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For years Richard North has been writing of the elephant in the room (the EU), which cannot be mentioned. However, there is an even bigger threat to the the UK - the T-Rex, that is Islam behind the elephant.
This threat is disguised by our media and authorities deliberately blinkering themselves. Thus even when a Muslim parks a car bomb in NY, the authorities speculate if the bomber could be a white male upset about Obama's health care reform. This mindless subterfuge and deception of the one's own self, is by the Mayor of NY where 9/11 took place, and by the Head of Homeland security, one Janet Napolitano.
The degree of subterfuge and deception that is going on when dealing with Muslims is beyond parody. Islam is not just threatening the physical security of the West, but also its demographic procedures, freedom of expression, and much else. That is not surprising as Muslims do not believe that man made laws of governance are valid when compared top sharia.Thus subverting the democratic process is morally sanctioned. But the worst is that in some 50 years, sharia will be imposed via a Muslim parliament - quite legally and openly. That will be the end of Britain and its historic cultural identity.
We are heading to a civil war brought about by short term electoral advantage. The tragedy for us is that Muslims will decide the time.