Weekly Southern African Report
From Jan Lamprecht
Southern Africa in Crisis
Sunday, 11th April 2010From 1994-Present over 3,000 Farmers have been murdered in S.Africa.
Many thousands of their farm workers have also been murdered too.
Click here for Photos & Updates - WARNING: Very Graphic & GruesomeS.Africa: I told Jeff Rense: Here's the REAL REASON why Afrikaners will remember Eugene Terreblanche and NOT FW De Klerk...
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: During my 2 hour show, I discussed Eugene Terreblanche only at the end. I think the final 8 minutes are worth keeping and maybe even putting on YouTube. I will put this up later this week. I think you (By Jan)...[Pic] S.Africa: This is what Black people want... Genocide of the Boers... Kill the Farmers...
Monday 05-Apr-2010: I spotted this photo on the BNP website. This photo really says it all. This is what black people want... and they say it unashamedly in public. Answer this: Why shouldn't WE feel like killing the (By Jan)...S.Africa: White Genocide: A Zimbabwean friend tells me: Jan, the Black people want us OUT... I have no hope, we Whites are too stupid...
Monday 05-Apr-2010: A friend of mine with an "interesting" background in covert ops in his younger days wrote this to me:- THEY WANT US OUT - but we seem to dance to their tune and act and behave precisely the way the (By Jan)...S.Africa: IMPORTANT: The ANC's NEW LIES about Eugene TerreBlanche, The Week the ANC thought they could smear all Whites for their Race war & Genocide plans...
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: I'm recovering from an intense week at work. I was at work until 11pm last night, feel into bed at midnight and will just rest a bit more. But I'll get the radio interviews and other news items up. I (By Jan)...IMPORTANT: S.Africa: How people responded to my challenge to President Jacob Zuma on a RACE WAR NOW!!
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: As many of you know, I issued my own personal challenge to President Jacob Zuma and Julius Malema personally, saying: If you want race war NOW, then let's have it IMMEDIATELY without further preparati (By Jan)...S.Africa: Are Whites to become the slaves of Blacks?
Monday 05-Apr-2010: [Take a look at this fascinating piece from MySASucks blog. The short answer to this question is: Yes for Mugabe and ZANU PF, and Yes, for the ANC/COSATU/SACP. Oh, and not only must we be their slaves (By Jan)...ANC Planning Zim-Style Land Grab
Monday 05-Apr-2010: South Africa's ruling ANC Party plans to enforce a massive Zimbabwe-styled land grab after the Fifa 2010 World Cup Games, with Zimbabwe's Zanu PF and War Veterans providing crucial support for the eff (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...NY Times: Zimbabweans Want Rhodesia Back
Friday 09-Apr-2010: New York Times op-ed columnist Nicholas D. Kristoff writes that every Black African he has met in Zimbabwe says Rhodesia was better than the Marxists dictatorship of Robert Mugabe, and they want White (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...S. Africa: IMPORTANT: Black Man: COPE Youth Leader writes a Letter to Julius Malema - STOP SINGING THE SILLY RACIALLY CHARGED SONG!
Friday 09-Apr-2010: [Excellent. Its good to see someone from COPE saying something. Jan] Submitted by K. Nel There are coments if you follow the links. Letter to Julius Malema by Lukhona Mnguni April 5, 2010 De (By JoAn)...[Pic] S.Africa: An excellent photo of Eugene Terreblanche... Why Eugene became this way...
Monday 05-Apr-2010: One of our volunteers, JanOlifant found this great photo of Eugene Terreblanche. The man will be maligned, but people should sit back and think why is was what he was, and why the African experienc (By Jan)...S.Africa: Affirmative Action: Lessons from my Work - How black people completely miss the point - another reason why they fail...
Monday 05-Apr-2010: I have to tell you all this story from my work. It shows how Black people, modern black people, completely miss the point that is right before their eyes. A few months ago, one of the Computer Prog (By Jan)...S.Africa: IMPORTANT: Black Race baiter Julius Malema Goes Ape, Kicks Out BBC Reporter
Friday 09-Apr-2010: While the South African media is busy making drama out of AWB Secretary General Andres Visagie's televised outburst, ANCYL leader Julius Malema had his a tirade of his own today, throwing a BBC report (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...[Video] Malema Considers Whites "Thing[s]" - Dehumanization of Whites
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Now most people by now have heard Malema's outrageous attack on the white journalist, with words such as 'bastard' and 'agent'. However, if we listen closely, Malema calls the journalist a "thing", no (By JanOlifant)...VERY IMPORTANT: A must see American Racist Film: Birth of a Nation - One of the top 100 movies of all time (to be shown on eTv S.Africa)
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: [I spotted this fascinating piece, on a website this morning, and I want to draw everyone's attention to it. In his book, "WHITE POWER", George Lincoln Rockwell, the American NAZI he quotes from Thoma (By Jan)...Zim: Very Interesting: Julius Malema says: Communism coming to S.Africa soon; fears Western Invasion; hates Whites, wants to Kill Boers
Monday 05-Apr-2010: [What is interesting here is something you've never seen before. Malema actually suggests the possibility of a "foreign invasion" of Zimbabwe, and he seems to be afraid of it. But he continues wit (By News Poster)...Very Important: S.African Institute for Race Relations press release: The murder of Eugene Terreblanche - Racial tensions increase...
Friday 09-Apr-2010: [The SAIRR do a pretty good job of assessing racial matters. This is most important. I have retained all their contact info for those who wish to speak to them. Jan] Press Release For immediate releas (By Jan)...S.Africa: 2010: A very big LIE about Jacob Zuma and Julius Malema that the Mass Media spreads...
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Folks, There seems to be an enormous lie doing the rounds these days, and I'm getting bloody sick of this lie. The lie is as follows: "Jacob Zuma is NOT leading the country... the country is leaderle (By Jan)...South Africa: Malema Menace and ET's Murder - Benefit Can Still Emerge from Senseless Killing
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Johannesburg - Perhaps the TerreBlanche murder will spur on those trying to create a better society - one that works for all.IT WOULD be spectacular theatre were the defence of the two men arrested fo (By News Poster)...S.Africa & Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe & Jacob Zuma play a naughty game I played in Primary School... with Murder in mind...
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Have you seen President Jacob Zuma rushing around with his fake concern over the murder of Eugene Terreblanche? Zuma even phoned family members of Terreblanche. Jacob Zuma has concern even for the (By Jan)...Zim: Has Mugabe bought Julius Malema and is Mugabe trying to bring South Africa down?
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: [Here is an interesting piece. I do think there is a definite symbiotic relationship between Julius Malema's actions (sponsored and backed by the ANC and President Zuma) and Mugabe. In my book, Govern (By Jan)...Malema - the Euphoria That Blinded Zanu PF
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Trevor MaisiriTHE recent visit to Zimbabwe by the African National Congress (ANC) Youth leader Julius Malema is expository to the juncture at which most if not all of Southern Africa's liberation m (By News Poster)...[Pics] Eugene Terreblanche: The LEADER
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: For years I believed that Eugene was perhaps too informal and straight out with his ideas, he went straight to the point of explaining his ideas and views. I believed that Eugene made it too easy for (By JanOlifant)...BELANGRIK: Ventersdorp Byeenkoms in Optog Teen Volksmoord - Dinsdag 6 April
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Môre (Dinsdag 6 April) om 08:30 kom ons voor die hof te Ventersdorp byeen. Ons gaan vreedsaam demonstreer sodat die wêreld kan sien hoe 'n volk lyk wat tans uitgemoor word. Ons het nou eenvoudig genoe (By JanOlifant)...Zimbabwe: Why Mugabe awes the ANC - What makes Robert Mugabe win? The Military & Political Genius of Robert Mugabe... outmanoevring Mighty Western nations
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: [This will be brief, but one could write this up in much greater detail. Most commentators can't understand why President Mbeki and President Zuma can fall so easily under the spell of Mugabe. But (By Jan)...S.Africa: Eugene Terreblanche was disgusting person who did damage to Afrikaners - Stupid Whites will attack Blacks... as the ANC hopes...
Monday 05-Apr-2010: [A friend sent me this interesting comment. I thought at first this comment was on the New York Times itself. I got the comment with this link: (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: Tell Us the Benefits of Chiadzwa Diamonds
Friday 09-Apr-2010: IT had all the trappings of a state visit.But below the surface of speeches, presidential receptions and a busy itinerary, Julius Malema's solidarity tour was nothing more than a squalid pantomime des (By News Poster)...[Afrikaans] Brilliant: The Murder of Eugene Terreblanche: Letter to the Editor of Die Beeld, Die Burger, News24....
Monday 05-Apr-2010: [A friend of mine who holds a high rank in an Afrikaner organisation wrote this cool letter to the editor. Here is the translation of the letter Jack wrote to the editors of the above publications. Th (By Jan)...BBC 04.05.1- S.African leaders warns against Terreblanche revenge
Monday 05-Apr-2010: [One could say this is all nice and cynical of Zuma - speaking to Eugene Terreblanche's family... now that he's DEAD. But President Zuma has stood by, and not said anything about Julius Malema's ongoi (By Jan)...Liberal Analysis of Eugene Terreblanche Blames Murder on Malema's Genocide Songs
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: [This piece is actually brilliant. It is a really excellent analysis of our situation. It is not in praise of ET but read right to the end. It is an excellent analysis of the general situation in sa. (By JanOlifant)...VERY IMPORTANT: UK Telegraph: A Separate Homeland For Afrikaners?
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: [This is a brilliant find by Peter the Newsguy from The Right Perspective. I read this with fascination. The British, more than anyone lampooned the Afrikaners and mocked them as dumb-asses. This is a (By Jan)...S. Africa - Post World Cup South Africa - Malema Planning to Steal White Farms
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: [BRING IT ON! We have no where else to go...STEAL our lands and WE WILL FIGHT! To the bitter end! Janolifant] HARARE - Controversial South African youth leader for the African National Congress has (By JanOlifant)...S.Africa: A former Military Intelligence officer & I agree: The ANC is trying to find new ways to smear Eugene Terreblanche
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: I was chatting to a friend of mine who was in Military Intelligence in the 1970s. He told me he had written an intelligence analysis saying that Steve Biko would one day be famous. His analysis ended (By Jan)...BELANGRIK: Optog Teen Malema - VRYDAG 9 APRIL, Paul Kruger Straat, Klerk Plein
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Alex BellConcern is high after this weekend's controversial visit by ANC Youth League (ANC-YL) leader Julius Malema, who used a ZANU PF rally to sing a song already deemed as 'hate speech' by his c (By News Poster)...Germany - Hotbed of Imperialism
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Itai MuchenaTHE hodgepodge of geometric boundaries that today divide Africa into 50 plus irregular nations under Eurocentric subjugation all started in Berlin, Germany on November 15, 1884.The infa (By News Poster)...Attention: I approved all the controversial Readers' comments... Was Eugene Terreblanche a Homosexual and Paedophile?
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: I was asked by one of my volunteers what should be done about some of the black comments because of their radical nature. I went and read all the comments and approved them all. There was one Afrikaan (By Jan)...IMPORTANT: Rally in Pretoria to Stop Malema - 9 APRIL, PAUL KRUGER STREET, CHURCH SQUARE
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Howzit Has this page outlived its usefulness? I do note that site hits have dwindled from almost 2000 a day to less than 200 a day. I do note that the huge drop in visits seems to coincide with the (By The BeardedMan)...S.Africa & America: Good Cop, Bad Cop: Julius Malema, The CIA, Stratfor & President Jacob Zuma... but the REAL BAD COP is...
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: Before Jacob Zuma was elected as President, he went on some trips to America to go and lie to the Americans there. I wrote this in 2008: [Video] Very Important: Zuma goes on a deception offensive in N (By Jan)...S.Africa: Julius Malema MUST GO TO JAIL FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT & INCITING RACE WAR & THE MURDER OF EUGENE TERREBLANCHE
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: I mentioned earlier that Julius Malema would have gone to jail in Israel for the crime of "incitement" because there was a murder that could easily be tied back to his actions. However, I must cla (By Jan)...Police Set The Right Perspective On ETB Media Slander
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: South African police investigating the murder of AWB leader Eugene Terreblanche have said that while the far-right activist was found bludgeoned and hacked to death with his pants pulled down, mainstr (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...South Africa: SHOCKING: MUGABE ALERT! ANC Youth Vow to Follow Zanu PF's Footsteps - Intimidation coming to SA
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: [Just look at this folks. Here we see the ANC Youth League willing to kill and intimidate and follow in the footsteps of Mugabe's ZANU PF Youth League. These are Mugabe's foot soldiers and the ANC is (By News Poster)...[3 Pics] Uk Newspaper says: 2010 FIFA World Cup bloodbath - Race War declared in South Africa...
