Wednesday 26 May 2010

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What's New
The Project Avalon Blog

26 May 2010

Two major new interviews are just published. David Icke and Jordan Maxwell:


David's interview was a few days after his major Brixton Academy presentation, and the publication of his new book: HUMAN RACE, GET OFF YOUR KNEES. He considers it his best interview yet.

The video of Jordan is not so much an interview, but my pointing the camera at him while he told two hours of quite astonishing personal stories.

Several of these stories are REALLY astonishing - by any standards. They feature ETs, UFOs, and what could loosely be termed the paranormal (very paranormal!).

I don't know anyone, anywhere, who's had as many high-strangeness experiences as Jordan has had. He's had others, too, which we didn't have time to record.

I've heard all these accounts before, off-record, and I was more than delighted when Jordan, fresh back from the Vatican, sat down and agreed to go on camera with this material. Enjoy and be amazed.

While the two were together - for several days - we recorded a wonderful video conversation (see 16 May below - still being edited). As a bonus, I recorded 20 minutes of audio over the dinner table of David and Jordan exchanging reptilian stories. Great fun (or highly alarming, depending on your viewpoint). Click here to listen. Don't miss this :)

More is coming that will be worth waiting for. I'm still working on the long (and quite inspiring) conversation between David and Jordan, Jordan's trip to the Vatican, and the long-awaited Igor Witkowski interview about the Nazi Bell. Please be patient... I'm single-handed here, but have enough ongoing major projects here for a team of several people. I am focusing on quality, not quantity.

The trip to South Africa is now rescheduled to August - it was impossible to make it work at this time for a number of reasons. My thanks for Mel Ve's patience end endless commitment and energy for working hard to set this up.

Do visit my own section on the Project Avalon forum, where there is high-quality discussion on new releases and other items. The forum can be read by anyone, but to register and join in the discussion, click here.

16 May 2010 - update

The in-depth interview with David Icke is rescheduled to tomorrow (Tuesday). Instead, I recorded an hour and a half of informal but very inspiring conversation between David and Jordan Maxwell that should also need little editing.

16 May 2010

On top of the Vatican material reported below, I now have a quite wonderful two hours of video of Jordan Maxwell recounting personal experiences with UFOs, ETs and what could loosely be called the paranormal - that I don't believe he's ever before told publicly. Quite a few of these stories are extraordinary by any standards.... believe me. I'm more than delighted that Jordan has at last made the decision to share these with the world.

This is Jordan on top form: dynamic, entertaining, and profound. He was so fluent and energized that the video needs barely any editing, and I hope to release this within 48 hours.

This afternoon Ill be recording a major video interview with David Icke on his new book:Human Race, Get Off Your Knees. This is right after his 2010 Brixton Academy presentation a couple of days ago to 2,500 people, which was a great success. David has significant new material, and some challenging and controversial ideas to report. We'll be drilling down into these in as much detail as possible.

15 May 2010

After nearly a month with no update here, an explanation is due... and I think the news may be worth waiting for. There are a number of items:

I've spent the last 30 days with Jordan Maxwell, who's on an extended European trip - and it's been a huge privilege to have spent so much intensive personal time with the great man.

For various reasons, we decided between us to keep his visit very low key... one of which is that we've just returned from the Vatican, where Jordan had never actually been. It was the highlight of his trip, and everything was recorded on video. Enjoy this provocative trailer here (which is sure to get him into big trouble :)

The Project Avalon YouTube account is now active:

Please subscribe, spread the word and add comments as you wish. I no longer have access to the Project Camelot channel, so this is where my own videos will be hosted from now on.

I'm traveling to South Africa in a week or two for an extensive trip to visit a number of people. Many of you know that I have Africa in my blood (or it certainly feels like it). One thing I'm looking forward to is a guided tour of Adam's Calendar (the ancient stone ruins widely publicized by Michael Tellinger) by Johan Heine, the helicopter bush pilot who discovered them in 2003 when searching for a lost plane. I'll be interviewing Johan, and a number of others. It'll be a busy trip.

For various technical reasons access to my being able to update this page has been very limited in the last few weeks. Some updates and comments have been posted on the Avalon forum here...

...on a special section devoted to updates from and dialog with myself on a number of topics. Do visit, and join in.

There is more, which I can't say too much about at the moment... I will update when I can.

19 April 2010 - update

Click here for the full 1 hr 40 minute interview with Dr Bill Deagle (see below).

19 April 2010

Click here for a funny, profound and important six-minute teaser summary of a new, major, hour and a half audio interview with Dr Bill Deagle. You need to hear this: both the teaser and the interview, which should be posted in a few hours' time.

The hour and a half which precedes it is about the causal connection between Planet X (not a planet, but a brown dwarf star, currently somewhere round the orbit of Jupiter) and the clear trend of increased volcanic and earthquake activity that's becoming increasingly hard for anyone to ignore.

15 April 2010

The donations button is now definitely working. My apologies to everyone who's wanted to make a contribution to Project Avalon. I do very much appreciate your generosity, and patience.


