Monday, 31 May 2010

Disappearing Britain, The EU and the Death of Local Government.

May 31, 2010 · 5 Comments

Disappearing Britain, The EU and the Death of Local Government.

…As Jenkins herself states in her opening chapter, “this book is a plea for local democracy and for less government, for the freedom of the British people to run their own lives in their own country”.

Jenkins meticulously charts the course of the steady break up of Britain into regions that has been occurring since the 1972 British ratification of the Treaty of Rome. Jenkins also describes with unnerving clarity the steady dissolution of Britain as a sovereign state, as these regions are encouraged to deal bilaterally with Brussels bypassing our democratically elected national parliament. The eventual outcome as predicted by the author will be that “all regions both in the UK and across Europe will eventually report to Brussels alone and not to countries. Countries will be reduced to lines on a map, without substance, and of historical interest only”.

Considering the range of issues covered, Disappearing Britain never seems to drag or lose focus. This is thanks to the book’s tight structure, upheld by a succession of short but highly informative chapters, which divides her work into manageable portions. Such an arrangement also allows Jenkins to demonstrate how her wide area of study feeds the central argument. For example, one might be forgiven for wondering how the issue of differing local dialects relates to the process of regionalisation as a whole. But after reading Chapter 18, Local Languages Exploited to Divide Countries, the Commission’s huge role in reviving virtually extinct dialects such as Manx and Jérriais in order to build separate regional identities becomes clear.

The way in which Jenkins endeavours to support her arguments with clear, irrefutable evidence demonstrates the levels of both secondary but especially primary research that she has undertaken to produce this book. Indeed, the book is bursting with facts and figures. Personal correspondence, quotations from newspapers, Hansard, the European Parliament, the Commission, government White Papers, Committees and even a map of Britain’s National Parks all serve to support and promote Jenkins’s argument that democracy in Britain is slowly seeping away. Perhaps the most interesting quote comes straight from the horses mouth, from a regional assembly member who discloses in a letter to the author that, “members receive their massive papers only days before the Assembly meets and they have no real idea of what is happening…It is a charade of democracy”. With admissions such as this, it is evident that Ms Jenkins’s arguments should not be ignored.

Far from being a standard investigation into the politics of the EU, Disappearing Britain is also a historical and geographical study into the regionalisation of Britain. The book offers three clear and concise opening chapters explaining the history of regionalisation. For instance, Jenkins identifies the Treaty of Rome as the legal source of regional government as evidenced by its desire to reduce the ‘differences existing between the various regions and backwardness of the less favoured regions’. She notes that even before Britain became a full member of the EU change was already occurring to bring our regional policy in line with that of the EU’s. The book examines the more recent devolution of power to Scotland and Wales, the failed referendum in the North East of England and even the extent to which Poland was obliged to adopt the EU’s three-tier system of government in 1999, replacing its 49 provinces with 16 regions to ensure it gained full-membership in 2004.

In terms of geographical interest, one must admire the way in equal attention is paid to all areas of Britain, giving fair coverage of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland as well as the English regions. For anyone interested in the history of the UK’s counties, there are some fascinating details of the ways in which 13 Welsh counties were reduced to eight and counties such as Avon and Cumbria were created to satisfy Britain’s proposed EEC membership. At the other end of the scale, far from creating new counties Jenkins goes on to explain the next step in the re-naming of regions according to Brussels’ Spatial Plan. Apparently London is now known to Brussels Eurocrats simply as UK I, with outer and inner regions numbered UK I II to UK I 23 replacing the well established boroughs. Rural counties have not escaped this re-branding either and pending the abolition of County Councils, councils such as Dorset and Devon will be referred to as no more than UKK 43 and UKK 22 respectively.

For want of a single criticism, coverage of the situation in other EU Member States was slightly lacking. Save for a brief list of ‘snapshots of a changing Europe’ in Chapter 14, the only other EU Member State that is looked at in any kind of detail is Germany. But then again, the title of the book is Disappearing Britain, not Disappearing Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Greece, etc.