Friday 09-Apr-2010: [One of our regular readers sent me this excellent piece. This is from THE DAILY STAR in the UK. This was on the 5th of April. It has these headlines telling people to beware of the FIFA world cup and (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: Rethink Death Penalty
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Harare - ZIMBABWE must now rethink the death penalty, and be ready to move from the informal moratorium now in place to abolition, replacing this ultimate sentence with life imprisonment, without poss (By News Poster)...TAU SA - Saake in die Land - JOU Plaas en JOU Wapen
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: TLU SA se dagbestuur het vandag in Pretoria vergader om die situasie in die land te ontleed en te bespreek. Die president van die organisasie, mnr. Ben Marais, sê dat na deeglike oorweging van alle (By JanOlifant)...Zimbabwe's original, true first black Prime Minister: Abel Muzorewa dies
Friday 09-Apr-2010: [The good die and the evil filth seem to live forever. Jan] Zimbabwe’s Abel Muzorewa dies By: Gilbert Bere Posted: Friday, April 9, 2010 Filed under: National The former Zimbabwe-Rhodesia (By Jan)...AfriForum: Investigate Terreblanche Murderers For ANCYL Ties
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Police should examine whether Terre’Blanche murderers have ANCYL ties Monday, April 05, 2010 [ Reads:244 / Comments:0 / 1577 ] AfriForum Youth today asked the police task team investigating the (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...South Africa: Separation of Powers
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Paul HoffmanJohannesburg - THE recent decision of the Gauteng North High Court in what could be called a preliminary sequel to the long-running campaign by Free State farmer Crawford von Abo to obt (By News Poster)...Terreblanche Murder Political: Farmers Union
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: The head of South Africa's largest farmers union says the savage murder of AWB leader Eugene Terreblanche was "probably involving government" and politically motivated. The weekend murder of Terreb (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...South Africa: Eskom Loan Would Abet ANC, Says Zille
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Linda EnsorJohannesburg - Democratic Alliance (DA) leader Helen Zille met with US ambassador Donald Gips in Pretoria yesterday to lobby against the World Bank granting an unconditional loan to Esko (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: No Escape From Justice for Perpetrators of Violence
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Nevanji MadanhireINCIDENTS of political violence are being reported from across the country. We join all those such as the Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) who condemn the resurfacing of politica (By News Poster)...Ritual sacrifice of children on rise in Uganda
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: JINJA, Uganda — Caroline Aya was playing in front of her house in January when a neighbor put a cloth over her mouth and fled with her. A couple of days later, the 8-year-old's body was found a sho (By JanOlifant)...New Twist to the 'Facts' Regarding Eugene Terre’Blanche's Horrific Murder
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Questions have been raised about the time AWB leader Eugene Terre’Blanche was killed, the Dispatch can reveal, writes Eddie Botha.Police said that Terre’Blanche was killed on Saturday at around 6pm – (By JanOlifant)...S.Africa: Send Malema to JAIL!!! How Israeli courts would deal with this: If 'Boer' Song Did Inspire Killers, Would Malema Be Culpable?
Friday 09-Apr-2010: [A friend of mine in Israel sent me this comment on how the Israeli courts would deal with this situation. He explains it below. In short, in an Israeli court, Julius Malema WOULD BE FOUND GUILTY OF I (By Jan)...Nigeria: Zimbabwe's Power-Sharing Government - One Year On
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Tony OkeraforLagos - A few weeks ago, Zimbabweans watched their country's shaky government of national unity complete its first twelve months in office. The rancorous coalition government, which co (By News Poster)...South Africa: A Loan Too Far - Why the World Bank Cannot Lend Eskom Money
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Johannesburg - THE World Bank board will be in breach of its own regulations if it decides tomorrow to grant a loan of more than $3bn to Eskom to help it build its 4800MW coal-fired power plant at Med (By News Poster)...Eugène Terre’Blanche se Moordenaar (15 Jarige) Sal Moontlik Nie Tronk Straf Dien Onder Nuwe Kinder Wet
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: Mnr. Eugène Terre’Blanche se 15-jarige vermeende moordenaar is een van die eerste kinders in die land wat ingevolge nuwe wetgewing nie soos volwassenes verhoor sal word nie. Die seun word verhoor (By JanOlifant)...Zimbabwe: SA Ruling Party Youth Leader Salutes Mugabe's Stance on West
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Harare - ANC Youth League president Cde Julius Malema has lauded President Mugabe as one of the few African leaders with guts to stand against the wishes of the West.Cde Mugabe, he said, has a strong (By News Poster)...Country's Bishop Abel Muzorewa Dies
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Violet GondaBishop Abel Muzorewa, the country's first black Prime Minister died on Thursday at his home in Harare. The Methodist Church's website said the 84 year old Bishop, who was one of the fir (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Zanu PF 'Warlord' Arrested for Bank Robbery and Murder
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Tichaona SibandaNathaniel Punish Mhiripiri, a ZANU PF 'enforcer' and an aspiring MP who shocked MDC activists in January by declaring he had 'authority and an open licence' to eliminate them, is no (By News Poster)...[23 Pics] USA: Incredible Photos! The Mass Media suppresses this... This is America, how DARE THEY IGNORE US!! The Revolution has begun... The people are ANGRY...
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: [I received this from one of my AmericanCrisis volunteers. This is so amazing. These photos were taken of a Crowd at Searchlight, Nevada. This did not even make the local news in Nevada, never mind el (By Jan)...South Africa: All Fired Up over Coal
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Johannesburg - The first of the Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations and endorsed by its global membership is to eradicate poverty and hunger, but the energy to drive the economy tha (By News Poster)...S.Africa: The Militant Pacifist - What to make of Julius Malema in Zimbabwe
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: Zimbabweans, and Zanu-PF, are still wondering what to make of Julius Malema after his Easter visit to Zimbabwe. There was the Julius who fed Zanu-PF what has become its staple: the empowerment rhe (By Jan)...Belangrikke Vergaderings om by te Woon - Afrikaner Sekuriteit
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: (lees hier, kopie en plak dit - en e-pos dit vir almal wat jy ken. As jy nie met jou broek om jou enkels gevang wil word nie dan maak jy seker dat jy die vergadering naaste aan jou bywoon. Hierdie is (By JanOlifant)...South Africa: World Bank Loan to Eskom in South Africa Causes Concern in Environmental Community
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By MediaglobalThe proposed World Bank loan of $3.75 billion to energy company Eskom will finance the building of a coal-fired power station called Medupi in Limpopo, South Africa. The coal-fired power (By News Poster)...Africa: Appraising Africa's Power-Sharing Arrangements
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Tony OkeraforLagos - Someone would argue that the notion of power-sharing governments has come to the African continent to stay. The fact about coalition governments in Africa is that they are more (By News Poster)...Crime Pays In South Africa: Security Expert
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: Johan Burger, a researcher at the Pretoria-based Institute for Security Studies, tells swissinfo.ch about the endemic violence affecting the country as a result of inequalities in society and a violen (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...South Africa: Church Heads Condemn Killing of Extremist White Leader
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Munyaradzi MakoniCape Town - Christian leaders in South Africa have condemned the slaying of an extreme rightwing leader in the country, Eugene Terre'Blanche, and have called on political leaders t (By News Poster)...IMPORTANT: S.Africa: Young Black ANC Youth League members boo Julius Malema - Malema assaults a man - CHARGE HIM!
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: [TAKE NOTE! Julius Malema hit another black guy with a chair. Julius Malema MUST BE CHARGED WITH ASSAULT AND MUST GO TO COURT. Julius Malema is NOT above the law. They must hammer him. Jan] Julius (By Jan)...South Africa: World Bank Approves Energy Loan
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Siseko Njobeni and I-Net BridgeJohannesburg - The World Bank has thrown Eskom the lifeline it was so desperately seeking by approving a $3.75 billion loan to help South Africa secure its electricit (By News Poster)...South Africa: Why the 'Shoot the Boer' Song Does Not Amount to Hate Speech
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: Following a court ruling that the Shoot the Boer song is hate speech, many South African whites now say it is fear, not racism, that created apartheid in the first place."It was fear of a repeat of th (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Three More Zanu PF MPs Named in MDC's Roll of Shame
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Tichaona SibandaA ZANU PF deputy minister, Hubert Nyanhongo, was on Wednesday named in the MDC's roll of shame as one of the masterminds of the political violence during the 2008 elections.Nyanhong (By News Poster)...Sorry everyone, am running hectically behind schedule... About the ANC's Race War & Malema... & my radio interviews... some thoughts...
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Sorry folks, I haven't written my analysis yet of the ANC coming race war. Just stick around for another 2 days and then I'll churn it out. This weekend I had actually planned other things to do in (By Jan)...S.Africa: ANC POLICY IS OFFICIALLY RACIST & PRO-WHITE GENOCIDE: ANC now Officially Supports the Song
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: [Look at this. As I have been saying all along. The ANC and President Jacob Zuma have a DEFINITE RACIST, GENOCIDAL AGENDA. Despite all that has happened as a result of Malema inciting racial hatred, t (By JanOlifant)...S.Africa: Boers Vs Afrikaner: A General replies to me about: Boer
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: [I quickly sent the same question about Boer Vs Afrikaner to a General I know who was in the SADF. He held some very high positions, and I won't mention what they were. He's extremely senior. This was (By Jan)...Nigeria: Oyo - Two Murders Too Many
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Ademola AdeyemoLagos - The killing of two prominent politicians within two weeks in Oyo State has raised anxiety over the rising wave of political killings in the country and the danger it portends (By News Poster)...Malema Stance Far from Consistent
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Constantine ChimakureAFRICAN National Congress (ANC) youth president Julius Malema is full of riddles and his Easter visit to Zimbabwe had his Zanu PF hosts cheering him on at one moment and then a (By News Poster)...South Africa: CAN the 'New' Police Force Catch Most Wanted?
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Eleanor MombergThe police Ministry has conceded the militarisation of police ranks is not a quick fix for the crime problem, and the newly named South African Police Force would continue to depend (By News Poster)..."Zimbabwe Today" by Robb WJ Ellis (05-04-2010)
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Howzit Following the murder of white supremacist Eugene Tere'blanche in South Africa, SADC mediator Jacob Zuma has a rather full plate and things like the Zimbabwe crisis will fall off his priority (By The BeardedMan)...Africa: Lessons for Africa to Attain Food Security
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Dick KamugangaKampala - Africa has suffered three problems in its development history: first, the 7th to 19th Century trans-Saharan slave trade depleted the continent's close to 50 million economic (By News Poster)...TLU SA - Issues of the Land - YOUR Farms and YOUR Weapon
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: TAU SA's executive committee met today in Pretoria to analyze and discuss the situation in the country. The president of the organization, Mr. Ben Marais, said that after careful consideration of (By JanOlifant)...Kenya: A Blow Against Impunity - The International Criminal Court Probe
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: The 31 March decision by the judges of the International Criminal Court to approve an investigation into the 2007 election violence follows two years of obfuscation and ambivalence by the Kenyan gover (By News Poster)...S.Africa: 2010: Courts mean NOTHING, the rule of law means NOTHING, Julius Malema is ABOVE THE LAW...
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: I quite like the way a court - an institution that upholds the law of this land can make a ruling, in the case of Julius Malema, it forbids him from singing a racist song. But Malema "decides" he (By Jan)...Visage Stands His Ground
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Responding to the media circus that has erupted after his live outburst on South African television last night, AWB Secretary General Andres Visage says he was right to act that way because of the way (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...Resources Basis of Country's Persecution
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Harare - Zimbabwe's frosty relationship with the West in the last decade has been characterised by continuous isolation or attempts to isolate Harare and frustrate the local people into submitting to (By News Poster)...Attention: I gave the order to the Volunteers - post all messages by Blacks no matter how racially inciteful...
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Hi All, The volunteers came back to me asking about messages by blacks on this website. I said: Go... approve ALL comments by black people no matter the content... no matter how racially inciteful. (By Jan)...Nigeria: MDGs - Science to the Rescue
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Lagos - Africa is off-track in the race to meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for maternal and child health. Yearly, about 265, 000 mothers die due to complications of pregnancy and chi (By News Poster)...S. Africa: Britian Warns World Cup Fans of Race War Fears
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: ENGLAND fans could be caught up in a machete race war at the World Cup in South Africa. The killing of white supremacist leader Eugene Terre’Blanche caused far-right campaigners to warn teams to av (By JanOlifant)...Eugène Terre’Blanche se Broek Was Afgeruk...
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: Ventersdorp. – Mnr. Eugène Terre’Blanche se moordenaars het ná sy dood sy broek afgetrek en sy geslagsdele ontbloot. Dít het gister tydens die hofverskyning van die twee moordverdagtes hier aan di (By JanOlifant)...S. Africa: Hulle Kom Vir JOU Vuurwapen
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: UITSTEL VAN HOFSAAK TUSSEN SAJWV EN DIE MINSITER VAN POLISIE Op 1 Julie 2004 tree die nuwe Wet op die Beheer van Vuurwapens (Wet 60 van 2000), in werking. Die Wet vereis die herlisensiëring van al (By JanOlifant)...S.Africa: My favourite quote from Eugene Terreblanche - the only one I will remember forever...
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: My personal quote from ET is this. As best I recall her said: "An Afrikaner just wants to be an Afrikaner". I can't remember if he said it in Afrikaans or english, but that is what he said on TV once. (By Jan)...S Africa:TAU Media Release: State of the country after Tere' Blanche murder
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Submitted by K. Nel: 06 April 2010 06:30 PM TAU SA's executive committee met today in Pretoria to analyze and discuss the situation in the country. The president of the organization, Mr. Ben (By JoAn)...South Africa: Terreblanche's Death Highlights Racial Divide
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Luphert ChilwaneJohannesburg - WHAT a relief! I feel better now." Those are John Mosegathebe's feelings after finding himself at the receiving end of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) leader Eugen (By News Poster)...S. Africa: Malema Rasisme Trek Jeug Tot Geweld
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: Kaapstad. – Daar is groeiende onrus in die regerende alliansie oor mnr. Julius Malema se verdelende invloed op landspolitiek en verhoudinge tussen swart en wit. Niemand – onder wie ministers, senio (By JanOlifant)...Africa: Dike Canvasses Joint Security Mechanism in Africa
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: By Juliana TaiwoAbuja - The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Air Chief Marshal Paul Dike, has stressed the need for a collective security mechanism approach in addressing the daunting security challenges (By News Poster)..."Zimbabwe Today" by Robb WJ Ellis (11-04-2010)
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: Howzit For the first time since about August last year, we have woken up to a blue sky and the hint of the first heat of summer - not a moment too soon as we have had months of wearing jerseys and (By The BeardedMan)...Zimbabwe: Zuma's Credibility in Jeopardy over Crisis
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Alex BellSouth African President Jacob Zuma's credibility is said to be taking a serious blow over his handling of Zimbabwe's political crisis, as critics warn that the future of South Africa is al (By News Poster)...[Pic][Humor] Climate Change: Yet another problem caused by de-forestation.....
