Bat Ye'or, groundbreaking scholar of the Islamization of Europe (author of Eurabia); the pioneering scholar on dhimmitude, the institutionalized mistreatment of non-muslims under Islam law; and the world's leading historian on Islamic anti-semitism, speaks in Vienna. Her talk was sponsored by the Hudson Institute, the Educational Initiative for Central and Eastern Europe, and Kairos Journal. The Forum topic was "The Future of Europe and the Challenge of Islam." Bat Ye'or spoke as part of a panel, "Historical Background and Thorny Issues," with Douglas Murray, Paul Marshall and me. If you missed my one and one video interview with Bat Ye'or, go here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 03:03 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! I saw Shmuley Boteach's article today in the Jerusalem Post concerning the mega mosque at Ground Zero and I sent off this Facebook note to him:Click here: Is a giant mosque at Ground Zero justified? Rabbi, I am shocked and dismayed that nowhere in your article today do you discuss the threat doctrine and Islamic anti-semitism. You mention the Holocaust but not the mufti nor the dhimmitude the Jews suffered under living in Islamic countries for centuries. You ought to spend some time with Bat Ye'or, the world's leading scholar and historian on Islam in the West and Islamic anti-semitism. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 01:00 PM in Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 12:16 PM in Critical Races | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Robert and I penned this piece for Big Government. Read it. A massive fifteen-story mosque and Islamic Center going up in what was once the shadow of the World Trade Center claims to offer “the opposite statement to what happened on 9/11.” The Center organizers, the America Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA), have worked hard in the media to portray themselves as Islamic moderates working for peace on the exact spot where their belligerent coreligionists perpetrated murder and mayhem in the name of their religion. But the words and deeds of the leader of the effort, the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, suggests a more ominous reality: Abdul Rauf is a master of deceptive, Orwellian use of language, manifesting a deep contempt for non-Muslims and full accord with the supremacist goals of the 9/11 hijackers. Here's the whole thing. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 11:47 AM in Atlas Articles, Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! This was left in the comment section of an earlier post. And it is dead on right. "TAQIYA” Faisal Abdul Rauf (posted at Free US Now) UPDATE: More Ground Zero mosques. UPDATE: More. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 10:45 PM | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Gadi Adelman, National Field Director for SIOA (Stop Islamization of America), has written a powerful piece on the 911 imam. Gadi will be writing for SIOA on a regular basis. Look for more of his research and writing at SIOA. The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far… by Gadi Adelman The man behind the mosque at Ground Zero, Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, comes from a long line of Imams. The problem is, to what point does that line lead back? In my last article, “Spitting in the Face of Everyone Murdered on 9/11,” I spoke out against building a mosque at Ground Zero in New York City. Aside from the moral issue of having a mosque so close to Ground Zero (one would think if Islam is truly the religion of peace, its representatives would surely see the great agitation this causes and do the decent thing by just not building it there). Forget the question of who is funding the $100 million, 13-story monster mosque, because of all the e-mails and comments I received, I decided a more interesting venture would be to look a little deeper into the man behind the mosque. Back in 2004, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf was invited to speak in Sydney, Australia, by Premier Bob Carr. According to an article that was published at the time in the Sydney Morning Herald , Imam Rauf stated, “The U.S. and the West must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end.” Published on March 21, 2004, the article quoted the Imam from New York. “Speaking from his New York mosque, Imam Feisal said the West had to understand the terrorists’ point of view.” Rauf further stated, “The Islamic method of waging war is not to kill innocent civilians. But it was Christians in World War II who bombed civilians in Dresden and Hiroshima, neither of which were military targets.” “The Islamic method of waging war is not to kill innocent civilians…” Really? Wow, glad that was cleared up. So where did that stack of dead bodies (from the 15,297 terrorist attacks perpetrated in the name of Jihad and Islam since 9/11) come from? “The West had to understand the terrorists’ point of view.” Actually, I do understand their point of view. I have read the Koran, the Hadith and the Sira. This so-called “religion of peace” is nothing of the sort. I think the founder of CAIR (the Council of American-Islamic Relations), Omar Ahmad, summed it up best when he said, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” This statement has been widely reported over the years, but it appears Mr. Rauf is counting on the ignorance of many people to win this argument. Ahmad’s statement reflects nothing more than a fervent wish for domination, pure and simple. