-Net-Weekly
April 20, 2010, 12:19 PM (GMT+02:00) 

Tags:  Middle East   nuclear bomb   Saudi Arabia 

Saudis lead the race

The Obama administration's nuclear initiatives and strategy for Iran have not managed to thwart a Middle East arms race. That race is well under way with Saudi Arabia in the van - as DEBKA-Net-Weeklyreveals in exclusive detail in its coming issue out Friday. 
Washington is now trying hard to grab the steering wheel and safeguard itsPersian Gulf interests.
To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weekly,click here 

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Iran's radar-evading unmanned speedboat debuts in Hormuz exercise
DEBKAfile Special Report
April 22, 2010, 3:22 PM (GMT+02:00) 

Tags:  Iranian naval exercise   speedboat 

Bladerunner 51 reborn as Iranian terror craft

Modeled on the Bladerunner 51 sporting speedboat, Ya Mahdi is proudly displayed in the large-scale military exercise launched by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the Straits of Hormuz Thursday, April 22.
Iran claims it can blow a 7-meter hole in any enemy warship with its extra-fast Russian-made torpedoes and is now in mass production.

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