Friday 09-Apr-2010: [Too cute for words! I got this from a Portuguese friend. Jan] (Photo) (By Jan)...Congo-Kinshasa: UN Takes New Security Steps After Deadly Attack in North-Western Region
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: United Nations peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the national army are adopting new security measures after a deadly attack in a hitherto more stable region of the vast st (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Blanket Mine Projects Increased Gold Production
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Harare - CALEDONIA Mining Corporation's local subsidiary, Blanket Mine, says it will reach its targeted gold annualised output level of 40 000 ounces by the fourth quarter of 2010 after completing its (By News Poster)...Chinese 'Goodwill Visit' With Serious Business Intent
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Hopewell RadebeJohannesburg - THE Chinese media called it "an official goodwill visit" to the country at the southern tip of Africa, but top Chinese political adviser Jia Qinglin described it as a (By News Poster)...Somalia: Pirates Hijack Oil Tanker
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: A South Korean-owned oil tanker with 24 crew is reportedly hijacked by suspected Somali pirates southeast of Gulf of Aden, foreign ministry said on Sunday.The 300,000-tonne Samho Dream was en route to (By News Poster)...Somalia: Prosecution Dilemma Over Pirates
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Margot KiserNairobi - Thanks to bad luck and a handy mobile phone, police off the northern coast of Kenya were able to arrest 11 unarmed Somali nationals last week.Tourists and residents of Lamu en (By News Poster)...Kenya: Carjackings, Kidnaps Rise
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Nairobi - SECURITY agencies have developed new strategies to fight the resurgence of kidnapping and carjacking cases, the Star has established.While police say they are in control and have managed to (By News Poster)..."Zimbabwe Today" by Robb WJ Ellis (08-04-2010)
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Howzit Well, first of all, the charge would not be murder, but culpable homicide - unless the court can prove that Shoko deliberately used his motor vehicle to hit the child and was intent upon ill (By The BeardedMan)...Zimbabwe: High-Profile Prisoners Attempt to Escape Failed
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Harare - Seven unconvicted high-profile prisoners at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison attempted to escape early Monday morning by cutting burglar bars and smashing a windowpane to their cell.Police h (By News Poster)...Mozambique: Police Claim Arrests in Bomb Blast Case
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Maputo - The Mozambican police say they have made arrests in connection with the 30 March bomb blast in the up-market Maputo suburb of Sommerschield.However, national police spokesperson Pedro Cossa, (By News Poster)...Quick Note: Bullard wrote on his MoneyWeb blog about race war... Zuma's Race War Cheer Leader... to make the CIA happy?
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: A quick note folks, I did not get a chance to cross post this, but I will - later. Bullard wrote about race war on his MoneyWeb blog. Another guy actually critiqued him ALSO on moneyweb and that g (By Jan)...Nigeria: I've No Hand in Warri Bomb Blasts, Says Jeremiah Ajemiyotan
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Emma AmaizeTHE thickset and dark-built security consultant came into Vanguard Office in Warri on Tuesday looking troubled. His appointment with this reporter struck through one of his friends was f (By News Poster)...S. Africa: Terrorist Malema's Visit to African Dictator Mugabe Ends
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: African National Congress firebrand Julius Malema kept a a low profile as he left Zimbabwe late Monday after a three-day visit, canceling a scheduled news conference blaming trip organizers for confus (By JanOlifant)...Nigeria: CBN's N500 Billion Power Fund to the Rescue
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Oscarline OnwuemenyiThere is no gainsaying the fact that the greatest challenge of Nigeria's power industry apart from issues surrounding adequate gas supply to power plants and widespread and ende (By News Poster)...Africa: AU Reviews Impact of Financial Meltdown On Member States
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Harare - ZIMBABWE last week attended an African Union conference for ministers of finance and economic development in Malawi to review the impact of the global financial and economic crisis in Africa. (By News Poster)...Congo-Kinshasa: Ban Proposes Drawdown of 2,000 UN Peacekeepers from Country by End of June
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Despite continued violence and human rights abuses by both rebels and the army, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has made sufficient progress over much of its vast territory for the 20,000-s (By News Poster)...Tanzania: Tackling Drug Abuse in the Islands
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Kwamchina-Mombasa - From the outside, there is little that sets the three-bedroom house apart from its neighbours in this suburb of Stone Town. But inside, the building offers a rare lifeline to two d (By News Poster)...Ghana: Addressing Country's Housing and Job Creation Challenge
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Charles KwameboakyeA lot of discussion has taken place concerning the housing deal the Government of Ghana signed with the STX Group of South Korea in early March. Reports indicate the deal involve (By News Poster)...South Africa: Zuma Moves to Calm Fears After Farmer's Murder
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Karima BrownJohannesburg - PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma moved swiftly at the weekend to temper the tone of the debate on race and racism that has gripped SA, and to manage international perceptions after t (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Four Killed as Police, Youths Clash in Lagos
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Ifeanyi OkoliNo fewer than four persons were feared dead and 25 others seriously injured during an early morning clash that erupted at the Ajegunle area of Lagos State between the police and a mob (By News Poster)...Nigeria: 'We Want Nigeria to Succeed,' But Nigerians Have to Want That Too - U.S. Ambassador
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: The failed attempt on December 25, 2009 by the young Nigerian, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to detonate hidden explosives on a flight to Detroit created an additional layer of complexity for U.S. relati (By News Poster)...Congo-Kinshasa: UN Deplores Resort to Arms After Deadly Attack on Provincial Capital
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: The top United Nations official in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has voiced deep concern at a deadly attack in a region cited by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as showing the potential for (By News Poster)...South Africa: Coal Plant Won't Promote Development, Say Groups
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Matthew Berger and Davison MakangaWashington - As the World Bank approved a controversial three-billion-dollar loan for a coal-fired power plant in South Africa Thursday, both the details and the b (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe Must Have 'Informed Debate' on Indigenisation
Friday 09-Apr-2010: THE current debate about indigenisation in Zimbabwe is intensifying as companies submit their plans to achieve a broad-based ownership structure to fulfil government's controversial requirements. The (By News Poster)...South Africa: Risks Being Left Behind in Fertile Angola
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Lyal White and Nomfundo Xenia NgwenyaJohannesburg - AFRICA has become the site of a new era of neo-mercantilism characterised by rivalries between established and new economic powers.Angola is an i (By News Poster)...Madagascar: The Truth As Madagascar Goes Downhill
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Tony OkeraforLagos - The political crisis in the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar has been rumbling on for more than a year. The genesis of the current problems may be traced to sometime in 2008, (By News Poster)...S. Africa: Terre'Blanche found with 'private parts exposed'
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: A court heard on Tuesday how the two workers accused of murdering Eugene Terre'Blanche had pulled down the AWB leader's pants and "exposed his private parts" after the attack. The accused, Chris M (By JanOlifant)...Zimbabwe: Zuma Must Unwrap
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Constantine ChimakureUTTERANCES by President Robert Mugabe at Zanu PF's central committee meeting last Friday that South African President Jacob Zuma's working visit a fortnight ago drew a blank in (By News Poster)...Another bad day: South Africa: President Zuma Repudiates Julius Malema (Youth Leader) Over Attack on BBC Journalist
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: [Whereas the ANC normally gets wonderful press coverage ... this time, idiot Julius Malema, race-war monger, screamed abused at a BBC journalist who then walked out! It was not the week the ANC had ho (By News Poster)...Otjinene Farm Killer Awaits Sentencing
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Werner MengesFORMER farm labourer Matheus Kazondjou, who has admitted that he robbed and murdered his elderly employer in the Otjinene area about four years ago, is set to be sentenced in the High (By News Poster)...Chanakira Not Out
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Victoria Ruzvidzo and Golden SibandaHarare - He is not a new man in the world of business, but many would agree he has emerged from a rough patch a new man, not necessarily unscathed, but with more (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Our Economy Under Threat As U.S. Begins Oil Drilling
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Adeola YusufLagos - The economy of Nigeria, eighth world biggest oil producer is under threat as the United States, which consumes over one million barrels out of the 1.8 million barrels daily prod (By News Poster)...Uganda: Sudan Provided 'Safe Corridor', Says LRA Rebel
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Henry MukasaKampala - THE Sudan government is in touch with the Lord's Resistance Army command and has given the rebels fresh supplies of food and medicines, a captured commander has said.The LRA p (By News Poster)...Congo-Kinshasa: Experts Present Suggestions to Move Country from International Conflict to Stability
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Allyn GaestelDemocratic Republic of Congo has a long history of exploitation and conflict. To move past turmoil to a functioning state, it must promote government capacity and institution building, (By News Poster)...Uganda: Small Holder Farmers Look for Solid Assurance in WFP's Food Purchases
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Gerald BusingeKampala - After growing different crops on a subsistence basis for over 15 years, Elias Simuntu decided in 2004 to farm commercially."I embarked on farming beans and maize on a bigger (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Ex-Gov Rimi Dies After Armed Robbery Attack
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Ibrahim ShuaibuKano - Former governor of Kano State and former presidential aspirant on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Abubakar Rimi, has died after an armed robbery att (By News Poster)...Liberia: 'Jungle Fire Quick Reaction Force,' SOD, Forced Labor - Taylor Had No Knowledge
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: It is a testimony of forced labor, coming from Mr. Charles Taylor's own witness, detailing how they were forced to carry looted rebel goods from Sierra Leone into Foya across the border, the effective (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Country, Others Removed from Terror Watch List - Envoy Lauds New Measures
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Tokunbo AdedojaThe United States will implement new airline security measures this month to replace mandatory screening of air travellers from 14 countries, a step that had angered some allies, inc (By News Poster)...Congo-Kinshasa: UN Peacekeeper, Contractors Killed by Insurgents in North-Western Region
Monday 05-Apr-2010: A United Nations peacekeeper and two contractors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) were shot dead by insurgents who attacked the capital of Equateur province, Mbandaka, yesterday, first st (By News Poster)...Congo-Kinshasa: Doctors Fear Drug Shortages After Clashes
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Kinshasa - Health facilities in Equateur's Provincial capital, Mbandaka, are overwhelmed with people injured in recent fighting between the Congolese army and insurgents in the town, raising concerns (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Malema Hails Empowerment Drive
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Zvamaida MurwiraHarare - Firebrand African National Congress youth president Cde Julius Malema yesterday saluted Zimbabwe's indigenisation and empowerment programme saying that was the basis for wa (By News Poster)...South Africa: World Bank Approves Eskom Loan
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Pretoria - The World Bank has approved South Africa's US$3.75 billion loan to help the country achieve a reliable electricity supply.Eskom approached the Bank for funds to build the coal fired 4800 MW (By News Poster)...S.Africa: Thanks to everyone... My challenge to Malema and Zuma on Race War
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: I laughed so much. I got to work and a co-worker who doesn't frequent my website forwarded an email that came from an American website that ran my challenge to Zuma to shut Malema up. I'll chat mo (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: Another wonderful result of Mugabe's Racist, Communist agenda: Zim Cotton farmers to abandon farming
Friday 09-Apr-2010: [When I lived in Rhodesia, the ability to irrigate land and grow cotton was something of a source of pride. As always, these black communist racist trash destroy everything in their path. Jan] Cott (By Jan)...Mozambique: Many Citizens Still Ignorant About Aids
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Maputo - A new national survey on HIV and AIDS "destroys the myth that everybody already knows about AIDS", Mozambican Health Minister Ivo Garrido declared on Thursday.Although there has been an incre (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Rimi Dies After Encounter with Robbers
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Auwalu UmarKano - Tragedy struck in Kano late last night when the Second Republic governor of Kano State and one of Nigeria's best known politicians, Alhaji Muhammadu Abubakar Rimi, died of complic (By News Poster)...S.Africa: Black PAC Radicals and Racists say: Bury Eugene Terre'Blanche at sea...
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: [Listen to the black PAC racist trash and their statements on Terreblanche. The PAC are the scum who organised the Sharpeville riots in the 1960s. They gathered a massive crowd to attack a small Polic (By Jan)...[6 Pics] SHOCKING: Starving Black Zimbabweans eat a whole elephant...
