Friday, 9 April 2010

Weekly Commentary: Israel Must Reject American Nuclear Blackmail

Dr. Aaron Lerner                   Date: 8 April 2010

Is the Obama Administration applying nuclear blackmail to the Jewish State?
Well, what exactly do you call it when elements in his team link stopping a 
nuclear Iran to the creation of Palestinian state?
Let’s make this clear:
The Saudis and the rest of their brothers in the Gulf want Iran to be 
prevented from going nuclear at all cost.  And their opposition to a nuclear 
Iran has absolutely nothing to do with what flag flies over Abu Dis – let 
alone the Temple Mount.
Let’s make it even easier to comprehend:  If Israel did not exist the Saudis 
and the rest of their brothers in the Gulf would still want Iran to be 
prevented from going nuclear at all cost.
As for other players: if one were to map out the complex web of interests 
that drives Chinese and Russian policies vis-à-vis the Iranian nuclear 
challenge, the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would most 
likely not even be on the page.
Sure, when someone wants to curse Uncle Sam they may throw in mention of 
Israel.  But the desire to curse came first.  And if they couldn’t mention 
Israel they would curse America for the next thing down the list.
Back to our situation here in Israel.
Now, it doesn’t have to make sense when a blackmailer connects between two 
things.  The point is that the connection is being made.
First of all, and with a heavy heart, one has to take into account that it 
appears that this blackmailer can’t deliver the goods.
Even if we were to obediently follow Mr. Obama’s marching orders it does not 
appear that he has the will or determination to actually prevent Iran from 
going nuclear.
And if he could in fact deliver the goods?
A wise blackmailer never lets his victim off the hook.  And no one is 
claiming that President Obama is dumb.
Create a Palestinian state or Iran won’t be contained.
Withdraw from the Golan or all bets are off.
Give autonomy to the Arabs in the Galilee or the program will fail.
Stop blowing that noisy shofar at the Western Wall
It would never end.
So.  As painful and as challenging as it may be.
And it is.
Our interests are best met by rejecting this blackmail and moving on.
America’s interests are served by preventing a nuclear Iran.
The interests of the Gulf States are served by preventing a nuclear Iran.
If anything, it might help to expedite matters for Mr. Obama to know that he 
has no Palestinian-Israeli developments to wait for before his team finally 
seriously addresses the Iranian challenge.
Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730