11 April 2010

Just published here: a new video interview with Jim Humble. Fascinating, inspiring, fun, and highly recommended.

3 April 2010

I'm still working on the appearance, feel and planned content of the new website, and have a lot of work piling up to post. Please be patient! There's quite a lot coming soon.

Of immediate concern is this personal message about Credo Mutwa, the South African Zulu Shaman who's a close friend of David Icke, which I received from David yesterday. It reads:

Bill ... I just talked with Credo Mutwa and he and his family, including children they have taken in who have lost both parents to Aids, do not have enough money even to eat.
'We are starving, Mr David', he just told me. I talked with him yesterday, but today I realised even more just how they are struggling.
He is being attacked from many angles that are too complicated to detail here, but they want rid of him for sure. 
He was given a monthly income for life by a trust in America, but it suddenly stopped in December and since then he has, at the age of 84, been trying a scrape a living for his family selling paintings to tourists. I knew none of this until the last 24 hours.
I am wiring him £1,000 first thing in the morning (quite a sum in SA) so they can start buying food, but I need to find a way that they can pay their bills ongoing.
Any help or ideas would be much appreciated. Maybe a Credo appeal. I have to do something urgently, that's for sure.
best wishes,

Please help this exceptional man. His bank details are:

Name - C. M. Mutwa
International Account Number - 014652048
Bank - Standard Bank, Lyttleton, Johannesburg, South Africa

Thank you all in advance for your generosity - every small amount will help him.

27 March 2010

 Today you'll see some new additions to the site. The menu structure has changed a little, featuring drop-down menu options to make navigation easier. You'll also see a few new pages. This page you're reading now is the new home page, and the original Welcome to the New Project Avalon page is linked elsewhere.

The language flags at the top of each page each lead you to a drop-down menu with welcome pages in each language and a list of translated pages currently available - which will grow very quickly now. My thanks again to the team of 230 translators who are committed to bringing this information to all the peoples of the world. English video and audio transcripts will be listed from the UK flag on the top left.

25 March 2010

 A new video interview with Klaus Dona - THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE. This is a 45 minute slideshow, with a personal commentary from Klaus. It's data-rich, detailed, intensive, absorbing, and may contain more startling information about the recent history of Planet Earth in one place than any other video you've ever seen. The topics cover Atlantis, reptilian humanoids, the Anunnaki, ancient symbolism, ancient science, an ancient global language, and much more.

 My next two projects are an article about a large electromagnetic cloud in space publicized by the respected magazine NATURE in December, which may be important for us all to understand - followed by a major audio interview with Dr Bill Deagle. 

 The PayPal button on this site is not working at present - my apologies to all. I will handle this as soon as possible.

19 March 2010

Over the next few days I'll be editing a new video with Klaus Dona - and also (at last) releasing the extremely intense and data-rich audio interview with Dr Bill Deagle from a short while ago. Next week, the whole interview with Igor Witkowski should follow.

 The Avalon Translation team numbers 225 people from 27 (I think!) different language groups. This is a high-energy, light-hearted, friendly and enthusiastic international group that anyone is welcome to join. Click here to contact them. The team also supports Project Camelot translations, and is considering taking on other projects as the need arises.

 The New Project Avalon Forum is now launched, with this announcement:

We are now welcoming the first new and returning members to this new forum and will be making an announcement at the old forum in the near future regarding the official opening. This forum will be invite only to ensure quality of content and the peacefulness of this community.

Within a few weeks the option to request an invitation will be made available on our main page. That will make it possible for anyone who did not make it in during the invitation process to ask for a invite. It is our belief this new forum will enhance both the efficiency and overall user experience once operational.

I intend to contribute regularly to the new forum as time permits, and will look forward to answering questions and discussing current issues of all kinds.

 This new Avalon site will continue to expand with more pages and sections added, and further updates and announcements here will follow soon in response to the many questions asked on a number of topics. I'm still intending to establish a new YouTube account, at which point I can remove the embedded videos (which are problematic on several counts: this was always an interim solution). My best wishes and warmest thanks to all who have been sending messages of friendship and support.

16 March 2010

 A new video interview with Marcel Messing.

A terrible storm has descended upon the human world, and this is carrying us towards destruction. [Bodhisattva Panden Dorje, the "Buddha Boy" of Nepal, still just 19 years old.]

9 March 2010

 A video update with Jane Bürgermeister is now posted.

 Audio and video downloads (MP3 and MP4) are now available from all the interview pages.

7 March 2010

 The Anglo-Saxon Mission has now been re-released after some minor edits. This important video presents detailed whistleblower testimony about Illuminati plans for the Third World War.[Please click here for the original Project Camelot page.]

6 March 2010

 My sincere thanks to all those, many of them old Camelot friends, who have written with good wishes, pledges to the Avalon Round Table, and donations.

 Visit the new Interviews page for an interesting 7 minute preview of our video of Igor Witkowski and the Nazi Bell. 

 Please stay tuned for some important updates in the next 24-48 hours.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead (1901-1978)

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