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 10:35 PM in Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Thiago in Brazil sent me this piece of delicious news: While our president, Luis Inácio 'Lula' da Silva, is in Iran celebrating his 'diplomatic victory' (?) in reaching that agreement with Iran's supremo, thousands of demonstrators in Rio de Janeiro gathered up to send him a message: "Mr. President: don't forget to talk about human rights in Iran": They placed 6,000 plastic hands on Ipanema beach -- each hand representing 1,000 Jews killed in the Holocaust which is denied by Mr. Ahmadinejad. Here's the translation from the Portuguese: thanks to Thiago [Title:] Activists demonstrate against religious intolerance in Iran The Commission Against Religious Intolerance promoted on Sunday morning a silent protest to remember the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust, besides demonstrating against religious persecution imposed on the Baha'i and the policy of segregation of homosexuals in the government of Iranian President Mahoumud (sic) Ahmadinejad. [Caption:] Images of hands on Ipanema's sands honour the victims of the Holocaust. Activists marked the sands of Ipanema Beach, by Farme de Amoedo Street, [with] six thousand hands stamped with the number thousand. They have urged President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to intercede with Ahmadinejad during his visit to Iran, to stop religious persecution, and that human rights take place on the political agenda of that country's government. Brazil has 30,000 followers of the Baha'i faith. “The nuclear issue is not isolated in Iranian political life. It is in a context of authoritarianism and violence. Lula cannot forget who is Ahmadinejad when he visits Iran. The Iranian President fights religious diversity and its policy is exactly the opposite of what happens in Brazil regarding tolerance,” said Michel Gherman, of Juventude Judaica [Jewish Youth] of Rio de Janeiro and a member of the Commission Against Religious Intolerance. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 09:49 PM in Central America, South America | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! In what can only be described as a milestone in the breakdown of Western values and principles, the website of the EDL (English Defense League) was shut down, removed from the web. This is, essentially, self-enforcement of sharia (Islamic) law. Slander in Islam does not mean what it means in the West. Slander in Islam is anything that a Muslim decides is an "insult" to Islam. And they are relentless and violent in their imposition of this seventh century tenet of Islam. This violation of free speech is an outrage. In a rational world, it would propel free men to take to the streets, villagers with torches, marching for their unalienable rights endowed by our creator -- freedom of speech, individual rights. What right do these velvet-tongued fascists have to remove the forum for the few brave, decent men and women who refuse to dhimmi down? This is a shot across the bow. The EDL is taking the hit for us, all of us, but they are merely first ............ The campaign against the EDL is vigorous and ugly. They have been maligned and smeared by the leftist/Islamic alliance, so as to marginalize them. Render them toxic, radioactive -- much like the tea parties have been demonized here in the states. The jihad is free to activate, mobilise, preach overthrow of the West, run jihad porn of beheadings and the blowing up of coalition soldiers on the net, but the EDL is shut up and shut down for revealing the truth about quranic verses. Truth begets hatred. Trevor Kelway, part of EDL senior leadership, penned this for Atlas: English Defence League Website Apparently Taken Down For Telling The Truth About Islam Trevor Kelway, EDL Apparently the reason provided for this blatant act of censorship was that the article ‘contravenes UK racism laws’. If this is the case then it means one of two things, that the Quran itself contravenes UK racism laws or Islam has an exemption from UK racism laws, and is treated as a special case. Since the Quran is still available for sale on the shelves of UK bookshops it must mean that the latter is true. That being so effectively means that the UK is already under a form of Sharia law which demands that Islam is above criticism and completely outside the realm of rational debate. When the Racial and Religious Hatred Act was put before Parliament the British people were assured that freedom of expression would not be a casualty. It would appear that the British people were seriously misled and that the Racial and Religious Hatred Act was nothing other than a Sharia enabling act designed specifically to usher in a period of Islamic rule. Promoting hatred is wrong and if our legislation exempts religiously inspired hatred then the laws currently on the statute book is not fit for purpose. All the law seems to do these days is empower those who want to undermine freedom and equality before the law, and discriminate against those who want to protect the British way of life. This is wrong and is an affront to our democratic system of government because it acts as the handmaiden of tyranny. Far from promoting multiculturalism, such legislation is effectively promoting the monoculture of Islam. Our legal system has effectively been subverted and is now simply a crude instrument of Islamic da’wa. The elephant is in the room, and the EDL is pointing to it. The ‘elite’ is acutely aware that the EDL is fully capable of mobilising large scale support and making it impossible to continue to hide their distortions and false premises. They worry that the truth will be revealed to the masses with such clarity that only the imbecilic and the corrupt can deny its presence. It seems that the authorities