On the very weekend that Eugene Terreblanche is murdered, it so happens that Julius Malema is suddenly sent on an "official mission" to Zimbabwe! To my knowledge this is the first time he's been sent on anything like this! And what a coincidence! This is the guy who claims (fakely I am sure), whites want to murder him, and suddenly... poof... he's off on the very weekend that a prominent Afrikaner leader is murdered by blacks. If there is one day that a white man would WANT to put a bullet through Julius Malema's empty skull, then this would be that day... and glory be... the little crybaby, race-baiting COMPLETE COWARD is busy living it up with another filthy black racist coward and mass murderer: Robert Mugabe.VERY IMPORTANT:
Julius Malema - President Zuma's Secret Agent Visits Mugabe:
We will take White Farms in SA...
Apparently, Malema is in Zimbabwe and he is having talks with ROBERT MUGABE.
As the head of the ANC Youth League he is meeting with the ZANU PF Youth League. Now this is interesting... the ZANU PF guys are busy murdering and beating up MDC people so now they can teach Malema more of the same.
It gets more interesting. Malema is apparently saying that THEY ARE ABOUT TO SEIZE THE FARMS FROM WHITES IN SOUTH AFRICA THE SAME WAY THAT THEY DID IN ZIMBABWE. I've not seen the news reports on this yet, but a friend told me it this morning!!
Folks, take a good close look at Malema. He is a guy with OFFICIAL DUTIES. I have mentioned this before. This guy is saying what he is saying BECAUSE THE ANC WANTS HIM TO.
He has been singing "Kill the Boer" even despite court rulings that this is racist. He flaunts court orders... but nobody is arresting him. Instead the ANC is running to his aid saying THEY WILL FIGHT THE COURT ORDER. It is CLEAR that Julius Malema is ACTING ON ANC ORDERS! Julius Malema was given the GREEN LIGHT by the ANC and even by President Zuma HIMSELF to go and sing this song inciting race hatred and genocide of Afrikaners.
But, it gets worse. Not only is Julius Malmea being supported by the ANC. Julius Malema is supported IN PERSON BY PRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA WHO IS MENTORING HIM AND BACKING HIM. Jacob Zuma even said that Julius is being prepared to be a future PRESIDENT OF SOUTH AFRICA. Julius Malema is a Jacob Zuma mini-me.
Julius Malema is NOT some stupid creep... JULIUS MALEMA heads the ANC Youth League and he is being sent on OFFICIAL MISSIONS and he is being BACKED BY ANC STRUCTURES BY GOVT STRUCTURES EVEN BY PRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA HIMSELF.
Julius Malema is not just a communist attack dog on communist race-hate duties. Julius Malema is the PERSONAL SECRET AGENT OF JACOB ZUMA.
Now let me say as an aside, that President Zuma is a pro-Mugabe scumbag. He is just as pro-Mugabe as Mbeki was, and perhaps even more so. This sending of Julius Malema to Zimbabwe to speak about seizing white farm land in South Africa is hideous beyond belief. Are they about to start a FARM INVASION and WHITE RACE HATE CAMPAIGN IN SOUTH AFRICA? It seems so.
Zuma of course, rest assured, is as much a liar and deceiver of the MDC as there ever was.
Let me point you to a few past articles about this Julius Malema. Malema is ON OFFICIAL ANC DUTIES TO LEAD THE CHARGE AGAINST THE WHITES. This is race hatred and incitement of the worst kind and really folks, Whites must start going to foreign embassies, writing letters, write to the European Union and tell them, the ANC is preparing to make race hatred moves against us. I am tired of this nonsense and it is about time it came to an end.
I want to quote something I wrote in September 2008 about Malema which once more is borne out here in 2010 with his visit to Mugabe:-
So that tells me that Julius Malema has been GIVEN THE TASK of being the war dog. He is the mouth of the communist attack dogs. And he is speaking ON BEHALF OF ALL THE REST OF THEM. Malema is the mouth of Zuma. Malema is the mouth of Vavi and the SACP. Malema is no moron. Malema has been given orders and he is carrying out those orders. The greater powers that be are seeing to it that he can mouth off and nothing happens to him. He is protected because he is ON AN OFFICIAL ASSIGNMENT.
So when Malema says President Mbeki is going... he is actually talking for the communists and the far left. He is not out of line. He IS THE FRONT LINE!
NB: In that article I also mentioned this use of mysterious SMS (Cell phone text message) campaigns, which the ANC has adopted and learned from the MDC.
In the article which I quoted above (see the link below), I also point to how the ANC used Malema to attack Mbeki and his supporters). Malema is on official duties, as I said before: MALEMA IS THE FRONT LINE! See: S.Africa: The New Communist Attack Dogs - BEWARE of the ANC Youth League - Is President Mbeki about to fall?
South Africa: Communist attack dog goes after White Liberal woman: Zille is 'a racist little girl' - Malema
South Africa: Communist attack dog Julius Malema & Zuma now speak of Love & Christian forgiveness - My comments
Back in 2008, President Jacob Zuma was trying to fool us all by "reinterpreting" what Malema said. This is another old ANC trick. When you do catch them out, they then try to pretend that you can't understand english and you "misunderstood" what they said. Its all bull and later contradicted by themselves. The other day Zuma basically was telling people that Malema is being groomed to be the future President. They see Malema as a HERO! He is the guy who will lead the charge in the final battle to drive the whites out. Here we are back in 2008 where President Zuma defended that filth: Julius Malema: S.Africa: Communist Jacob Zuma tries to "reinterpret" Malema comments
The pattern is clear folks. For 2 years President Zuma has stood by Malema more and more. Whenever Malema's campaigns to incite racial hatred crash on the rocks, the ANC including President Zuma have to come out MORE AND MORE INTO THE OPEN TO GIVE A WINK AND A NOD AND TO GIVE HIM CREDIBILITY BECAUSE HE IS THEIR SECRET AGENT ON OFFICIAL DUTIES. He is agent 00-dud, but he is their agent, and his job is to incite black people into race hatred against whites. He is being prepared for a future war. And I think it is time that President Zuma and the ANC be taken to task for this endless incitement of racial hatred and preparing for the GENOCIDE of whites, but primarily Afrikaners.
Posted By: Jan
AfricanCrisis Webmaster
Author of: Government by Deception
My all time favourite movie quote is from the Dwarf in Lord of the Rings:
"Certainty of death, small chance of success... what are we waiting for?"
Monday, 5 April 2010
Date Posted: Sunday 04-Apr-2010
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Britannia Radio