Tuesday, 18 May 2010

For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace
and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest." Isaiah 62.
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They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. - Plato
"The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see." -- Ayn Rand

May 18, 2010


Dear Concerned American:


After World War II when the extent of the Holocaust became known, American Jews asked themselves what they could have done which they didn’t do, which could have saved Jewish lives in Europe. Today Israel and its 6,000,000 Jews are facing a potential holocaust. The Arabs makes no secret of their intentions to destroy Israel and kill its Jewish citizens. Unfortunately they have a powerful ally in the President of the United States and his emissaries. We must all get involved to oppose the president’s policies and pressure our Congressmen and Senators, especially the 35 Jewish Democratic Congressmen, and 13 Jewish Democratic Senators. Attached are just a few of Obama’s anti-Israel acts, which can G-d, forbid destroy Israel. We must remember that Barack Hussein Obama attended Reverend Wright’s church for twenty years.


A list of suggested actions to prevent this:

1. Write, call, and visit elected officials to publicly oppose the president’s policies.

2. Write and call the local Jewish media to include articles stating what the president is doing. Unfortunately, many of them don’t give any coverage to Arab attacks against Israel.

3. Call and write mass media when you see improper coverage.

4. Get your local Jewish organization to let their members know what is going on, and what they can do.

5. We can try to elect to Congress members who will support us, his constituents, rather than supporting Obama.



  1. Iranian Nuclear Weapons: Delay after delay in imposing meaningful sanctions, making sure that Iran is not worried about a United States attack and warning Israel against such an attack. In March, diverting shipments of bunker-busting bombs which had been promised to Israel which could be used to halt Iran’s nuclear program to a non-Israeli location, so Israel doesn’t have access to them. Repeatedly warning Israel against taking action against Iranian Nukes, and reassuring Iran that the United States will not attack them.


  1. Syria Nuclear Weapons: The Obama Administration is not doing anything about the alliance between Iran, Syria and Hezbollah.  What is worse is that Obama re-established diplomatic and trade relations with Syria just as Assad Nisrallah and Ahminajad were meeting in Damascus. There was no United States complaint about Damascus preparing a nuclear weapons plant which Israel has destroyed, or warnings to Syria against trying to rebuild such facilities. 


  1. Diplomatic Relations with Syria: United States has restored diplomatic relations with Damascus, and reopened trade. Syria responded by shipping scud missiles to Hezbollah terrorist in Lebanon, who boast they will be used against Israel. There was no United States response to Russia signing an Arms Supply Agreement with Syria for the latest Jets, Anti-Air Craft Systems and Rockets. 


  1. Hamas: United States engaging and sending Senior Representatives to speak to Hamas.


  1. Palestinian State: Despite the fact that there are already 21 Muslim-Arab nations in the middle-East with millions of square miles of land, Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are calling for the creation of a contiguous Palestinian State, which means dividing Israel, and placing 90% of Israel’s population within the range of Arab short range missiles. When Israel turned over Gaza to the Arabs, the results were rocket attacks on Israeli civilians. A myth has been created that two states for two peoples will live in peace. No Arab leader is willing to say this. To the contrary, it is just another means to destroy Israel. Israel’s desire that this state will be demilitarized is not a reality as Abbas says.


There are no calls for an independent Christian state for the 10 million Christian Copts who unlike the so-called Palestinians, who have 21 states, have no state and face endless persecution. Likewise, there are no calls to create a state for the millions of Kurds living in Turkey, Iraq, and Iran who are constantly persecuted.


  1. Pressuring Israel: U.S. demanding that Israel release terrorist prisoners, remove roadblocks, and remove restrictions on Arabs going into Israel. There are no demands that Abbas recognize Israel, stop the hatred spewing from Abbas television, and setting up monuments and naming streets after Arab terrorists, all over Palestinian territory. Secretary Clinton lying to an AIPAC audience, when she tried to distinguish between what she calls the “moderate and peace desiring” Abbas and Hamas, claiming that the monuments to terrorists erected by Abbas all over the territories he controls were done by Hamas when in fact they were done by Abbas.