really fear the EDL, and fear it because it occupies the intellectual high ground. Those who currently rule Britannia perhaps spent too much time in the smoky haze of the 1960s if they imagine that people cannot see what they are up to and that they will fail to peacefully oppose them and their nefarious scheming. UPDATE: Armaros nails it: This sums it up: "Apparently the reason provided for this blatant act of censorship was that the article ‘contravenes UK racism laws’. If this is the case then it means one of two things, that the Quran itself contravenes UK racism laws or Islam has an exemption from UK racism laws, and is treated as a special case. Since the Quran is still available for sale on the shelves of UK bookshops it must mean that the latter is true. That being so effectively means that the UK is already under a form of Sharia law which demands that Islam is above criticism and completely outside the realm of rational debate. " This is exactly why Wilders said "Ban the Koran". Not because he wants to ban it but because it would more qualify (100 times more) to be "hate speech" than any other censored speech, such was Wilders' and now the EDLs. I think the EDL should file a motion in UK courts/Tribunals of Human Rights for banning the Koran as racist and hateful. Thus exposing the absurdity of the law which seems to apply to the British but not the Muslims. The ensuing circus would illuminate to the rest of society what is really going on here. The Left will be in a nicker twist calling the call to ban as evil, racist and bigoted while people would start seeing the Koran with the same eyes they see the EDL. Critically. That is biggest danger Muslims face in the West. A critical view. An educated view, an aware view. Turn the tables back at them and use their own weight to tip them over. Like Judo actually or kung fu. The worse outcome would be that the EDL would be allowed to speak as they will not ban the Koran for sure. I don't think this is at all Sharia. This is PC gone mad. Typically speech laws (which are by definition wrong, absurd and tyrannical) exempt religious texts. As otherwise gays would be able to ban the bible (something they tried in Canada using hate speech laws). At this stage the EDL should start playing the legal game always going out there exposing absurd UK laws and each time enlightening a segment of the population, adding to the "aware crowd". The last thing the powers that be would want is EDL exposure. They want them gone and swept under the rug. They embarrass the PC crowd. So sue away and expose Islam. UPDATE: China Confidential laments, "Winston Churchill must be rolling in his grave. As the heroic wartime prime minister might have put it, his country's cowardly bastards, forced to choose between war and shame, again chose shame. As a result, they will get war--on the enemy's terms." Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 07:29 PM in COUNTER JIHAD FRONT | Permalink | Comments (36) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! These mosques, symbols of Islamic triumphalism, will be icons on every Islamic and jihadist website. Despicable. Wouldn't it have been a wonderful, peace loving gesture for the ummah to have declared ground zero a mosque free zone? That could never happen. 911 is, for Islam, the day they conquered America. Imagine the Muslim call to prayer at Ground Zero. As controversy surrounds the construction of a 13-story mosque just two blocks from Ground Zero, FOX News has learned that an effort to place a second mosque close to the hallowed site in New York City is in its advanced stages. As controversy surrounds the construction of a 13-story mosque just two blocks from Ground Zero, FOX News has learned that an effort to place a second mosque close to the hallowed site in New York City is in its advanced stages. The Masjid Mosque has raised $8.5 million and is seeking an additional $2.5 million to begin construction. While it apparently has not settled on a final location, it has told donors it plans to build very close to where 3,000 people were killed in the September 11 terror attacks. In fact, the website appealing for donations boldly states that it plans to “build the 'House of Allah' next to the World Trade Center. Help us raise the flag of 'LA ILLAH ILLA ALLAH' in downtown Manhattan." One source said he believed the planners are considering a five-story building on 23 Park Place, closer to Ground Zero than the 13-story mosque the Cordoba Initiative is planning to build. But a tax record search shows that 23 Park Place is in private hands and has not changed owners since 2008. Unlike the massive $100 million Cordoba House mosque, the Masjid Mosque is small – and it is no stranger to the neighborhood. Since 1970 it had been located at 12 Warren Street, about four blocks north of the World Trade Center, in a neat but nondescript industrial space that once housed a printing shop. It lost its lease in 2008 when the building was sold, and it was evicted from its second-floor prayer space on May 25 of that year. Since then it has been operating out a cramped basement space in a nearby building at 20 Warren Street. On Friday evenings the mosque, which is popular with street vendors and taxi drivers, becomes so crowded thatworshipers spill onto nearby sidewalks to pray in what has come to be a community event. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 05:10 PM in Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (22) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This!BAT YE'OR SPEAKETH!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hashem does not expect us to sanction evil. You, of all people, have a voice to teach. Not submit.
