Long-Term Unemployment at Post-WWII High: In March 2010, over 44 percent of unemployed Americans met or exceeded that standard—the highest rate since World War II. Initial jobless claims increase unexpectedly: The number of newly laid-off workers seeking unemployment benefits rose last week, a sign that jobs remain scarce. Study: 1.2 million households lost to recession: As friends and families double up, ‘overcrowding’ is up fivefold
Friday, 9 April 2010
Conventional warheads could strike anywhere in less than an hour
By Craig Whitlock
As the White House pushes for cuts in the U.S. nuclear arsenal, the Pentagon is developing a weapon to help fill the gap: missiles armed with conventional warheads that could strike anywhere in the world in less than an hour. Continue
By Rick Rozoff
With Roza Otunbayeva as chief spokesperson if not head of a new Kyrgyz "people's government," there is reason to believe that Washington will not be dissatisfied with the overthrow of her former "tulip" partner Bakiyev. She has already confirmed that the American base at Manas will not be closed. Continue
By Glenn Greenwald
Generally, guilt is determined by having a trial where the evidence is presented and the accused has an opportunity to defend himself -- not by putting blind authoritarian faith in the unchecked accusations of government leaders, even if it happens to be Barack Obama. Continue
By Neil Irwin and Lori Montgomery
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke warned Wednesday that Americans may have to accept higher taxes or changes in cherished entitlements such as Medicare and Social Security if the nation is to avoid staggering budget deficits that threaten to choke off economic growth. Continue
Americans, I have some bad news for you:
By Lance Freeman
If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia, you’d be rioting in the streets calling for a better life. In fact, the average Australian or Singaporean taxi driver has a much better standard of living than the typical American white-collar worker.Continue
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Britannia Radio