David F. Abbott
Dear Voter,
Those of you thinking how best to cast your vote in the General Election may be as appalled and intrigued by the possibilities as I am. You may remember that in past elections I stood for the UK Independence party and served as Winchester Chairman. I believe there are parties with ideas worth voting for in this election, but the three main parties are not among them, as I think you have long suspected.
Our country is in terrible trouble. More than a decade of socialism has been a disaster, and there is no alternative on the horizon. None of the three main parties want Britain to be an independent, self-governing nation of responsible and inspiring people with a government grounded in Judeo-Christian ethics of honesty, promise-keeping, democratic decision-making and compassion.
They all think we should remain in the EU to be governed by unelected and frequently corrupt bureaucrats. They will not stand behind race-blind employment. They will not have a real scientific debate about 'man-made' global warming. They will not defend free speech and free association. They are not willing to reform an education system that neither educates nor makes children happy. They will not oppose a tidal wave of immigration that now amounts to an invasion. They continue to oppress us with ruinous debts and heavy taxes while enlarging the size of an interfering, undemocratic government. They continue to encourage the Marxist ideology that manipulates and warps our institutions and society.
I would urge you to vote for any candidate other than those standing with Lib-Dem, Conservative or Labour rosettes. We all know that Labour and the Lib-Dems are keen to destroy Britain’s independence and Christian heritage, but are the Conservatives any better?
Those of you who vote in Winchester may feel that you have to vote Tory as the best chance of defeating the Lib-Dem candidate. May I remind you that voting Tory is supporting David Cameron, the man who gave us a 'cast-iron' promise that we would have a referendum on the EU Constitution/Lisbon Treaty and then complacently broke his pledge. In so doing he spat in all our faces. You also will be voting for the party that falsely led us into the EU and forced the Maastricht Treaty on Parliament.
To vote for any of the three major parties is to vote for the continued destruction of our country. You have an alternative.
A vote that goes to any party but the three main parties is likely to be a vote for freedom and independence. Will it get the party's candidate into Parliament? Perhaps not. It will be a strong signal that you will not eat the crusts of slavery.
I salute all of you who are working to defend Britain against the stealthy and ruthless assaults made against her and against us who are her people.
Yours sincerely,
PS My views also appear on http://www.britsattheirbest.com/
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio