Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Dear Friends:
We really appreciate your support and your desire to understand today’s times as members of our newsletter.
I am sure you are also outraged at the political correctness when it comes to the issues of Islamic terror and our failure as a society to identify the problem. It is impossible to win the war on Islamic terror and the ideology that drives it without speaking the truth in public, and a willingness to identify the enemy properly.
On Sunday November 21st 2010, which will be one year and sixteen days after the brutal murder of our troops in Fort Hood by Nidal Hassan, an Islamic terrorist, we wish to make a huge statement to expose publicly the real issues through what we expect to be a very controversial event.
The one-day convention will be held in Killeen just a mile or so from the Ft Hood base. It will comprise of former Military leaders, experts in the field of Islamic terror and two former terrorists including Walid Shoebat. It will be advertised extensively with billboards, radio and newspaper advertising.
We would really appreciate if you could support the event by at least attending and if you can help in spreading the word amongst your relatives and friends encouraging them to attend too. The convention hall in Killeen, TX holds two thousand people and it is very important that we fill the convention center.
We must honor and remember the victims of Fort Hood by helping expose the truth so we can break through the political correctness so our leaders will start to do the right thing to keep all of us safe.
You can purchase tickets which are only $25.00 each by calling 1 877 832 7200.
For those that can sell or purchase to resell 50 tickets – they will receive a free dinner in which they will personally meet all the speakers who include Lt General William “Gerry” Boykin Retired., former head of Military Intelligence and commander of Delta Force, Major Stephen Coughlin former analyst with the Pentagon and expert on Islam who was fired for telling the truth, Robert Spencer best selling author and expert on Islam, Walid Shoebat former Islamic terrorist best selling author and pro Israel/America activist and Kamal Saleem former Islamic terrorist best selling author and activist.
The American people and especially the Texan people love freedom and its famous rally call - "remember the Alamo," now we need a new call - “Remember Ft Hood.”
God bless you and God Bless America
Yours truly,
Keith Davies
Director Walid Shoebat Foundation
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Britannia Radio