Friday 09-Apr-2010: [Take a look at this. Getting ANY photos of even videos out of Zimbabwe is literally IMPOSSIBLE. I struggle for years to get pics. Mugabe's military, Police and Intelligence services confiscate CD's a (By Jan)...South Africa: Eviction Looms for Xenophobia Victims in Camp
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Blue Waters - The High Court in Western Cape Province, South Africa, set 6 April as the deadline for evicting the last remaining foreigners from the Blue Waters safety camp, set up outside Cape Town a (By News Poster)...Africa: AFDB Sets Up Risk Guarantee to Cover Investments in Continent
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Johnstone Ole TuranaThe African Development Bank (AfDB) is setting up a political risk guarantee scheme that will cushion private investors in economies across Africa.The scheme, which will underta (By News Poster)...Massive Share Dilution Expected as Giants Battle for Control in NBK
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Jaindi KiseroNairobi - According to confidential documents seen by The EastAfrican, the Privatisation Commission - the ultimate authority on sale of government assets - has recommended that the Nat (By News Poster)...Children and the Law (OPINION)
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Lorenzo WakefieldJohannesburg - IN THE aftermath of the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugene TerreBlanche, South Africans have been forced to admit that race relations in this count (By News Poster)...Kenya: Alarm As Many Bank Staff Face Theft Charges
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Nairobi - In a bid to modernise its mode of payments, Kenya last year introduced a system known as Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS).Although the system was highly welcomed in the country as Kenya's b (By News Poster)...Malema Derails Plan to Manage Tension
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Sibongakonke ShobaJohannesburg - LESS than 24 hours after the African National Congress (ANC) called for calm in the wake of a tense debate on race in SA, the behaviour of the party's youth league (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Ambassador Rice on 16th Anniversary of Rwanda Genocide
Friday 09-Apr-2010: The following are remarks by Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, at a ceremony on the 16th Commemoration of the Rwanda Genocide, in the ECOSOC Chamber at the (By News Poster)...Africa: Watch Out - Newest Threat is Now Fish Grabbing
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Addis Ababa - Africa has failed to protect its water territory not only along the Somalia Coast but also in west and south.This failure has caused massive exploitation and fish grabbing from Africa by (By News Poster)...South Africa: Provinces Face Drug Stock Outs Due to Overspending
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Anso Thom and Lungi LangaMassive provincial overspends have seen health facilities across South Africa running out of lifesaving drugs for anything from hypertension pills and paediatric vaccinatio (By News Poster)...South Africa: You Are Not a Man, Rapist Tells Lesbian
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Zara NicholsonA lesbian was allegedly beaten and raped repeatedly for five hours by a man who told her he wanted to "turn her into a woman".With both eyes swollen and bruised, stitches above her le (By News Poster)...South Africa: Eskom's 3,75 Billion Loan Bid Battles Against Green Lobby
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Siseko NjobeniJohannesburg - A LOAN for Eskom from the World Bank hung in the balance yesterday as three US legislators sought tighter conditions for the $3,75bn loan and fresh news reports said gl (By News Poster)...Nigeria: As Battle for Oil Wells Goes to Supreme Court
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Joe NwankwoAbuja - Following the decision of the Federal High Court in Abuja, which held that it lacked the powers to entertain disputes between two states all is now set for a titanic battle at th (By News Poster)...Violent Easter Weekend As Zanu PF Youths Burn Churches
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Jenniffer DubeINSTEAD of commemorating the Biblical suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ during Easter, some Christian families in Muzarabani and Shamva had to endure their own sufferi (By News Poster)...Namibia: Nampower Demands 35 Percent Electricity Hike
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Brigitte WeidlichA MASSIVE electricity hike of up to 35 per cent or more could hit Namibians if they do not object and stop it by the latest Tuesday next week.The astronomical hike was announced by (By News Poster)...Kenya: Key Witnesses in Poll Violence Cases Now Under Protection
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Nairobi - At least 20 witnesses said to be holding crucial evidence on hate crimes committed during the post-election violence have been placed under protection.Many have been flown out of Kenya for t (By News Poster)...Race Relations Are in Suspended Animation
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Jacob DlaminiJohannesburg - GLOBAL, a magazine supported by the Commonwealth Secretariat, recently asked me to write a short essay on the history of race relations in SA. The essay, titled The Trou (By News Poster)...S.Africa: I had a 2 hour interview with Jeff Rense about: Afrikaners, Apartheid, Eugene Terreblanche's memory & Legacy... history as you never heard it...
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: I have just completed a 2 hour interview with Jeff Rense as a result of the murder (assassination most likely) of Eugene Terreblanche. I must admit I was not in top form, I'm so burned out and tired I (By Jan)...Uganda: Pressure Mounts on Government Over Oil
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Angelo IzamaAt the end of December 2009, it fell on the junior minister of energy, Simon D'juaga, to send a brief to President Yoweri Museveni on behalf of the Ministry of Energy and trilogy that p (By News Poster)...Uganda: Bundibugyo in Fear Over Rumours of ADF Regrouping in DR Congo
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Frederick WomakuyuKampala - The Allied Democratic Front rebels killed over 3,000 people and displaced 100,000 in the 1990s.As the news that the Allied Democratic Front (ADF) rebels are re-grouping (By News Poster)...Nigeria: How Rimi Died - Driver
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Lawan Danjuma AdamuKano - The driver of the late Abubakar Rimi yesterday gave a blow-by-blow account of how the former Kano State governor died, saying Rimi began gasping soon after he saw wounds i (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Kano Stands Still As Rimi is Buried
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Thousands of sympathisers thronged the Emir's palace, Kano yesterday to pay their last respect to the first civilian governor of Kano State, Alhaji Muhammadu Abubakar Rimi, where the Deputy Chief Imam (By News Poster)...Namibia: Consumers Must Mobilise to Stop the Electricity Hike
Monday 05-Apr-2010: NAMIBIANS cannot relax this Easter weekend after hearing about the huge hike in electricity tariffs.Instead they must spend the weekend drafting their views about the 35 per cent electricity increase (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Bitumen - A People's Wealth Caged By Politricks, Policy And Administrative Incompetence
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: By Sina FadareLagos - Almost 50 years after independence, and a century after a German Scientist discovered bitumen deposits in present day Ondo state, the dream of tapping its full socio-economic and (By News Poster)...Namibia: Teko Trio Deny Any Guilt
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Werner MengesTHE three suspects facing prosecution in Namibia's largest corruption case to date pleaded not guilty to all charges against them in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court yesterday.Nine mont (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Abubakar Rimi's Death
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: Lagos - The increasing vulnerability of Nigerians to violent crimes, including armed robbery attacks and the terrible state of the nation's grossly inadequate healthcare delivery system was brought to (By News Poster)...Scepticism Greets Rights Commission
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Bernard MpofuPRESIDENT Robert Mugabe last week jointly swore in commissioners of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission in line with constitutional provis (By News Poster)...Zanu PF Officials' Rags-to-Riches Story
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: THE Zanu PF Leadership Code, which sought to define the party as a socialist movement forbids its officials from owning more than one house for purposes of earning rentals.This is but one condition th (By News Poster)...Eskom Welcomes the Decision of the World Bank (NEWS)
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Johannesburg - Eskom has welcomed the World Bank's decision to grant the power utility a $3.5bn loan, it said in a statement today."This loan is a vote of confidence in South Africa and Eskom. On beha (By News Poster)...Ghana: Violence Against Women Still Rampant in the Northern Region
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Helena SelbyWhy won't men ever allow women to be? Why won't men allow women to enjoy the solitude and happiness they are entitled to in this world? Everyday campaigns against violence against women (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Whither Rainbow Nation?
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Harare - WE have always thought the concept of a rainbow nation created by our neighbour South Africa is a noble concept, which will however remain hollow until the inequalities that are so glaring in (By News Poster)...Africa: Airline Group Challenges Europe Over Blacklisting
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Abel OrukpeLagos - Secretary General of African Airlines Association (AFRAA), Nick Fadugba, has challenged the European Union (EU) over the criteria for listing and banning of African airlines from (By News Poster)...Drugs, a Ballooning Problem in Sierra Leone
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Freetown - Some 30 people trying to beat addiction to drugs like cocaine, marijuana, alcohol and heroin - locally known as "brown-brown" - are on a waiting list for 'City of Rest', Sierra Leone's only (By News Poster)...Nigeria: The Imam's Visit And the Christian 'Terrorist'
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Muhammad Al-GhazaliIf we required further proof that Nigeria is becoming hopelessly polarized along ethnic and religious lines, two events removed all doubts last week. The first was the near trage (By News Poster)...Nigeria: The Sad Tale of Bak Olori Dam
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Imam ImamLagos - When in 1969, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) issued a report that recommended the establishment of a small dam and irrigation scheme at Talata Mafara of present day Za (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Budget 2010 Not Likely to Succeed - Sanusi
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Babajide KomolafeBudget 2010 may not succeed because it is based on totally unrealistic oil price assumptions, Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Mallam Lamido Sanusi, said yesterday.Spe (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Jonathan Focussing on Energy Crisis
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Onyebuchi EzigboAbuja - Acting President Goodluck Jonathan may have finally declared a "state of emergency" in the power sector without using those words as he has instituted measures to address th (By News Poster)...Africa: Reclaim Trade Talks, Civil Society Tells Govt
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Servaas Van Den BoschWindhoek - Southern African governments must regain control over the negotiations on the trade deals known as economic partnership agreements (EPAs). Issues earmarked as deal-b (By News Poster)...If 'Boer' Song Did Inspire Killers, Would Malema Be Culpable?
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Eusebius MckaiserIF WE assume, purely for the sake of argument, that Eugene TerreBlanche's alleged killers were inspired by the lyrics "kill the boer", would that imply that Julius Malema has polit (By News Poster)...Namibia: Works PS Wins Court Order Against ACC Search Warrants
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Werner MengesAN Anti-Corruption Commission investigation into the appointment of a Zimbabwean academic as a management training consultant for the Ministry of Works and Transport was dealt a blow i (By News Poster)...Uganda: Mental Health- Over 11.5 Million Countrymen Suffer Disorders
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Chris KiwawuloKampala - Joseph Musoke, a resident of Ndejje in Wakiso district, is said to have walked to Nakulabye Police post and turned himself in for burning Kasubi tombs on March 16.According (By News Poster)...ZSE One Year On - Political Uncertainty Blights Recovery
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Paul NyakazeyaWhen the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) began trading last year, only one counter -- Apex -- traded. The economy had gone through transformation almost overnight. The Zimbabwe dollar h (By News Poster)...Kenya: Banks Shrug Off Drive to Bring Down Interest Rates
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Geoffrey IrunguCommercial banks have shrugged off efforts by Central Bank to have them cut their interest rates, citing the cost of funds and level of risk-- dashing borrowers' hopes for cheaper cr (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Trust Bank to Return
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Bright MaderaHarare - TRUST Holdings Limited is seeking strategic equity partners to resuscitate Trust Bank amid revelations that founding director and chief executive Mr William Nyemba is back at (By News Poster)...Ethiopia: Dams Are About People, Not Power - the Trouble With Gilgel Gibe
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Patrick GatharaNairobi - The construction of the Gilgel Gibe III dam on the Omo river in Ethiopia has been condemned by conservationists and indigenous rights campaigners as a white elephant, a mon (By News Poster)...Eliminating Small Arms Without Firing a Single Shot
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Sebastien OnyangoNairobi - Why do so many communities in East Africa possess and buy small arms even in "peacetime"?Why have the numerous disarmament exercises carried out by the Kenyan, Ugandan an (By News Poster)...Abel Muzorewa Dies
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Tichaona ZindogaHarare - Retired Bishop Abel Tendekayi Muzorewa has died. He was 85.The former Zimbabwe-Rhodesia Prime Minister passed away at his Borrowdale home yesterday afternoon.A family spoke (By News Poster)...Malawi: Court Case Drives Homosexuals Underground
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Lilongwe - An engagement ceremony has landed a same-sex Malawian couple in jail, propelled their country into international headlines, and pushed men who have sex with men (MSM) further towards societ (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Preventing Future Atrocities Best Way to Honour Genocide Victims
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Securing justice for the victims of genocide and preventing future atrocities are the best ways to honour the hundreds of thousands of people slaughtered in Rwanda 16 years ago, Secretary-General Ban (By News Poster)...Tanzania: How the Role of Banks is Changing in the Nation
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Vincent Obiro Orute ObungaArusha - It seems that the role of banks in Tanzania is changing rapidly. In the past few years, banking in Tanzania used to be about taking deposits from customers and gr (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Citizens in Canada to Honour Genocide Victims
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Ivan R MugishaKigali - The Canadian Association for Survivors of the Genocide against the Tutsis - Humura, in partnership with the Rwandan High Commission in Canada, has organized a series of comme (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Abortive Kidnapping Mission - Two Militants Die in Gun Duel
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Two suspected militants were shot dead in an exchange of gunfire with men of the anti-terrorism squad, ATS, in Delta State, weekend, while five persons were feared dead and no fewer than 10 seriously (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Lagos Presents Scorecard on Agriculture
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Jimoh BabatundeIt has become a tradition for ministries in Lagos State to give account of their perceived achievements annually, so it was in line with that the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperat (By News Poster)...Liberia: Rising Sex Scandals
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Those who blame pervasive moral decadence in Liberia on “modernization” or “new order of things” must be rudely awakened by recent serial reports of pornographic cases in the c (By News Poster)...Kenya: Illegal Refugees Miss Out on HIV Services
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Nairobi - Salma* is HIV-positive and knows she needs life-prolonging antiretroviral drugs, but visiting a doctor could expose her illegal refugee status in Kenya and risk her being sent to a refugee c (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Three Killed in Fresh Jos Mayhem
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Taye ObateruJos - Three people were again killed in the Plateau State capital on Easter Monday following a fracas after an inter-denomination service organized by the Jos North Branch of the Christ (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Local Farmers Embrace Modern Methods
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Stephen RwembehoKigali - In line with its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Rwanda is moving towards a green revolution and more of its population has contextualized the revolution.This is throu (By News Poster)...Somalia: Infusion of New Technologies Can Bring an End to the Piracy Menace
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Pauline WanguiNairobi - The technology available, the increased sophistication of their methods of attack, and the movement toward pirate syndicates are strong indicators that this crime will conti (By News Poster)...Uganda: Does the Country Need Fighter Jets?
