Today, Populus reports in the Times that the Tory lead has slid to a mere three points ahead of Labour. Go figure. As said here over and over again, the runaway winner so far is ‘none of the above’. The public have had it with Gordon but just don’t believe Dave. Somehow I doubt that yesterday’s launch of the Tories’ little blue book with its invitation to ‘join the government of Britain’ is going to cause the electorate to slough off their epic distrust and cynicism towards the entire political class. I guess the televised... Labour are to signal a return to a Blairite agenda with manifesto pledges on family rights and anti-social behaviour in an attempt to recapture Middle England voters let us marvel at the ever-more baroque architecture of political triangulation. As the Cameroons veer leftwards, Gordon Brown is positioning himself in the vacuum they have created on the right. Why has he done this? Simple. Because even he knows – and Peter Mandelson most certainly knows, but David Cameron doesn’t appear to grasp – that general elections are never won on the left but in socially conservative Middle England. That’s why Blair won, because he campaigned on crime and family values. He actually stood for something completely different, of course, and Brown even more so; Labour’s pitch is risible. But that’s another matter. The point is that in the politics of cynicism, there’s a right way to triangulate and a wrong way. Blair/Brown got it right. David Obameron has got it wrong. Wednesday, 14th April 2010
The election that is setting us all on fire
By common consent, just about every political commentator concluded last week that Labour had had a truly terrible start to the election campaign while the Tories’ presentation had been near flawless. 'The Tories have got the better of the argument', was the universal chorus.Monday, 12th April 2010
Triangulation, triangulation, triangulation
When we have all finished guffawing at the idea, reported in today’s Telegraph, that
Thursday, 15 April 2010
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Britannia Radio