Of course this review could continue to sing the praises of Disappearing Britain. Each chapter introduces yet another angle in which British local government has been destroyed and replaced by the EU’s own system of local government. Whilst some sections such as Chapter 8, Taxpayers Foot a Heavy Bill, evoke feelings of pure anger that so much of our money is being wasted on projects such as a £120 million building for the London Assembly, other sections conjure up a sense of regret that so much subversive damage has already been done. At times you will feel incredulity at just how many pies the bloated EU bureaucracy has its fingers in and just how deep the EU’s control is in the UK, even over seemingly mundane things such as road signs. The only way to appreciate the depth and scope of this book is to go forth and read Disappearing Britain for yourself. Remember, in the words of the hymn Jerusalem, it is our mountains green and pleasant pastures seen which are at stake.


When we look at the map of the new regions of the “New EU Britain”, and see the vast size of the SOUTH WEST REGION (totally unelected but already in existence and already issuing Diktats) we can easily visualise the horror of what is to come. All of this has well been documented in a book aptly entitled “DISAPPEARING BRITAIN”, by Lindsay. .. Clearly it is a book which every British citizen should be reading before it is too late.’

The Freedom Association Blog

Disappearing Britain, The EU and the Death of Local Government.
Lord Tebbit’s Foreword to Disappearing Britain
England, and later the United Kingdom, has been the rock on which every attempt to create a European wide state has foundered since the collapse of the Roman Empire. Read More…

Lord Tebbit is one of Britain’s greatest parliamentarians. Active and highly vocal in the House of Lords, he was formerly the Conservative Member of Parliament for Chingford, Essex. He was a close ally of Margaret Thatcher and served in leading positions in her governments. When the IRA bombed a Brighton hotel where the Prime Minister, Mrs Thatcher, and many of her cabinet were staying during a Conservative Party conference, he was injured and his wife was permanently disabled.

‘Reading Lindsay Jenkins’ detailed, meticulous supported account, my shock has turned to horror at what is being perpetrated.’

Professor Peter Davison, Britain and Overseas, The Economic Research Council Autumn 2006

This book is crucially relevant to today’s Britain … Regionalism has arrived. It is, as this book amply demonstrates, a threat to democracy as it thieves powers from the democratically elected and bestows them on the quangocrats.
Dr Lee Rotherham, The Salisbury Review, Volume 24 No 4, 2006

‘A hard hitting book…packed with shocking facts about the EU plan to break up Britain so that it is weak, divided and unable to resist foreign domination.’
This England, Spring 2006

‘It now seems certain that a major upheaval of local government is about to be thrust on the centuries-old shires of England, with the abolition of county and district councils and their replacement by large all-pupose unitary authorities…

Lindsay Jenkins believes the stench of garlic will replace the scent of English rose, as Brussels becomes the dominant force in every structure of local services…

If you reject the concept of regionalism, believing it’s an attempt by the EU to entwine its tentacles ‘around so much of our national life” then you will find Disappearing Britain confirms your worst nightmares.’
Graham Dines, East Anglian Daily Times, 29.11.2005

‘Lindsay Jenkins has produced the definitive study of the EU’s drive to break Britain up into regions…Disappearing Britain takes us through the evolution of regional government form its tentative origins in the Treaty of Rome to the imposition by the Government of regional assemblies all over Britain without he slightest democratic mandate.’
Independence, the magazine of the Campaign for an Independent Britain



Speech: Independence Ebbing
UK Independence Party’s annual conference in Bristol in October, 2004

I have been asked to speak about regions but my message to you is a simple one:

“The enemy we face now is every bit as intent on destroying us, as were the Axis powers in World War II . . . This is not an enemy we can negotiate with or appease or reason with…”

Click Here For Full Speech.