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Kyle BeaulieuKampala - There has been a lot of controversy in the news this week about Uganda allegedly buying fighter jets from Russia. The report broke in the Russian media and, on Monday, UPDF s (By News Poster)...Kenya: Foreign Power Firms Reap Billions
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By David OkwembahNairobi - More than 50 per cent of the money Kenyans pay for electricity goes to foreigners and politically-correct individuals, the Sunday Nation has established.Interviews with top (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Investing in Human Capital Development Will Improve Economy -Dr K. U. Acholonu
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Dr. K. U. Acholonu is the Chief Executive Officer , Bio-organics Nutrient System Ltd. (BNSL). In this interview, he speaks on oil and its inability to address properly the issues of human capital deve (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Two Die of Suspected Poisoning At Funeral
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Golden GuvamatangaHarare - Two people died after drinking tea and mahewu suspected to have been laced with poison at a funeral in Chitungwiza last Sunday.Three other people who also drank the bever (By News Poster)...Uganda: Bukwo in Darkness With All Its Potential
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Frederick WomakuyuKampala - As the sun vanishes behind the winding hills of Bukwo district, overlooking Karamoja, darkness spreads evenly in this enclave, yet for many business operators, this is t (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Genocide Suspects 'Still Elusive'
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Frank KimboyAs Rwanda commemorates 16 years since the 1994 genocide 11 suspected perpetrators of the mass killings are still on the run.Speaking to reporters in Dar es Salaam yesterday, the Interna (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Attack On Arik Aircraft
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Lagos - THE recent attack on a Boeing 5N-MJJ Arik Airline aircraft at the Margaret Ekpo International Airport, Calabar, by a lone taxi driver, is a clear indication of the porous security situation at (By News Poster)...East Africa: The AU Must Tell Bashir to His Face About the Elections
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Jerry OkunguKampala - I was one of those East Africans who celebrated the Sudanese Peace Accord signed in Nairobi in 2005. Even though I was far away in North America, I was elated to see General C (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Another Journo Arrested as Press Clampdown Continues
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Alex BellYet another journalist has been arrested, this time in Beitbridge, as the ongoing clampdown of the media continues.Mashundu Netsianda, a Beitbridge correspondent for The Chronicle newspape (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Six Expatriates Kidnapped in Rivers
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Jimitola OnoyumePort Harcourt - THREE Syrians and one Lebanese were kidnapped yesterday at Umuatoru- Etche road bridge area. The kidnappers were reportedly dressed in military uniforms.Contacted fo (By News Poster)...South Africa: 'Answers Needed' On Soaring Arms Contracts
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Wyndham HartleyJohannesburg - There has been a substantial increase in the value of arms contracts of more than R60bn but there is no indication of what weapons are to be sold or to which countries (By News Poster)...Nigeria: African Experts Showcase Drive to Double Rice Production
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: With memories of the devastating global rice price crisis fresh in their minds, experts from Africa and beyond that met recently in Mali have called for long_term commitment to scientific innovations (By News Poster)...Somalia: Puntland Deploys Forces to Fight Pirates in Coastal Town
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: The government of Somalia's Puntland state has deployed heavily armed Puntland land force to the coast town of Bargal, some 400km from Bossasso, the commercial capital of Puntland.According to reliabl (By News Poster)...Sanctions Bleeding Health System
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Munyaradzi KerekeHarare - ALLOW me to react to the very touching and far-reaching article carried by a local Sunday newspaper entitled "Kidney treatment too costly for the poor". I wish to add my m (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Talks Negotiators Hand Over Report to Principals
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Tichaona SibandaA 25-page report detailing the state of the Global Political Agreement talks was last week handed over to the party principals who are reportedly reviewing its contents.The same rep (By News Poster)...Nigeria: New Banking Structure - Our Expectations From CBN, By Bank Chief
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: By Udeme ClementThe On going reforms in the banking sector in Nigeria have taken a new dimension with the declaration by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to issue new licences that would categorize b (By News Poster)...Africa: EPAs Will Undermine Democracy in Continent
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: The current course of the talks on economic partnership agreements (EPAs) is particularly destructive for low income African countries and may contract democratic space in such countries even further. (By News Poster)...Côte d'Ivoire: Statement of the IMF Mission at the Conclusion of its Visit
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission, led by Ms. Doris Ross, traveled to Côte d’Ivoire from March 4 to 18. The mission met with the Minister of Economy and Finance, Charles Koffi D (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Tackling Gender-Based Violence
Friday 09-Apr-2010: In Rwanda, a UN supported centre in the capital city, Kigali, is providing health, legal and psychosocial support to victims and raising awareness about violence against women, particularly among men. (By News Poster)...Uganda: Why Oil Giants Are Exiting African Markets
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Ibrahim KasitaKampala - THE latest withdrawal of oil majors from Uganda and other 20 African countries is part of the growing trend of shifting away from retail and marketing to exploration and pro (By News Poster)...Kenya: Bank's Investors Face Massive Share Dilution
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Nick WachiraNairobi - Investors in National Bank of Kenya face a massive share dilution if a sell-off plan being pushed by the Privatisation Commission were to be endorsed by the Cabinet, its bigge (By News Poster)...Liberia: President Sirleaf Resolves Nigeria-Libya Row
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Clear signs of Liberia’s recovery from a failed, collapsed state to an enterprising diplomatic stewardship are emerging, invoking fond memories of this oldest black republic in those days of old (By News Poster)...Kenya: Somalia President Writes Kibaki on Deployment of Soldiers
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Abdilatif MaalimNairobi - Somali President Shariff Ahmed has written to President Kibaki asking Kenya not to deploy to Somalia's Juba Region an estimated 2,500 Somali youth soldiers now stranded at (By News Poster)...South Africa: The 'Amazing Grace' of Mobile Revolution
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Issa Sikiti Da Silva"A cellphone is no longer just a phone, but has actually become a personal computing device, and with all these high-end applications I would say it is more than a PC itself and (By News Poster)...Nigeria: My Ordeal in the Hands of Kidnappers -Victim
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Andrew UtuluLagos - A kidnap victim, Eddy Gabriel has narrated how he was abducted and made to part with money to his captors through his driver, who incidentally turned out to be a member of the g (By News Poster)...Witness Says Paramilitary Groups Were Created Without Taylor's Knowledge (NEWS)
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Alpha SesayParamilitary units were established as part of the Liberian security apparatus without the knowledge of former Liberian president Charles Taylor, a defense witness for Mr. Taylor said to (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Former Governor Died After Armed Robbery Incident
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Alhaji Abubakar Rimi, former governor of Kano State and former presidential aspirant is dead. He died last night from shock he received after an armed robbery incident.The robbers who were said to had (By News Poster)...Rebuttal to Hengari's 'Worry About Pohamba's Legacy and Cabinet'
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Paul ShipaleAlfred O T. Hengari wrote that if President Pohamba does not want to be remembered as 'an anecdote or the accidental president' without any association with any transformative projects, (By News Poster)...Pebble Bed Reactor Seems to Be On the Rocks
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Siseko NjobeniJohannesburg - UNLESS a major investor comes along, the government's decision not to inject more money into the pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR) project marks the beginning of the en (By News Poster)...Southern Africa: Zimbabwe Players on Demand in South Africa Again
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Enock MuchinjoONCE upon a time, it was fashionable for every South African top-flight football club to have a Zimbabwean or two on its books. Something changed, and in the last three years South Af (By News Poster)...South Africa: Towards Reducing Stigma - Living With Aids
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Khopotso BodibeAs the Health Department and the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) prepare to test 15 million South Africans for HIV in a year-long campaign starting next week, citizens ar (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Lagos Tackles Banks On ATM Frauds
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Gboyega AkinsanmiLagos - Lagos State Government has frowned at the non-cooperative attitude of all the banks operating in the state to accept liability for the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) frauds (By News Poster)...Horror Crash Near Oamites Base
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Denver KistingTWO men died early yesterday morning in an accident near the Oamites between Rehoboth and Windhoek.The accident happened between 06h00 and 07h00.According to eyewitnesses, a convoy of (By News Poster)...Sudan: Stage Set for Bashir Victory
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Moyiga NduruJuba - While there is a growing desire for change in Sudan - particularly among the younger urban population in the north - there is no atmosphere of heated campaigning or supporters mo (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Zambian Man Arrested
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Harare - A Zambian businessman has been arrested in connection with smuggling more than 3000 rounds of ammunition, shoes and a television set into Zimbabwe en-route to Zambia in breach of the Customs (By News Poster)...Namibia: 2010 Fifa World Cup Mascot Coming
Monday 05-Apr-2010: First National Bank of Namibia (FNB Namibia), this week officially announced that Zakumi (the 2010 mascot) will be visiting Namibia from 10 to 16 April during which it will make public appearances, ad (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Harare Council Adopts Explosive Land-Grab Report
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Jennifer DubeA special Harare City Council meeting last week adopted a report exposing alleged illicit land deals involving flamboyant businessman, Phillip Chiyangwa and Local Government Minister I (By News Poster)...Kenya: Church Threat to New Constitution
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Nairobi - The Church on Sunday came under increasing pressure to drop its threat to block Kenya's draft constitution during the referendum.Clerics have threatened to mobilise millions of the faithful (By News Poster)...South Africa: Race Standoff at Ventersdorp Court
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Franny Rabkin and Luphert ChilwaneJohannesburg - THE 15-year-old accused of murdering right-wing extremist Eugene TerreBlanche is the first high-profile minor to be dealt with under the Child Justi (By News Poster)...Uganda: No Oil for Russian Jets Exchanged, Says Kiyonga
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Cyprian MusokeKampala - DEFENCE minister Crispus Kiyonga has dismissed reports that Uganda was planning a deal to swap oil for Russian jet fighters."There are no discussions at all about swapping. (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Pengassan Declares PIB is Shrouded in Secrecy
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: RECENTLY, the Labour Writers Association of Nigeria, LAWAN, organized a seminar on "Impact of Economic crisis on employment", held in the ancient city of Ibadan, Oyo state.There, the President of the (By News Poster)...Zambia: Shortage of Burial Sites - How About Cremation?
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Doreen NawaALTHOUGH cremation has been a subject of intense debate among Zambia's Christian communities, it is now being touted as the best possible answer to the shortage of burial sites in most p (By News Poster)...Karl Marx hated Jews and wanted to destroy them - even though he was of Jewish ancestry...