  1. United States Continuing to Demanding Israel Make Concessions for Peace: There is no pressure on the Arabs to withdraw their training of terrorists, and incitement of local populations including school children who are taught to call all who don’t believe in Islam.


  1. United States Tax Dollars to Abbas: Billions of United States tax-payer dollars are going to Abbas who praises suicide bombers and terrorists, whose charter advocates Israel’s destruction and whose children are taught via the state media schools hate for Jews and Christians.


  1. United States Tax Dollars to Gaza and Hamas: Hundreds of millions of dollars sent by the U.S. to rebuild Gaza have been given to Hamas who boasts that their goal is to destroy Israel.


  1. Training a Palestinian Army: U.S. arming and training under General Keith Dayton, of a 20,000 member Palestinian Army, whose members last week murdered an Israeli soldier. There was no condemnation from Abbas or the United States.  The Arabs makes no secret that their goal is to use the army against Israel.



  1. United States Weapons to Arab Countries: Billions of dollars of the latest most modern United States weapons, including upgrades of F-16’s and missile boats, are going to Arab countries, including Egypt, whose Foreign Minister publicly announces that Israel is the enemy, and that their target will be Israel. This is likely to make Israel lose its qualitative edge.


  1. The United States is trying to make Israel defenseless. 


    1. Most weapons sales to Israel have been halted, including those that were previously promised, and on which Israel depends, such as the long-bow helicopter.
    2. Israel’s main deterrent which is making Egypt think twice before attacking, is the fact that Israel might have nuclear weapons. United States for the first time ever is allowing Israel’s alleged nuclear program to be brought up at the United Nations, amid repeated calls for a nuclear-free Middle East. The only nation this will affect will be Israel. There is no call to eliminate weapons of mass destruction such as poison gas, etc.


  1. Shrinking Israel and Dividing Jerusalem: Obama’s emissaries; George Mitchell, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden demanding that Israel go back to the 1967 borders, expel the 400,000 Jews living in Israel’s ancient borders and destroy their homes. The United States is repeatedly insisting that East Jerusalem be the capital of a future Palestinian State, despite the fact that Jerusalem isn’t mentioned in the Koran, but it is mentioned in the bible hundreds of times. 


  1. U.S. Supporting the Saudi Plan to End Israel: The Saudi Plan, calls for the elimination of Israel by allowing millions of Arabs to move there, as well as Israel to withdraw to the Auschwitz borders.


  1. Haiti: Obama praising various countries which helped Haiti, and pointedly did not even mention Israel.


  1. Personal Insults: Obama not agreeing to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu when he was in Washington, when Netanyahu was forced to enter through the back door of the White House. The official photograph released by the White House shows president Obama sitting in a chair with his soles pointed towards Netanyahu. 


The insult on March 24th, when Netanyahu met with Obama and Obama  refused to allow any photography to take place.  There was no official handshake or press conference.  Even the usually anti-Israel Washington Post contained an article by a reporter, who remarked “Netanyahu is being treated as if he were an unsavory Third World dictator, needed for strategic reasons but conspicuously held at arms length.” 


  1. Failure to Support Christians: Christians in Africa are being slaughtered by their Muslim neighbors and their requests for help are being completely ignored by Obama. The Muslims in Palestinian territories are attacking Christians and forcing them to leave.  The Christians of Bethlehem and Nazareth, until recently the majority, have been forced to leave and only slight remnants of Christianity remain.


  1. Obama Weakening the Military: Obama doesn’t call the attacks on United States soldiers by Muslims, including the attack on Fort Dix and the attack on Fort Hood, acts of terror.


  1. Terrorism against U.S.: U.S. military doctrine no longer allows for the use of the word Islamic Terrorists.