Monday, 12 April 2010

  • Drunk with Union Power


    For a glimpse at America's future, look to Europe,

     where powerful labor unions often hold 

    governments and businesses hostage. Attempts at 

    efficiency or just modernization are routinely beaten 

    back with strikes. Last week British Airways

     was threatened with a cabin-crew strike. Last 

    month, Germany's Lufthansa was hit with a pilots' 

    strike and the airline expects another work stoppage this week.

    Last week, French train drivers began their third strike this year alone.

    But some Danes are making their move to win the award for greatest level of labor insanity.

    (W)arehouse workers and drivers at Danish brewer Carlsberg halted work for a second day on Thursday to protest a company decision to limit beer drinking at work to lunch breaks.

    The workers were mad because they were no longer able to drink as much as -- get this -- the truck drivers who deliver the beer.

    (D)rivers retained an old right to three beers per day outside lunch hours, and warehouse workers claimed the same right.