Monday 05-Apr-2010: [I spotted this fascinating piece on Arthur Kemp's blog. Take a look at this some fascinating points here by Arthur. And take a look at how some of these values are today espoused by the Left and by m (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: No Respite in Harassment of Journalists
Monday 05-Apr-2010: THE harassment of Zimbabwean journalists continued last week when detectives descended on the offices of a weekly newspaper that exposed a massive land scandal involving a controversial businessman an (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Gowon, Okonjo-Iweala Harp On Sustainable Economic Devt
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Chinazor MegboluLagos - Former head of state General Yakubu Gowon and former Finance Minister Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala have harped on the need for sustainable economic development of Nigeria.Gowon, (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Four Foreigners Kidnapped in Rivers, Policeman Killed
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: Four expatriates including three Syrians and a Lebanese working in the construction sector in Rivers state were abducted by gunmen, and a policeman was killed in the attack, police spokeswoman Rita Ab (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Mining Village Resident Demand Soldiers' Withdrawal
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Wongai ZhangazhaVILLAGERS in Chiadzwa, Manicaland, are demanding the immediate withdrawal of soldiers from the diamond rich area, whom they accuse of demanding national identity cards and assaultin (By News Poster)...Egypt: Don't Deport Darfur Refugees to Face Persecution
Friday 09-Apr-2010: New York - The Egyptian authorities should immediately cease deportation proceedings against two refugees from Darfur, Human Rights Watch said today.Egyptian authorities are preparing to deport Mohamm (By News Poster)...Rwandan Citizens Know What is Best for Them - Kagame
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Edmund KagireKigali - President Paul Kagame, yesterday, took a swipe at Rwanda's foreign critics for trying to define what Rwandans want, assuring them that Rwandans have learnt from the past and t (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: City Playing With Fire
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Harare - SOMEWHERE in this issue we carry a story that the Harare City Council has no capacity to deal with fires in high-rise buildings, a development that sends cold shivers among all those who do b (By News Poster)...Nigeria: 30 Banks May Emerge Post-Reforms
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Kingsley IghomwenghianLagos - Thirty banks may emerge on the financial landscape sketched by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in the planned phasing out of universal banking.A total 24 currently o (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Massive Cover-Up of Diamond Mining Controversy
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Vusumuzi SifileHarare - PARLIAMENT is now pushing for a special investigation into Mines and Mining Development Minister Obert Mpofu's interest in the companies that were controversially given lice (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Ex-Diplomat's Son Dies in Police Custody
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Misbahu BashirThe son of a former Nigerian Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago, Mr. Ajakaye, died last week in a police cell in Abuja, where he was detained allegedly over breach of public peace.A fa (By News Poster)...Govt to Implement Moral Report Immediately
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Monkagedi GaotlhobogwePresident Ian Khama has issued a directive to implement with immediate effect the National Strategy for the Promotion of Good Social Values.The National Strategy for the Promo (By News Poster)...Rwanda: We Are Inspired By Citizens - Obama
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Edmund KagireUS President, Barack Obama, on Wednesday said that his country is committed to its partnership with Rwanda and will continue supporting the country to achieve its development ambitions (By News Poster)...Tanzania: Power Woes Scare Away Investors
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Samuel KamndayaDespite its huge resources, Tanga Region, like most parts of Tanzania, does not appeal to many investors due to operational problems, notably infrastructure snags, business community (By News Poster)..."Zimbabwe Today" by Robb WJ Ellis (07-04-2010)
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Howzit Foreign currency mid-rates updated. -o00o- For those that might be interested, David Scobie has released a CD in tribute to the late great Clem Tholet. Be sure to visit David's music s (By The BeardedMan)...SACP Condemns Terreblanche Murder
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: The South African Communist Party (SACP) has condemned the savage murder of AWB leader Eugene Terreblanche in a statement issued Monday. "No matter what differences we may have with individuals and (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...Uganda: Government Not Helping Female Domestic Violence Victims - New Report
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Rodney MuhumuzaKampala - Amnesty International will today release a report in which it will accuse authorities in Uganda of not supporting women seeking justice for sexual and domestic violence.The (By News Poster)...Kenya: Act Decisively to Curb Rise in Violent Deaths
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Media reports in the past few days have highlighted a series of violent killings across the country, raising the alarm over rising insecurity.Among the chilling cases was the killing of a mother and h (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Zinasu Demand Inquiry into Death of UZ Student 9 Years Ago
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Lance GumaThe Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) is demanding an independent commission of inquiry to investigate the death of Batanai Hadzidzi 9 years ago. During a student protest on the 9 (By News Poster)...South Africa: Eskom Loan Granted at 0.5 Percent Interest
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Johannesburg - The Eskom loan from the World Bank has been granted at an interest rate of 0.5% in what's been described as a loan agreement that offers the 'cheapest money' around.The loan which was g (By News Poster)...South Africa: Green Light for World Cup Security
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Johannesburg - The 2010 Local Organising Committee (LOC) has reiterated that the FIFA World Cup will be safe.Following the murder of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) leader, Eugene Terre'Blanche (By News Poster)...Nigeria: 'Islamic Banking Will Bail Out Nation's Economy'
Friday 09-Apr-2010: An Islamic group-Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)-has called on the Federal government to expedite action on the grant of licences for the operation of Islamic banks in the country.The Director of the gr (By News Poster)...Nigeria: MAN May Seek Investors for Bio-Gas Energy
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Franklin AlliManufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) may soon go in search of investors to fund biogas energy projects to aid operations of its members across the country.Bio-gas is electricity (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Chiyangwa, Masunda Fight Over Land
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Zvamaida MurwiraHarare - Harare businessman Mr Phillip Chiyangwa wants Harare Mayor Muchadeyi Masunda charged with criminal defamation arising from media reports claiming the tycoon is involved in (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Police Order Covering Up of Gukurahundi Gallery
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Loughty Dube and Fortune DlaminiPOLICE have ordered the National Art Gallery in Bulawayo to cover its glass wall with newspapers so that the public cannot view from outside the paintings depicting (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: More RBZ Assets Auctioned in Harare
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Alex BellZimbabwe's Sheriff's Office has this week added more Reserve Bank assets to an embarrassing Harare auction, which is underway to settle the Bank's multi million dollar debt owed to a farm (By News Poster)...Growing Intolerance of Journalists Cause for Concern (NEWS)
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Chantelle BenjaminJohannesburg - THERE is concern that press freedom is increasingly coming under threat with the South African National Editors Forum (Sanef), in the past few months, issuing one s (By News Poster)...Somalia: Five Killed in Latest Mogadishu Violence
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: At least 5 civilians have been killed and 15 others injured shelling that rocked the restive capital Mogadishu on Thursday, medics and witnesses said.The fighting which continued for an hour erupted a (By News Poster)...Rundu Case Throws Light On Male Rape Victims
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Denver KistingALTHOUGH rape is generally thought to be a crime against women, Namibian statistics show that about 80 men per year report cases of rape or attempted rape.According to the Legal Assis (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Willowvale Pays Off U.S.$3,4 Million Debt
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Golden SibandaHarare - WILLOWVALE Mazda Motor Industries has managed to repay the US$3,4 million debt it owed Japanese firm Itochu, beating a repayment deadline that threatened to put the future of (By News Poster)...South Africa: Government to Appeal Seizure of Zimbabwean Government Properties
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Alex BellThe South African government has stated that it will appeal a court's decision to attach Zimbabwean assets as compensation for farmers, after a multi million rand property was seized by la (By News Poster)...Namibia: Pilot Killed in Plane Crash
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Adam HartmanWINDHOEK resident Petrus van der Walt (25) was killed on Thursday afternoon when the six-seat Cessna 210 he was flying crashed near the Trekkopje Mine's desalination pipeline near Wlotz (By News Poster)...Nigeria: On the Madness of Gaddafi
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Tony MomohI was at Benin on March 18 to speak at the 8th triennial conference of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria. I was asked to speak on Nigeria at 50 - Issues and Challenges. I likened the my (By News Poster)...Editorial: Separating Criminality From Politics in Ghana
Monday 05-Apr-2010: The Police Institution is empowered to enforce the law, protect property and reduce civil disorder. These functions of the Police in Ghana are spelt out in Section 1 of the Police Force Act, 1970 (Act (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Some Banks Still Operate Off-Site ATMs in Lagos
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Some banks in Lagos are still operating their off-site Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) after the expiration of central bank's deadline that banks close all such machines.The CBN had in June 2009 dire (By News Poster)...Somalia: 17 Killed in Fighting
Monday 05-Apr-2010: At least 17 people, mostly fighters have been killed and over 20 others injured on Sunday in heavy clashes that erupted in central Somalia, officials and witnesses said.Heavy fighting erupted on the n (By News Poster)...Gold hits its 2010 high... or? Higher still?
Friday 09-Apr-2010: [Remember the prediction that Gold will go much higher than this later in the year. I issued my buy order some days ago. Let's see how things go. Gold will probably rise and fall quite a bit ... but i (By Jan)...Tanzania: Some of Country's Borders 'Have Been Moved'
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Florence MugarulaThe Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development is planning to survey the country's borders.It has been revealed. The move follows information that there were reloc (By News Poster)...Uganda: Government Asks Russia to Explain Jet Story
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Sheila NaturindaThe government has summoned Moscow's envoy to Kampala to protest against Russian press reports that Uganda had bought fighter jets paid for by promises of crude oil. Defence Ministe (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Gold Fields Sealed Off
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Police in Masvingo have sealed off two gold-rich farms on the outskirts of Zimbabwe's oldest city to curb the influx of illegal panners.The move follows the arrest of 80 illegal gold panners at Kismet (By News Poster)...South Africa: Fifa World Cup Trophy Arrives on 5 May
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Johannesburg - ACCORDING to Coca-Cola, the FIFA World Cup Trophy, will arrive in South Africa on 5 May on the final leg of its global tour.During its journey through the country, the solid-gold Trophy (By News Poster)...South Africa: Freak Flying Wheel Kills Boy
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Warda MeyerA seven-year-old boy was killed in a freak accident on Delft Main Road when the wheel of a BMW flew off the car and struck him.Delft police said Ethan Mathews of Bonteheuwel was critical (By News Poster)...ETB Accused Use Gay Rumor As Defense
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: Lawyers representing the two Black farm workers accused of murdering AWB leader Eugene Terreblanche has changed their story of a wage dispute gone wrong to incorporate Leftist media slander into their (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...S. Africa: They are Coming for YOUR Self-Defence Weapons
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: [Just another attempt to de-arm LAW ABIDING citizens while 'criminals' run around horrendously killing innocent UNARMED citizens with MACHINE GUNS! FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS! Janolifant] POSTPONEMENT (By JanOlifant)...Hopley Residents Bemoan Neglect
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: By Caiphas ChimheteUNRUFFLED by wiggling worms and tadpoles, Rosemary Ndawana plunges her tin into the shallow well to fetch water for drinking and other household chores. Less than 10 metres away, on (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Our Prosperity is Tied to Security
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: The state of insecurity in the country is deteriorating. By the day, we are recording terrible cases of murder, assassination, violent robbery and extra-judicial killings without any one being brought (By News Poster)...Cosatu Plans to Protest Against Increase in Electricity Prices
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Wilson JohwaJohannesburg - THE Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) plans to take to the streets over electricity price increases, amid tension in the tripartite alliance over economic p (By News Poster)...South Africa: Bread And Circuses Distract From Real Issues
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Meshack MabogoaneJohannesburg - THE more bizarre the political situation in this country becomes, the better the prospects are that the ruling party will hold on to power until "Jesus comes back", (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Ribadu - Withdrawal of Charges, Abuse of Power - Ezeife - U.S. Supports Ex-EFCC Boss' Return
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Sunny Igboanugo And Chinedu OfforWashington DC/Lagos - Washington has promised to protect former Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Chairman, Nuhu Ribadu, as he prepares to return to (By News Poster)...South Africa: Father's Example Leads Black Auditor to Success
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Katy ChanceJohannesburg - VICTOR Sekese is CEO of SizweNtsaluba VSP, described on its website as "one of the few indigenous accounting firms that survived the harsh realities of the past".In aparth (By News Poster)...Uganda: African Leaders Asked to Support World Bank
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Martin Luther OketchKampala - Leaders in Africa have been asked to support the World Bank's bid to increase its capital in the next five years. Member countries, will gather in Washington next mont (By News Poster)...Libya: Beyond Political Influence
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Libya's peace diplomacy in Chad has met with some success, but lack of follow-up to implement the deals suggests Muammar Gaddafi is less interested in the country's long-term stabilisation than in ass (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe PM to Lobby EU over Mugabe - Tsvangirai, now Mugabe's puppet - disgusting
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: [The actions of Tsvangirai disgust me. Jan] Nairobi - Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai will lead a high level government delegation to talks with the European Union later this month where (By News Poster)...Liberia: 37 Bangladesh Nationals Trafficked To Country
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: The Liberian Government says it has in its custody 36 nationals of Bangladesh who were found loitering in the country, and the Liberian government is endeavoring to have them deported to their country (By News Poster)...Kenya: Voluntary Male Cut Project to Be Rolled Out in Urban Areas
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Nairobi - Poor urban settlements will soon host a team of doctors on a unique mission: to circumcise the uncircumcised men.Tents will be pitched all over the neighbourhoods and clarion calls made for (By News Poster)...Mozambique: 'MDM in Alliance with Frelimo', Claims Dhlakama
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Afonso Dhlakama, leader of Mozambique's main opposition party, the former rebel movement Renamo, has accused the breakaway Mozambique Democratic Movement (MDM) of entering into a strategic alliance wi (By News Poster)...Mozambique: Earthquakes - Not a Matter of If, But When
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Armando NenaneMaputo - Time is everything in responding to a natural disaster. Mozambique's disaster management specialists are worried that they are missing key data on the small tremors that take (By News Poster)...Industrial Property Bill Tabled
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Brigitte WeidlichTHE new Deputy Trade and Industry Minister, Tjekero Tweya, tabled a bill for the protection of industrial property like patents, trademarks, industrial designs and inventions in Pa (By News Poster)...Namibia: Swakopmund Council 'Plays By the Rules'
