An angry Biased BBC readers draw my attention to this nauseating example of how the BBC thinks. As you know, I am standing in this UK General Election and as part of that process have been involved in several media events/debates, this morning one such took place at the BBC in Northern Ireland. You will all be pleased to know that I was introduced as a blogger who runs a site called "Biased BBC". Nice to know they know we watch them. Sadly, there was no further discussion of BBC bias but there was plenty of evidence of it. One of the ways that BBC bias operates is that those who presenters do not like are bludgeoned virtually to death when they appear on programmes. UKIP ex-leader Nigel Farage is well able to look after himself, but this morning Evan Davis went flat out on Today to rubbish UKIP's claims of being able to make £50 billion savings in public spending. On my count there were 16 interruptions in an exchange lasting no more than three minutes or so. Mr Farage ploughed on gamely, but the incredulity and scorn in Mr Davis's voice was palpable; his main aim was to block Mr Farage from outlining his proposals in any detail. Of course, to Mr Davis and his cronies, the idea of not spending money on the EU and getting rid of qangos is almost a bigger crime than saying you don't support gay rights.Big Cake
>> FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 2010
Further to my comment on the open thread about unintentional bias and moral superiority I just looked atChas Newkey-Burden’s blog, and lo and behold, here’s an example.
Frankie Boyle has been mildly rebuked by the BBC Trust for a ‘joke’ he told a couple of years ago. It wasn’t even edgy and it wasn’t even funny; it was a cheap dig at Jews because of Israel, “an aggressive terrorist state with a nuclear arsenal.”
When he’s on the receiving end, Frankie Boyle, master of the nasty personal remark that passes for humour (as well as the occasional genuine humour,) he fails to take criticism on the chin.
His open letter is a blustering expression of pique with a saccharine topping. Attempting to justify his ‘joke’ he shows what an ignoramus he is, and too much of a smart arse to recognise his vast shortcomings.
The BBC Trust is a bit like a big cake; well, that cake’s being punched to pieces by a very angry very petulant very misguided Frankie Boyle."RENEGADES"?
"Please note the disgusting use of the phrase "renegade Germans"to describe German Jewish and non-Jewish refugees, some of whom were able to flee the evil Nazi fascist laws passed from 1933 onwards, which took away their jobs, possessions, savings, homes, careers and ultimately would have taken away their lives if they had not escaped. Renegade indeed!! Is the BBC bonkers? Is the Dalai Lama a renegade, or Nelson Mandela? It's quite clearly an unpleasant term. Dictionary definitions include: 1. One who rejects a religion, cause, allegiance, or group for another; a deserter. 2. An outlaw; a rebel. Of, relating to, or resembling a renegade; traitorous. To become a deserter or an outlaw.
Islam was brought up to me an issue and I was challenged on a quote from A Tangled Web. Having canvassed thousands of Belfast doors by now, oddly enough this issue has not been brought up by ONE voter, but the BBC seemed disturbed to read that I take a very concerned view over a religion that has inspired some to commit 9/11, 7/7, and so many other horrors. I note that no other panellist had their personal opinions sought and questions asked related to Party policy. A dhimmified BBC might not like it but I felt obliged to point out that many people in the UK have issues over Islam and Jihad - this apparently classifies me as "a bigot". I was also asked regarding Party Policy on Immigration and because my Party seeks a complete moratorium on Third World immigration until we deal the 1m + illegal immigrants already here, the insinuation of me being a racist was also planted.
So, if you have issues with Islam, or if you have issues with the tsunami of illegal immigration swamping this country, beware good old Auntie! I trust I will be invited back to discuss WHY so many people think the BBC is indeed biased. They might need more than 45 minutes to discuss it.BLUDGEONED....
Saturday, 1 May 2010
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Britannia Radio