Speaking Out
Here are some recent speeches by Lindsay.
The Ultimate City Take-over
Independence Ebbing
The Coming Police State
Who Governs and How?
Mad Map to Leave Britain in Bits


Speech: The Ultimate City Take-over

This morning, I am going to address the ultimate City take-over. I hope to show how by regulation in particular the EU intends to control the City of London and take much of our financial business away and in a pretty short time frame…

Click Here For Full Speech.


Speech: The Coming Police State
Exeter University, 25th March 2006

I am very worried about what is happening to policing in this country today and I would like to share some thoughts with you.

Click Here For Full Speech.


Evidence: Who Governs and How?

The European Reform Forum, the Houses of Parliament, 27th Oct 2006

A previous witness, Mr. Frederick Forsyth, characterised the European Union as an oligarchy. I agree with that…The how of EU government can be illustrated by the takeover of local government, both in this country and throughout the whole of the European Union.

Click Here For Full Speech.


Speech: Mad Map to Leave Britain in Bits

London Conference, 28 October 2006

In September The Sun newspaper ran a sensational article under the headline, ‘Mad Map to Leave Britain in Bits’ (4th September 2006).
The article began ‘Germany is plotting to wipe Britain off the map in their revived bid to create a EU superstate. They want the 25 member states to scrap their national boundaries so England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland cease to exist. They would be split up and merged with other countries to form new “trans-national” EU regions.’

Click Here For Full Speech.

Speaking Out
London First, a pro-EMU campaigning group, announced in 1999, ‘Most European business leaders expect Frankfurt to overtake London as a financial centre within the next five years.’ How could that possibly be true?

Does it not matter that as one top Japanese stockbroker told me ‘You can only do local business in Frankfurt. In London you can trade with the world’?

What is it that we are in danger of losing? Ladies and gentlemen it is no less than the jewel in our economic crown.

As a short form, I am going to refer simply to London or to the City but of course the industry is spread across the UK.

London is the heart of the world’s financial business and the centre of financial innovation. And the City itself has no less than 800 years’ experience in providing those services.

I make no apology for listing what we are supremely good at: we do not often give ourselves a pat on the back!

Financial services account for over 15 per cent of UK GDP. They are the single biggest contributor to our economy. They employ around 1 million people, including over 300,000 in London. Last year they generated net overseas earnings of £14 billion.

The City has played a key role in establishing the euro as a major international currency for trading and investment. London is the leading centre for euro trading even though the UK is not in the euro. They could not have done it without us!

London is the biggest market in the world for derivatives traded over-the-counter with over one third of global turnover last year.

LIFFE is the world centre for euro money market derivatives trading. It is the biggest electronic exchange.

The London Metal Exchange is the biggest metals exchange in the world.

London is the world’s largest fund management centre, with total assets under management exceeding £2,725 billion in 2000.

London has the most comprehensive range of specialist maritime services in the world, and despite Gordon Brown’s best efforts, net overseas earnings are around £2 billion a year.

London is the world’s most liquid spot market for gold, for gold lending and the world clearing centre for gold trading.

More foreign companies are listed on the London Stock Exchange than any other exchange including the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ combined.

London is the major centre for the international bond market.

London is one of the two leading centres for international legal services, the other being New York. Five out of the largest ten law firms in the world are based here.

London is the world’s largest international insurance and reinsurance market.

The London foreign exchange market is the largest in the world accounting for a third of global turnover, more than New York and Tokyo combined, and is six to seven times the size of Paris and Frankfurt combined.

And last but not least, there are more German banks in London than in Frankfurt, and more American banks in London than in New York.

I think you get the picture!

Why is London pre-eminent? It has low tax, low regulation, London straddles the world time zones, we speak English, we benefit from English law, a low level of corruption and a top quality work force.

Despite all that, our jewel in the economic crown can disappear with lightening speed if the conditions change.

Let me give you one little known but personal example from over 30 years ago. My father was a bullion broker in the City. On a Thursday the British government upset the South African government. On the Friday, the bullion market closed in London as usual, but it reopened on the Monday in Zurich. That is how fast things used to move. Just think how fast they move today. Or as the head of my old firm Morgan Stanley used to say professionals will work anywhere. And they do – they catch the next plane out.