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Adam HartmanTHE reason why Swakopmund is one of the most successful towns in Namibia is because it plays by the rules, and if anyone shares in the benefits of the town's economic success and social (By News Poster)...Kenya: Poor Man's Banker Roots for Reforms in Finance Sector
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Steve MbogoKenya must reform its financial industry to include products for low income workers to achieve development goals, Nobel laureate Mohammed Yunus said.He said the banking and insurance sec (By News Poster)...Uganda: Trying to Blow the Whistle On Corruption
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Evelyn Matsamura KiapiKampala - The Ugandan Parliament is debating a Bill that will involve citizens in the fight against corruption following an increase in embezzlement of public funds by public (By News Poster)...Kenya: Local Prime Minister Refuses New Draft Amendments
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Anthony KariukiNairobi - Kenya Prime Minister Raila Odinga has ruled out the possibility of amending the draft constitution saying that the process has reached a point of no return.He said that onc (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Jonathan Names New Cabinet
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Daniel IdonorSET to make a mark within the next one year, Acting President Goodluck Jonathan is to head the nation's moribund power industry; even as he has concluded plans to unveil new initiative (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Labour Lists Relief Measures on Impact of Deregulation
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Victor Ahiuma-YoungTRADE Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC, has identified among others, seven major areas government should focus as relief measures to mitigate immediate negative impact of full dere (By News Poster)...So Much to Be Proud of
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Skue Kapanda MarengaI was prompted to enter the debate about the make of the new Cabinet, after realising that these analysts who have a virtual monopoly over the print and other media have lost to (By News Poster)...Liberia: Nightmare Not Over - Tubman
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: The lawyer-politician Winston Tubman says the national nightmare is far from over as many of those who fanned the flames of war are in charge of affairs.Speaking at the funeral of a murdered police of (By News Poster)...Tanzania: Eurpean Union Defends Economic Partnership Agreement
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: The European Union (EU) has defended the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) saying the arrangement does not aim at re-introducing colonialism in Africa.Instead, the EU delegation in the country said (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Unlicensed Co-operatives Disturbing Micro Banks' Business - Fortis
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Mr. Henry Nwawuba is an executive director at the Fortis Micro Finance Bank. In this interview, he says the proliferation of thrift based co-operative groups is creating bad impression of the micro fi (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Insurers Generate N73.47 Billion Premium From Fire Policies
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Patience SaghanaFollowing the increasing awareness on fire hazards and its associated destructions, insurance companies have raked in a total of N73.47 billion premium income from fire policies in (By News Poster)...Ghana: Security Services Must Be Neutral in Managing Conflicts
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Brigadier General Joseph Nunoo-Mensah (Rtd) on Thursday called on the security services to be neutral and display professionalism when maintaining law and order in conflict prone areas."Our nation tod (By News Poster)...Somalia: Government Says Troops Killed Rival Officers in Mogadishu
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Somalia - Sheik Yusuf Mohamed Siad (Inda'adde), the state minister of the transitional government for the defense affairs has Saturday said that the government troops killed several officers of the Is (By News Poster)...Uganda: Doctor Turned Graphic Novelist Highlights Country's Conflict Through Images
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Kevin James MooreMoses Lwanga fled Uganda as a boy and returned as a Harvard educated doctor to a country torn asunder by war. Lwanga strived to be a pacifist but the violence he witnessed overwhel (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Lagos Blames Banks for ATM Fraud, Vows to Rescue Victims
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Ekene OkoroLagos - Lagos State government has attributed the increased rate of Automated Teller Machine (ATM)-related fraud in the country to ineptitude of the banking industry, saying that it will (By News Poster)...Kenya: Kenolkobil Bounces Back from Half-Year Loss with Sh1.2 Billion Profit
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Mwaura KimaniListed oil marketer KenolKobil has posted a 47 per cent jump in profits for 2009 on the back of a drop in financing costs, overturning a half-year loss attributed to soaring operationa (By News Poster)...South Africa: Xstrata Chief Warns On Competitiveness
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Hilary JoffeJohannesburg - SA HAD an opportunity to become the centre of mining finance for the African continent, but JSE restrictions and remaining exchange controls made this almost impossible t (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Kasukuwere Blasts Zimplasts
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Zvamaida MurwiraHarare - INDIGENISATION plans submitted by Zimbabwe Platinum Mine (Zimplats) "are crazy, retrogressive and unacceptable" as they fall short of what is envisaged by the law, Youth De (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Police Assures Security During Genocide Week
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Bosco R. AsiimweKigali - The National Police have assured Rwandans of security during the Genocide commemoration week that starts today.Police spokesperson, Eric Kayiranga, yesterday said that in c (By News Poster)...Swaziland: Village Gets a Self-Sustaining Water Supply
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Mantoe PhakathiSiphofaneni - No one loves the bill collector, and Sifiso Shongwe gets a chilly welcome as he goes from household to household collecting money for Maphilingo's community water schem (By News Poster)...Uganda: Police Probe Makerere Land Row
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Francis KagoloKampala - The police has launched investigations into the alleged fraudulent lease of Makerere University land by officials in the lands ministry.The three-acre land located on Plots (By News Poster)...South Africa: Malema and Terreblanche Flip Side of Same Coin
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Tim CohenJohannesburg - THE slaying of Eugene TerreBlanche is a call to arms, but precisely not the call to arms that either he or his mirror image, Julius Malema, would ever issue. His death is a (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Kasukuwere Blasts Zimplasts
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Zvamaida MurwiraHarare - INDIGENISATION plans submitted by Zimbabwe Platinum Mine (Zimplats) "are crazy, retrogressive and unacceptable" as they fall short of what is envisaged by the law, Youth De (By News Poster)...South Africa: Eskom to Pull Plug On BHP's Cut-Rate Power
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Siseko NjobeniJohannesburg - ESKOM and BHP Billiton would amend their controversial long-term agreements for the supply of power to BHP Billiton's Mozal smelter in Mozambique and its Hillside and B (By News Poster)...Mozambique: Assembly Approves Government's Five Year Programme
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Maputo - The Mozambican parliament, the Assembly of the Republic, on Monday approved the government's programme for the five year period 2010-2014, which was debated last week.The resolution approving (By News Poster)...South Africa: Ford Earmarks Billions for Expansion
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Artwell DlaminiJohannesburg - FORD SA announced yesterday it planned to invest R3bn in additional capital expenditure as it geared up for the export of its next-generation compact pick-up truck nex (By News Poster)...Namibia: BoN Scrutinises Bank Windhoek Takeover Bid
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Jo-MarÉ DuddyTHE Bank of Namibia (BoN) is scrutinising the details of the deal whereby Absa intends getting control of Capricorn Investment Holdings (CIH), the majority shareholder of Bank Windhoek (By News Poster)...Somalia: Minister Claims Senior Al-Qaeda Arrive in Somalia
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: A Somali minister claims that at least 12 senior Al-Qaeda operatives have reached war-torn Somalia to assess the security for a possible relocation into the Horn of African country.Somalia's Treasury (By News Poster)...Somalia: Al-Shabab Says They Killed Ahlu Sunna's Officer, Ahlu Sunna Denies
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: The Islamist fighters of Harakata Al-shabab Mujahideen have said they killed the officer of Ahlu Sunna waljama'a at Marergur villagenear Dusomareb town in central Somalia, just as the Ahlu sunna denie (By News Poster)...Uganda: UPDF Denies Fighter Jet Deal
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Risdel KasasiraThe government was yesterday reported to have signed a contract with the Russian government to buy six Su-30MK2s fighter jets at a cost of Shs108b each. Rosoboronexport, Russia's sta (By News Poster)...Sudan: Saving Animals to Save Lives
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Malakal - As a region still recovering from years of brutal civil war and battling inter-ethnic clashes and food insecurity, Southern Sudan would appear to have bigger worries than animal welfare.But (By News Poster)...Uganda: Gen. Tinyefuza; Otunnu Wants to Avoid Guesswork
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Moses NuwagabaGeneral Tinyefuza was reported in Saturday Monitor as having warned the UPC president Olara Otunnu, for the second time in one month, against talking about Luweero killings.First, the (By News Poster)...Songs And Flags Bother You? Try Growing Up
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: By Aubrey MatshiqiJohannesburg - THE historical events which shaped South African society occurred within the same geographical territory, but the different races that inhabit this common territory do (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Police Nab Undergraduate Over Attempt to Dupe Mum
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Taye ObateruJos - An attempt by an undergraduate to dupe his mother by claiming that he was kidnapped has landed him in trouble as he is now in police custody.The suspect who claimed to be a 200-le (By News Poster)...Namibia: Sharp Rise in Bank Fraud
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Jo-MarÉ DuddyFRAUDSTERS tried to swindle N$7,6 million from local banks last year, the central bank has said.This is nearly 77 per cent more than the amount involved in fraud and economic crime in (By News Poster)...'Sensitive' Law Tries to Keep Kids Out of Jail
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Franny RabkinJohannesburg - THEY do not look like they could be accused of anything, let alone robbery, murder or rape. They look like children - some typically gawky teenagers, some little munchki (By News Poster)...Tanzania: Invest in Energy, Pension Funds Told
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: A parliamentary committee chairman has advised social security funds to invest in the energy sector. Mr Zitto Kabwe, who is the chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Public Organisations Accounts (By News Poster)...Zambia: Banda Sacks Defence Chiefs
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Sylvia Mweetwa, Joseph Banda and Gilbert KaimanaPRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has with immediate effect retired all the defence chiefs and their deputies and appointed new office bearers.The president sai (By News Poster)...South Africa: World Bank Decides On Eskom Loan Today
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Pretoria - With the World Bank expected to announce its decision on South Africa's application for a $3.75 billion loan today, government says that all stakeholders in the matter have been engaged."Th (By News Poster)...Uganda: Fuel Giant Shell Pulls Out of Uganda
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Kampala - ROYAL Dutch Shell PLC, a parent group of Shell Uganda, is pulling out of Uganda and 20 other African countries due to poor earnings and slow economic recovery.Ivan Kyayonka, the Shell Uganda (By News Poster)...Africa: Kenya, Ethiopian Carriers Battle for West Africa Skies
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Chris MburuNairobi - Kenya Airways and Ethiopian Airlines are set to intensify their battle for the lucrative East and West African skies, opening new destinations and increasing frequencies in a f (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Ezza/Ezillo Violence - Elechi Vows to Punish Sponsors
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Christopher IsiguzoEnugu - Ebonyi State Governor, Martin Elechi, weekend, said his administration would not take it kindly with anybody associated with the bloodshed in Ezza/Ezillo, as they would b (By News Poster)...Kenya: New Laws On Collateral Good News for Banks, Borrowers
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Mark KapchangaNairobi - Kenya is to streamline its laws on collateral in a move observers say will give a huge boost to the credit market.Among the Bills targeted in the radical review plan are the (By News Poster)...Nigeria: 2010 Budget - Oil Price, Production Benchmarks Unrealistic - Sanusi
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Kingsley IghomwenghianGovernor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, on Saturday expressed fears that the 2010 budget, which harmonised version is to be signed this week may f (By News Poster)...Nigeria: U.S to Impose New Airline Security Measures
Monday 05-Apr-2010: The United States will implement new airline security measures this month to replace mandatory screening of air travellers from 14 countries, a step that had angered some allies when it was imposed af (By News Poster)...Kenya: New Dam Puts Thousands At Risk, Experts Say
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: Nairobi - The Gibe 3 hydro-electric dam being built along Ethiopia's River Omo will disrupt thousands of livelihoods and threatens to upset the ecology in lower Omo and Lake Turkana, northwestern Keny (By News Poster)...Eugène Terre’Blanche Begrafnis: Mense van Reg Oor Die Wereld Bygewoon
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: Ventersdorp. – Witrandjiesfontein was gister ’n miernes van bedrywighede vir die begrafnis oormôre hier op sy erfplaas van mnr. Eugène Terre’Blanche. Volgens die AWB se uitvoerende komitee word da (By JanOlifant)...Zimbabwe: Cops to Quiz Mayor in Chiyangwa Land Row
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Freeman RazembaHarare - POLICE are keen to question Harare Mayor Muchadeyi Masunda in connection with criminal defamation allegations arising from media reports claiming businessman Mr Phillip Chiy (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Pregnant Woman Arrested With Cocaine At Airport
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Lagos - Officials of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) have apprehended a pregnant woman and four other suspects for ingesting 6.265 kg of narcotic drugs at the Murtala Mohammed Interna (By News Poster)...South Africa: Zuma Takes HIV Test
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Pretoria - President Jacob Zuma has taken an HIV test in an effort to encourage South Africans to do the same.The president took the test on Thursday."I am doing so to encourage as many South Africans (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Chamber of Mines Calls for Phased Compliance
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Harare - THE Zimbabwe Chamber of Mines wants indigenous people to hold a minimum of 15 percent in foreign-owned mines with the balance adding up to 51 percent being made up of equity equivalents.The I (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Strategic Energy Limited Boss Backs Calls for Deregulation
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Ebele OrakpoThe Managing Director of Strategic Energy Limited (SLE), Mr. Dayo Adeshina has said that deregulation of the downstream sector of the Petroleum industry would go a long way in the natio (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Battle for Chiadzwa Diamonds Rages On
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Harare - MINING firm African Consolidated Resources, which claims to have the legal title to mine the Chiadzwa diamonds in Marange, has threatened to take companies operating there to international co (By News Poster)...Africa: World Bank Policies Not Helping Africa
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Akwasi FreduaA member of the United Nations Committee on Development Policy, Prof. Alice Amsden, has tasked African countries to move away from what she described as the World Bank's "One policy fi (By News Poster)...Uganda: Farmers, Not Technical Fixes Can Feed the World
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Dr. Kumi NaidooKampala - Genetic engineering is a technology in search of a problem; a product in search of a market. This should be the guiding principal in the minds of civil society leaders, far (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Insurance Industry Sacrifices Workmen's Compensation to NSITF
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Patience SaghanaNigerian insurance industry may sacrifice another class of its business to the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) if the Employees Compensation bill presently at the Nation (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Shonekan Advises Yoruba Against Reprisal Attack
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Andrew AgbeseJos - Chief Ernest Shonekan, former Head of Interim National Government, has cautioned Yoruba people against reprisals over the killings and losses they suffered in the Jos crises. Sho (By News Poster)...IMPORTANT: Rally at Ventersdorp in Protest of Genocide of South Africa's Whites - Tuesday 6 April
