Friday, 28 May 2010 09:13 'A U.S. Congressman investigating possibly illegal expenditure towards the promotion of abortion in Kenya says he has received information that indicates the Obama Administration may have funneled more than $10 million in taxpayer funds into the project. Earlier this month Rep. Chris Smith (R, NJ) wrote to the State Department, calling for a federal probe to determine whether government spending in support of a pro-abortion constitution in Kenya contravened U.S. laws.' Read more: Congressman: Obama May Have Spent $10 Million On Illegal Kenya Abortion Push Friday, 28 May 2010 09:06 Police in Tulare, California shutdown the lemonade stand of a 7 year-old girl because she did not hold a permit or registered location. The girl and her family appealed to city council and have drawn media attention since. Friday, 28 May 2010 09:03 'Our economy, as is the case for much of the rest of the world’s economies, is currently imploding. Since all major economies in the world are based on valueless, un-backed, and worthless money, this situation should have been evident to the mainstream long ago. Of course the failing economy is just one piece of the puzzle, but it is most definitely the most important piece. With a so-called vibrant economy over the past decade or so, even though it was based on lies and deceit, and was a complete sham, the general population was easy to control during these so-called “prosperous” times. With the real economy now being exposed for the fraud that it is, and the real risks becoming more evident, the once complacent citizen is now becoming angry. Because of this, the evil U.S. federal government must find a new method of fooling the masses into believing in “their” government and country. War is the obvious answer, as war solidifies the putrid and false nationalistic worship of the peasants more than any other ploy. Read more: Is the U.S. Government Planning War to Quell the Tide of Economic Unrest? Friday, 28 May 2010 08:59 'The shadowy design firm that was behind the infamous Hardin Montana jail is pushing to build detention camps across America, with the latest proposal centering around a fifty acre, five hundred bed facility in Italy, Texas, part of a program that many Americans fear is based around a plan to intern political dissidents in the event of a national emergency. Private prison development firm Corplan Corrections, headed up by an individual called James Parkey, is working with underwriter Municipal Capitol Markets Group, along with prison “consultant” Richard Reyes from Innovative Government Strategies, an outfit that works with state and local government, to oversee multiple projects concentrated in different states including Arizona and Texas.' Read more: Private Corporation Building Detention Camps Across America Friday, 28 May 2010 08:14 'Appearing on The Alex Jones Show yesterday, Congressman Ron Paul revealed that through his inside sources he had learned that the people who control the Federal Reserve are panicking about the fact that Americans are waking up to the fact that the U.S. is controlled by the central bank. “I had some information passed on to me, sort of inside information, somebody who knew somebody who was well tuned to the people at the Federal Reserve – and they said they are really really concerned about our movement to expose the Fed for what they’re doing,” said Paul, adding, “What they’re upset or worried about is the fact that more and more people are aware of the Federal Reserve now like never before,” explaining that exposure will lead to change and a reform of the Federal Reserve.' Read more: Ron Paul: Inside Sources Told Me Fed Is Panicking At Mass Awakening
Friday, 28 May 2010
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Britannia Radio