Monday, 3 May 2010
Why the government took action against Ashley Mote when it did - why he said nothing about the threat of prosecution until after the election - the rows and splits within UKIP about his seat - the new party chairman obeys Farage's instructions and fails to deliver - the new party secretary tries another tack and loses - Brussels and Strasbourg for the first time - the whip is finally withdrawn - fighting for committee seats against all the odd-balls in the unattached "group" in the European Parliament - finding staff and support inside the enemy gates
Amongst those featuring in this new chapter are:
UKIP and supporters : Nigel Farage MEP, Petrina Holdsworth former chairman UKIP, Roger Knapman former leader UKIP and former MEP, Denis Brookes, Mark Croucher, former UKIP press officer, Idris Francis, Phil Roberts, John Saunders, John Kelly, Rose Read, Michael Wigley, David Delaney, John Youles, Jerry Wraith, Philip Collins, Rodney and Jayne Howlett, Barry Harding, Paul Gilbert, David Lott, Robert Kilroy-Silk, former MEP, Douglas Denny, John Whittaker MEP, Jeffrey Titford, former MEP, Graham Booth, former MEP, Tom Wise, former MEP, Julia Williamson, Nikki Sinclaire MEP, Bruce Shaxson, Ted Huxley, Charles and Liz Phillips, David Samuel, Peter Beukers, Derek Hunnikin, Margaret Turpin, Graham Mellstrom.
EU : Paul van Buitenen and Claude Moraes both former members of the European Commission and former MEPs, Marta Andreasen MEP and former chief accountant for the European Commission.
Authors : Bernard Connolly, author The Rotten Heart of Europe, Lindsay Jenkins, author of several books about the EU
Others : Dick Morris, political strategist and UKIP adviser 2003-04, Michael Shrimpton, lawyer, Andrew Tyrie MP for Chichester, George Bush, former president of the United States, Tony Blair, former prime minister, Jean-Marie Le Pen, MEP and leader French National Front,Jim Allister, former MEP, Heather Coyningham, Genevieve Locqueville, both euro-sceptic staff in Brussels, Phil Hornby, political correspondent ITN Meridian, Anthony Browne, one time Brussels correspondent of The Times.
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