Sunday, 18 April 2010

We Shall Overcome - Martin Luther King

We Shall Overcome - Joan Baez

...and The Cold Eyed, Dark Eyed Fraud Who Is A Disgrace To King's Words


Afghanistan: A Conspiracy of Silence

'An IoS poll shows 77 per cent of Britons want our forces to come home and a majority believe our presence makes UK streets less safe from terrorist attack. Yet all three parties are ducking this most critical issue.'

Read more: Afghanistan: A Conspiracy of Silence


Council Tried to Seize ‘Veggie’ Child

'A couple have won a legal battle to prevent social workers taking their five-year-old son into care after the authorities claimed that his health had been damaged by a meat-and-dairy-free diet.

Social services even tried to get police to investigate the family and threatened to seize the boy’s two older siblings during the two-year ordeal. The parents, Ken and Marie, were forced to represent themselves in court after their legal aid was removed — simply because they had insisted on contesting the case.

Last week a family court judge removed an interim supervision order on the child previously obtained by social workers and ruled that he must be taken off the at-risk register.'

Read more: Council Tried to Seize ‘Veggie’ Child


Why is FEMA Trying to Cover Up NLE 10?

'Public Intelligence has received a request from FEMA to remove a “For Official Use Only” document regarding the National Level Exercise 2010 (NLE 10), which was scheduled for this coming May. The exercise was to be based on National Planning Scenario 1 which simulates a nuclear detonation in a U.S. city. However, recent political pressure has led to the exercise being “scaled back” according to the Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor and a variety of other publications. At the behest of Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), the exercise’s Nevada events have reportedly been canceled and the FEMA website now shows no mention of NLE 10.

On top of this, the Obama administration has recently been emphasizing the threat of a domestic nuclear attack. President Obama’s remarks at the Nuclear Security Summit on April 13, 2010 emphasize that the threat of terrorists using nuclear weapons inside of major metropolitan cities is one of the “greatest threats” that the world faces.'

Read more: Why is FEMA Trying to Cover Up NLE 10?