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Tomorrow (Tuesday 6 April) at 08:30 there will be a peaceful rally at Ventersdorp Court. We will be protesting to show and make the world aware of the continued extermination of the Afrikaners and Sou (By JanOlifant)...Rwanda: Ingabire Ousted in Palace Coup
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: Kigali - Victoire Ingabire, the controversial leader of FDU-Inkingi, an exiled group trying to register as a political party, has been deposed in a well-orchestrated move by her European-based colleag (By News Poster)...Building BRICS - Economies in Developing World Lead the Way
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: Johannesburg - EUROPE is not the zone to look to if you are seeking growth and exports. Two sets of data this week indicated just how anaemic the recovery in the euro zone is. It has lost momentum sin (By News Poster)...South Africa: Hitachi Firm in 'Controversial' Coal Haul Deal
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Siseko NjobeniJohannesburg - A SISTER company to Hitachi Power Africa, in which African National Congress (ANC) investment arm Chancellor House is a 25% shareholder, has been awarded a R250m contra (By News Poster)...Farmers Get to Grips with Technology in Uganda
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Joshua KyalimpaWainha - Mayuge district has 31,000 farming families served by just nine agricultural extension workers. In Wainha village, an internet centre run by the Busoga Rural Open Source and (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe/Botswana: 'We Respect Gaborone United'
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Augustine HwataHarare - IT'S largely agreed that one man does not make a team but Dynamos coach Elvis Chiweshe might at one stage questioned the validity of that statement in the absence of chief s (By News Poster)...Nigeria: EFCC Apprehends Bank Manager over N45 Million Fraud
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Ibrahim ShuaibuKano - The Kano State Zonal office of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has apprehended a female banker, Mrs. Asmau Gaanda, (40), a staff of Afribank Plc, for an alleged i (By News Poster)...Uganda: Time to Tame Fuel Prices
Monday 05-Apr-2010: The sky-high fuel prices are wreaking havoc on the economy and paralysing ordinary Ugandans who are already battered by inflated prices of other essential commodities. We acknowledge that Uganda's eco (By News Poster)...Al Qaeda Threatens World Cup
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: As all the increase in racial tensions just before South Africa hosts the World Cup in a few months time is not enough, terrorist group Al Queda has threatened to attack the soccer/football tournament (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...Nigeria: Nigerians Lack Knowledge of Energy Efficiency - Nerc Boss
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Oscarline OnwuemenyiThe Administrator of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), Mallam Imamudeen Talba has blamed the collapsed state of the nation's energy sector on the lack of di (By News Poster)...Somalia: Heavy Shelling Kills 3, Injuries More Than 10 Others in Mogadishu
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Mogadishu - At least three people were killed and more than10 others injured as heavy shelling targeted to parts of Hodan district in the Somali capital Mogadishu, witnesses told Shabelle radio on Thu (By News Poster)...Kenya: Saitoti Pledges End to Graft in His Ministry
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Mugumo MuneneNairobi - The Internal Security Ministry has announced an ambitious plan to rid itself of corruption within 100 days.It will crack harder on drug barons, cattle rustlers, highway bandi (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Expired Milk Scam - NAFDAC Shuts Firm
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Florence Udoh With Agency ReportNATIONAL Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has shut down Rofico Company Ltd, Agege , Lagos over alleged re-packaging of expired milk sach (By News Poster)...South Africa: A Gay Lifestyle is Okay, But Being Gay is Not
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Cape Town - Gay communities across Africa often run into the sharp end of prejudice against their sexual orientation, yet a transvestite fraternity in the South African coastal city of Cape Town has g (By News Poster)...Congo-Kinshasa: Funding Crunch Threatens ARV Rollout
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: Nairobi - With large donor projects winding up and little bilateral support for HIV programmes in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the country is facing the possibility of ARV shortages and ris (By News Poster)...Uganda: Two Killed at Rwanda Border
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Goodluck MusinguziKampala - Two people were on Friday killed by a mob while two others were rescued by the Police in Rubaya sub-county, Kabale district on the Uganda-Rwanda border.The Rubaya LC3 ch (By News Poster)...WMMI Needs to Refocus Business
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Harare - Willowvale Mazda Motor Industries is once again facing a crisis, and is pressing as hard as it can to have the duty on imported pick-up trucks increased to give it some protection from compet (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: 44 Perish On Roads
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Harare - SIX people died yesterday when a Peugeot 504 sedan they were travelling in burst a tyre and collided with a Masvingo-bound Mhunga bus along the Harare-Masvingo Road near Lanark Store, about 3 (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Jonathan Orders Probe into Gov. Rimi's Death
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Daniel IdonorActing President Goodluck Jonathan today expressed shock over the sudden death of former Governor of Kano State, Alhaji Abubakar Rimi, and has directed the inspector-General of Police, (By News Poster)...Mozambique: Four Thais Arrested for Smuggling Rubies
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Maputo - The Mozambican police have arrested four Thai citizens who were trying to smuggle rubies out of the country, reports Monday's issue of the independent daily "O Pais".The four were detained on (By News Poster)...Angola: Girl Raped to Death in Rangel District
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Luanda - A eight-year old girl was raped and asphyxiated to death in Rangel district, here, police said.In a statement to Angop, police sub-inspector Nestor Goubel, said that the crime happened inside (By News Poster)...Nigeria: CBN Infrastructure Finance Office - A Welcome Move
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Lagos - THERE IS no gainsaying the fact that governments the world over through their fiscal policies constitute the driving force behind economic development. In most developed nations, the governmen (By News Poster)...Tanzania: Food Prices Stable Easter Season
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Austin BeyadiDar Es Salaam - PRICES for staple food in some parts of Dar es Salaam will remain stable during the Easter holiday, thanks to a soaring supply of food stuffs at the markets.The prices (By News Poster)...Uganda: Missing the ICT Revolution Due to Wrong Fibre Optic Cables
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Kampala - UGANDA is laying the wrong fibre optic cable for the national backbone infrastructure, local and international experts have said.Uganda is using the G652 type whereas it should be using G655 (By News Poster)...Mozambique: Zambezia Residents Apologise for Cholera Riot
Monday 05-Apr-2010: Maputo - The population of the locality of Alto-Maganha, in the central Mozambican province of Zambezia, have apologised for destroying their own health centre in February, reports the Beira daily pap (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Southern Leaders And the Fear of the North (1)
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: By Soyombo Opeyemi'Anxiety Over Yar'Adua,' a front-page report in The Nation of Monday, 22nd March, 2010, which could also have read What If Yar'Adua Returns?, has caused considerable disquiet in some (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Shelbourne Join Toyosi's Mourning Party
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Uchenna AjahLagos - As the Irish Police continue to unravel the circumstances surrounding the death of Nigerian-born Toyosi Shittabey on Good Friday, the board of management of Ireland's Shelbourne (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Zimplats Offers Ceded Claims
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Harare - ZIMPLATS, the holder of the largest platinum reserves in Zimbabwe, has proposed that 36 percent of the mining claims it ceded to Government four years ago cover part of its black empowerment (By News Poster)...Tanzania: Local Banks Urged to Encourage Borrowing
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Orton KiishwekoDar Es Salaam - THE public is waiting to see what changes local banks come up with in the intervening period, regarding slashing of base lending rates in favour of cheaper credit.Par (By News Poster)...Kenya: Setback for PC in Land Dispute
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Nairobi - A provincial commissioner on Thursday suffered a major setback in a dispute over the ownership of land in Watamu.A Mombasa court said it would hear an application by Mr Jervasio Kanampiu, wh (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Guidelines On Margin Loans Out in Two Weeks
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: The governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Sanusi Lamido Sanusi has said that a guideline on margin loan would soon be released by the apex bank.Sanusi, in an interactive session on television (By News Poster)...Zambia: President Warns Trouble Makers
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has warned that Government will not spare anyone who attempts to cause violence ahead of next year's general elections.Responding to questions from journalists after a Press bri (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Onaiyekan, Oyedepo, Two Others in Secret Talks With Jonathan
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: By Sam Eyoboka & Daniel IdonorAbuja - Barely 48 hours after they met behind closed doors with ailing President Umaru Yar'Adua, four top Christian clerics, National President of the Christian Associati (By News Poster)...Somalia: Al-Shabab Seizes Distict in Central Region
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: Somalia - Heavy fighting between the Islamist fighters of Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen and Ahlu Sunna Walajama'a has broken out at Mataban district in Hiran region, central Somali Somalia, officials a (By News Poster)...Africa: Shell to Sell Downstream Units
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Siseko NjobeniJohannesburg - OIL multinational Shell intended to pull out of the downstream market in 21 African countries, the company said last week.The move reinforces the global trend of multin (By News Poster)...Tanzania: Police Seize Suspected Bandit, Gun and Ammo
Monday 05-Apr-2010: By Leonard MubaliKigoma - Police here have recovered an SMG gun and a magazine loaded with 30 rounds of ammunition from suspected bandits, according to acting regional police commander Twaha Ramadhan. (By News Poster)...S.Africa: What the HELL should be done about Julius Malema? Its time to sort this goon out...
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: I've been giving this Julius Malema business a lot of thought and I think its time this goon is taken down for once and for all, and I think there may be black people, moderate black people who will s (By Jan)...USA: The New York Times is now the lying mouthpiece of S.Africa's Ruling Regime...
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: I got an email from Frank of Queens, who runs "The Right Perspective" radio show. He told me this about the New York Times which ran an article about Julius Malema and the murder/assassination of Euge (By Jan)...S.Africa: This is the truly bad impression that enemies of the Afrikaners like to portray... of Eugene Terreblanche...
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: [Take a look at this. This is how countless millions see the Afrikaners. You and I know that Afrikanerdom is far different to this, but this is how foreigners see this. This link was what the Drudg (By Jan)...Science: South Africa's Great Scientific Hoax as the Crable of all man...
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: A friend of mine, who had studied biology at university actually made an interesting point the other day. He told me that there's on thing about evolution which he can't understand. You will ha (By Jan)...S.Africa: What's going on? Is Mugabe about to throw out the last farmers on a few hours notice?
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: A regular reader on the site sent me an Afrikaans SMS which basically said: Please pray for the farmers in Zimbabwe. It says they've been given a few hours notice to abandon their farms and that masse (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: Ahmadinejad to Open International Trade Fair
Friday 09-Apr-2010: By Farai MachivenyikaHarare - PRESIDENT of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, will officially open the 51st edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair in Bulawayo on April 23.Sec (By News Poster)...AWB Rage In TV Outburst
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Controversy is surrounding AWB Secretary General Andre Visagie after a near-violent outburst the far-right activist had on South African television Wednesday night. Visagie was on South African new (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...South Africa: Reparation Pact for Assets in Zimbabwe
Wednesday 07-Apr-2010: By Linda EnsorJohannesburg - The bilateral investment protection agreement signed between SA and Zimbabwe in November required that investors facing expropriation of their non-agricultural assets in t (By News Poster)...Did Karl Marx hate Black people? Was Karl Marx a Racist? We need research...
Monday 05-Apr-2010: I must say I was impressed with Arthur Kemp's blog when I went there. He's got a fantastic article on the ancient Greeks. But he wrote a piece about Karl Marx and how Karl Marx hated Jews. In that (By Jan)...Steve Hofmeyr Boikot Zuma Oor Eugene Terre'Blanche se Moord
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: Oudtshoorn. – “Daar is ’n einde aan verdraagsaamheid van mense wat geteister word,” het Steve Hofmeyr gister gesê oor die woede rondom die moord op mnr. Eugène Terre’Blanche. Hofmeyr het hier by d (By JanOlifant)...Attention: Readers - hectically busy... chat on the weekend about Race War, Terblanche, etc...
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Hi All, I have seriously important deadlines at my work. Tons to do in my last 2 days before I go on leave. So I'll be out of action until saturday. I'll post and chat and reply to you on the weekend (By Jan)...FBC Seeks U.S.$8 Million
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: By Martin KadzereHarare - FBC Holdings Ltd is seeking to raise US$8 million through a rights offer to recapitalise its two subsidiaries and ensure they comply with the Reserve Bank-prescribed minimum (By News Poster)...S.Africa: Attention: What's this business of: Boers Versus Afrikaners? Why did Eugene TerreBlanche regard himself as a BOER?
Thursday 08-Apr-2010: Hi All, I want to open a debate. It is actually a debate that annoys me. But it is this debate about BOER and AFRIKANER. I do not have time to read entire books and reams of pages on the matter s (By Jan)...Jan Lamprecht to appear on the Jeff Rense show to discuss the murder of Eugene Terreblanche...
Monday 05-Apr-2010: I will be appearing on Jeff Rense's show tonight in the 8-9pm Pacific Time slot to discuss Eugene's murder and the state of Whites and Afrikaners here in South Africa. (By Jan)...R3NDI3R Tears Malema A New One
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: Amazing! A Must See! (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...[2 Pics] [Humour] Some Landrover humour... aimed at 4x4's...
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: I took these photos of a friend of mine's landrover which he recently bought at a hell of a bargain price. But take a look at his cool bumper sticker! Its true! Other friends of mine have told me h (By Jan)...Hello, Africa! Archive: Andre Visage Speaks About ETB
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: AWB Secreatary General Andre Visage remembers Oom Eugene Terreblanche, who was savagely murdered on his Ventersdorp home last weekend. Visage gives the right perspective on new evidence released (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...[Pic][Video] Definitely the Dumbest American Congressman
Tuesday 06-Apr-2010: [Think this is a prank? Well its not! Listen to this fool of epic proportions! Besides his main idiotic point, here are some extra pointers you should take heed of in the video: "...least widest a (By JanOlifant)..."Zimbabwe Today" by Robb WJ Ellis (10-04-2010)
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: Howzit While Mugabe lives in sumptuous surroundings, a beautiful house and doesn't have a worry about food, electricity, water or money, the people of Zimbabwe find themselves living in abject pove (By The BeardedMan)...S.Africa: Something Eugene Terreblanche related that nobody knows about... Hatching a plan...
Sunday 11-Apr-2010: I am currently busy with some interesting discussions with someone. The person's name can't be mentioned. Keep watching AfricanCrisis... I'm working on a plan... will see what we can do in a week or s (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: I ask a General with an Intelligence background for info: Are White farmers being thrown off with a few hours notice?
Saturday 10-Apr-2010: I contacted a friend who had previously worked for the Transvaal Agricultural Union and asked him about the SMS (Cell phone text message) doing the rounds among Afrikaners. He said he had no info. (By Jan)..."Zimbabwe Today" by Robb WJ Ellis (08-04-2010)
Friday 09-Apr-2010: Howzit Foreign currency mid-rates updated. -o00o- ANC Youth Leader Julius Malema cannot seem to stay away from controversy, can he? In a press conference held in South Africa, he took offence (By The BeardedMan)...
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
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Britannia Radio