Thursday, 15 April 2010

Worldview Weekend Newsletter
Featuring Brannon Howse and Friends


Exposing America's Third Way to Welfare-State Capitalism and The Social Justice of The Religious Left
By Brannon Howse

America Becomes a Two-Class Society
By Phyllis Schlafly
Income tax day, April 15, 2010, now divides Americans into two almost equal classes: those who pay for the services provided by government and the freeloaders. The percentage of Americans who will pay no federal income taxes at all for 2009 has risen to 47 percent.

Worldview Matters with Brannon Howse
Topic One: Update on Worldview Weekend Rallies and the Worldview Weekend Hour Goes Prime-Time starting May 10th. Topic Two: Global Governance: The Bible predicted it the news reports It. Topic Three: Understanding the goals of the power elite. 

Obama's Legal Appointees Constitute a Radical Cadre
By Robert Knight
Well, Merrick Garland's fate is probably sealed. As a prospective Supreme Court nominee, the D.C. Circuit judge has drawn favorable comment from conservatives as a "reasonable" choice to succeed John Paul Stevens.

SEIU's Plan to Exploit "Immigration Reform" to Further Socialist Agenda
By Trevor Loudon
While only 6,000 strong, DSA has considerable strength in the labor movement, non profits, education and inside the Democratic Party. While Marxist based, DSA's innocuous sounding name, allows the organization to operate in ways and places that their allies in the the Communist Party USA cannot. 

Whose Side Is God On?
By Jan Markell
Today, one of the greatest seductions is that there could be world peace if only the Palestinians had a homeland. So this month, a new film was launched titled "With God On Our Side." It is aimed at changing the end-time views of evangelicals and the theology that says the Jews are God's chosen people and have a divine right to the land of Israel.

Understanding The Times with Jan Markell
Dr. Ron Rhodes returns to talk about angels. In his book, Angels Among Us: Separating Facts from Fiction, Rhodes and Jan discuss the creation of angels, the assignments of angels, the biblical importance of angels, the characteristics of angels, the difference between good and bad (demonic) angels, the fall of 1/3 of angels, and much more.

Wallbuilders Live
Challenging the Hate Crimes Act Guest: Robert Muse, Thomas More Law Center

Reflections on a Reasonable Faith
By Dave Hunt
A false idea exists in both the world and in the church that faith and reason do not go together when, in fact, one cannot exist without the other. When God called out, "Adam, where art thou?" it was not Adam's physical location He was asking about but his moral and spiritual relationship with his Creator. "What happened to that relationship we once had, Adam? I miss it and am grieved." As a bumper sticker says, "When you feel far from God, guess who moved?"

Obama's private army?
By Henry Lamb
Who knew that Obamacare provides for a "Regular Corps," and a "Ready-Reserve Corps," of officers and individuals who are appointed by the President? Commissioned officers are subject to active duty at the call of the Surgeon General. The new law provides $17.5 million in each of the first four years to recruit and train these reserves