Tuesday 25 May 2010

Before reading this below it should be remembered that the United
Nations Security Council was made up from and by the victors of the
Second World War (around 1947) in the hope that there would never be
another such war.  Sadly, it looks as if, through the actions of
modern peoples, there may well be (eventually) a third World War
because too many want over-all power, a one World Government, complete
dominance of the ordinary 'man in the street', and in "streets" all
over the World.

Some would like to get rid of the use of the VETO in the Security
Council, yet the VETO plays a very important part and it should of
course remain.   The EU wants to speak for all its member Countries,
yet the EU should recognise those that set up this organisation in the
first place.   The EU should also recognise, that without the people
behind their organisation-and it will never be forgotten that the
people in 26 States were denied a say-the European Union may yet be
the cause of another war. The United Kingdom must speak for itself
always in the Security Council.  To forget its History and the reason
it is there to make decisions for itself will set the seeds of its own

No one country seems contented to  govern just their own Country.
Ordinary people are over-ridden or just plainly ignored, ushered into
UNIONs that they do not want to be in.  They cannot connect with alien
people or alien laws for in the alleged connecting they lose their own
laws, their own identity that previous wars were fought for in the
first place-to keep and to hold on to 'their own'. Anne

European Union Strongly Committed to Active Partnership with United Nations
in ‘Promoting Peace, Protecting the Vulnerable’, Security Council Told
High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Briefs;
Says 2009 Entry into Force of Lisbon Treaty Will Make Union ‘Stronger Partner’



From page 6:-For their part, Great Britain and France initially were
reluctant to accept the idea of additional permanent seats. It was
clear from the beginning that any such addition would give testimony
to a relative loss of global power of the United Kingdom and France
and might also increase Germany’s regional influence in Europe, thus
adding to the perceived imbalance that was brought about by Germany’s
reunification in 199015. However, in the 1990s both states became
strong supporters of Germany’s candidacy.

EU Statement – United Nations Security Council: Debate on cooperation
of the UN with regional organisations in maintaining international
peace and security.

AND, Why not a permanent seat for the EU

National Security Council 1947

United Nations Security Council Members

These I have sent round before to some
Now due to defence cuts, the entire British Army could be seated in
the new Wembley Stadium. (Challengers should be parked in the bus

"The Armed Forces, NATO and the EU.  What should the UK's Role be?
Liam Fox 2010".

Planning for EU Military operations. Long but worth looking at.

Combining Realism with Vision   Updated: 12 May 2010
Options for NATO’s new Strategic Concept
by Riccardo Alcaro

Can the EU be more effective in Afghanistan?
By Joanna Buckley

The EU’s Common Foreign & Security Policy and the European Defence &
Security Policy Prepared March 2006; revised May 2008