Sunday, 23 May 2010


City of London buildings the Nat West tower and the Gherkin. In the distance, centre left, Canary Wharf.

Markets on alert after bank bailout

The Spanish have been forced to save a significant regional lender, adding to jitters about stability across the eurozone


Irwin Stelzer

Obama fears the trouble on euroland's periphery will nip America's recovery in the bud   

Irwin Stelzer


300,000 jobs in public sector face the axe

The Cabinet Office, Whitehall.

As George Osborne prepares to unveil the first £6bn of cuts, the full scale of future job losses has begun to emerge

Ministers eye plan to sell motorways

Scheme would be similar to private finance initiative schemes used to build schools and hospitals and rail infrastructure

Equality chief takes on Cameron

Trevor Phillips has warned the prime minister not to 'panic' by bowing to public pressure and ditching the Human Rights Act

The new establishment

Who will be pulling the strings in Britain? We reveal the circle around David Cameron and Nick Clegg

Among the brightest and the best: the Magdalen men cramming the cabinet

Briefing: Alcohol pricing

Tesco head, Sir Terry Leahy, says the best way to reduce binge drinking is for the government to set a minimum price for alcohol

No sacred cows as the cuts begin

The government’s first austerity measures will be announced tomorrow amid growing Tory disquiet about the coalition

Austerity cabinet has 18 millionaires

Almost four-fifths of the new cabinet are millionaires, according to an analysis by The Sunday Times

Whitehall contracts to be ripped up

Ministers try to rewrite deals with private sector suppliers as part of £6bn savings drive, demanding cuts of up to 30%

Less influence and a slower recovery: the dangers for Britain of crisis at heart of eurozone

Europe warns Britain: join our club or you will be sidelined

MPs at risk from radical Islamic loners

Police sources say possibility of attack by a self-radicalised extremist now being raised in intelligence reporting

Atticus: Watch out, Cameron . . . Sarko predicts ‘le coup de Clegg’

Liberal or Tory, Dave’s on the winning side

A Liberal Conservative accepts that all classes must make sacrifices. A wise Conservative leader also looks to his backbenchers

MEPs get £4m taste for Apple iPad

The European parliament’s bureau, its administrative office, has earmarked millions for an 'IT mobility project'

Conservatives shelve plans to freeze TV licence fee

The Government has reined in plans to freeze TV licence fee and force BBC to reveal salaries of its highest paid stars

‘Android’ smear divides Milibands

We’ve all gone a bit Lib-Con

Do you grow your own vegetables and go to Center Parcs? We report from the front line of a brand-new demographic

UK may reduce aid if lovers are not set free

Britain will review its aid to Malawi if the Government refuses to free two gay men sentenced to 14 years’ hard labour

Liam Fox mission to bring troops home sooner

New Defence Secretary flies to Afghanistan looking for earlier withdrawal — but won’t rule out military action against Iran

Fears for safety of walkabout Cameron

There is high anxiety in Whitehall over Prime Minister’s insistence on refusing to travel by car with police escorts

Grantham is still nostalgic for Thatcher years

The Tories back in Margaret Thatcher’s home town have yet to be convinced about the merits of coalition government

Four men who must keep the alliance afloat

The Conservatives have a key advantage over the Lib Dems, both in terms of numbers and by having been prepared for office

MPs fall out of love with the new politics

A mood of betrayal is in the air around Westminster as backbenchers feel let down by the Cameron/Clegg coalition