Your position is grave disappointment ...................... wouldn't a true symbol of outreach have been a center devoted to expunging the Koran and hadiths of the violent ideology that incites jihad?
Israel is on the frontlines of this battle ................evil is made possible by the sanction you give it. Withdraw your sanction.
Today there are some huge primaries going on and Right Pundits is covering them as usual. You can find updates on the Kentucky andPennsylvania primaries at the links provided.
Primary polls can be found here.
We will be live-blogging from 6 - 9 or 10 (ET). Some people had a hard time finding the live-blog last time - so go to the Pennsylvania thread here - - click on the 'CoverItLive' box that is INSIDE the post (not in the comments) - we'll be there waiting for you and ready to chat about what is going on in Pennsylvania and Kentucky.PAMELA GELLER, BIG GOVERNMENT: 911 MOSQUE'S PEACE CHARADE
Monday, May 17, 2010
I cannot wrap my mind over this mosque being built on the site of a building (Burlington Coat factory) that was destroyed by the landing gear of a civilian aircraft, with civilian crew and passengers aboard, a building where civilians were shopping and working and ran out of in terror for fear of their life’s as this aircraft missile flew into its target the World Trade Center 600 feet away, where nearly 3,000 civilians were murdered in an act of war declared on the US on Sept. 11,2001 by Islam.
So as they have done throughout their long long history of invading, massacres and conquering the infidels Islam will build a monument to their conquest of the United States.
In all its glory, Cordoba House (named after Islam’s conquest over Spain) will rise out from the ashes of the most horrific act of violence this country has ever seen.
It will rise above the death and destruction caused by those followers of Islam who so hated our belief system BUT who now use our belief system to achieve their goal of Islamic dominance.
It will rise above the remains of our murdered loved ones, it will rise above the mementos left behind scattered in the rubble of a massacre, it will rise above the blood, sweat, tears of those who worked to find our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, children, friends who seemingly vanished into the air on that beautiful September morning.
It will rise above our horror as we a nation under attack watched people in burning buildings jumping out of 100 story windows holding hands, it will rise above our sorrow as we watched the towers fall knowing that our heroes had fallen among the dust unto the smoke filled streets and the air full of the smell of jet fuel.
It will rise above the imagines of family and friends holding photos of the vanished, police and firefighters digging in this now massive grave site to lift their own out with overwhelming respect, honor and dignity. It will rise above the memory of our prayers to “he is missing” and then our heartbreak to “he is gone” Forever entombed in the hallowed ground where once stood the Towers, the heart and soul of a city in ruins. It will rise above the silence of those who come to this site to remember their loved ones or come simply to remember the day we held our breath.
It will rise above the place I stand, flag in one hand a rose in the other my call to the heavens now drowned out by the Islamic call to prayer.
It will rise above our anger, resentment, our calls for justice and our demands for sensitivity from a Muslim people who become outraged over cartoons of their Allah and demand death to those who violate what is sacred to them. Yet, mock the respect, dignity and honor we Americans demand of this sacred ground.
And It will rise above…on the day we mourn .LOSS… 911 families will gather to remember … LOSS.
Children being raised without parents, victims themselves of a Religion that now want them to believe they come in Peace.
OUR LOSS…. They’ll gather with their families under the banner of “something good has come out of 911″
So I ask Faisal Abdul Rauf what will you tell your children when you walk by the 911 families gathered there to remember the day the world watched as your brotherhood, your Islamic terrorist used civilian aircraft to destroy the very building you today celebrate in?
Will you tell your children those children across the street are parent less because your Allah commanded that?
That many of those children still live in fear of another attack?
When you walk by the mourners will you comprehend that 3,000 people went to work on a beautiful September morning and vanished into the ground where you have built your mosque, a monument to a religion responsible for their murder?
When you enter your mosque and bow to prayer to your Allah will you even think about the fact that the last words those buried across the street heard was “Allah Akbar”?
“TAQUIYYA” Faisal Abdul Rauf
I cannot forget and I cannot forgive.
And I cannot for the life of me understand this mosque, a symbol of Islam, the very reason why there is a hole in the ground and why there is a hole in the hearts of so many, would be allowed to rise above it all… LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON
Smaller Mosque Near Ground Zero by Ed Barnes -