We have already seen with the art market what happens when the tax regime changes, in this case VAT, a Brussels tax. The British art market is on the move from London and much of it is now in New York.

Today, Britain’s financial service industry is under attack as never before and from several directions orchestrated by Brussels under its Action Plan for A Single Financial Market by 2005.

The plan combines changes in tax, pensions, regulation and creating one stock market. All these issues are equally important but today I am concentrating on the regulatory changes. But may I remind you that we are still fighting off the EU Savings Tax Directive and trying to divert its main focus to exchanging information on savings held abroad, though even that is not satisfactory.

So enthusiastic have we become in our attempt to deflect the worst of the tax that our man in Bern is telling his Swiss hosts at every opportunity that they should relax the famous Swiss confidentiality and provide EU tax officials with bank details of suspected tax dodgers. Our ambassador diplomatically says Swiss law is outmoded, immoral and wrong. This disgraceful state of affairs is all because the EU withholding tax on savings would severely damage the City’s Eurobond market. And it is setting friends against each other.

So tax aside how far has the EU attack got? Starting as early as 1964 Brussels has been sniping at the City. The pace accelerated in the 1980s and 1990s with nine unhelpful directives particularly affecting insurance and banking.

That attack is now accelerating

The trigger was the twelve years a take-over directive took in discussion only to be voted down and out. As a result France persuaded the EU Commission to speed things up. France wanted a new super-regulator that could adversely affect the London Stock Exchange and extend EU control over the City.

The bottom line is, as usual, a Franco-German stitch up: Frankfurt will eventually get the markets and Paris will control the regulation. At least that’s the plan.

In anticipation a voluntary Europe wide organisation was set up. The Federation of European Securities Exchanges is based in Brussels. Since 1999, the Federation has organised conferences on financial markets, in close co-operation with the Frankfurter Institute based in Berlin.

In July 2000 the EU Commission appointed a committee of so-called Wise Men to examine the regulation of the securities markets, which rapidly reported only eight months later. That tells us how badly they need our money!

A Belgian, Baron Lamfalussy, headed the Wise Men. He had been on the Delors Committee in the 1980s that led to the euro, and was later President of the European Monetary Institute, forerunner of the European Central Bank. A thoroughly sound man!

The “wise men’s group” was rightly seen in London as an attempt to harmonise stock exchange rules. You may remember that Laurent Fabius, the French Finance Minister, charged that he had been unable to read a British counter plan for financial regulation, because the British had not faxed it until midnight on the Sunday before the initial meeting, and he did not have a fax machine in his hotel room. The British plan focused on competition and flexibility and let each country set its own rules. Some hope of that! No wonder a Frenchman did not want to read it!

In November 2000 the wise Belgian, Baron Lamfalussy, and his men decided there should be no European version of America’s Securities and Exchange Commission – yet. The Wise Men noted the incompatibility of legal systems and business cultures in different states. Corpus Juris will of course sort that problem out!

And the mind boggles at the vision of a European version of the American SEC when it does come, kicking down doors in London, confiscating documents and ordering Anglo-Saxon capitalists to answer questions.

Meanwhile the report proposed a committee of EU regulators, the European Securities Committee. And it has recently started work in Brussels.

Broad principles are established through primary legislation, under the codecision procedure, with the details left to the new European Securities Committee (ESC).

Amazingly this unelected committee has legislative power and decides by majority voting. So decisions may well go against the interests of some member states – for that read the UK. This is some committee!

An EU Commissioner chairs it and monitors the whole process. Its members are at secretary of state level.

To maintain a residual member state interest that committee is advised by the new European Securities Regulators based in Paris (note, not even in the same country as the parent committee) and chaired by a member state representative.

In summary, the EU Commission runs the first committee in Brussels, which legislates, and the member states can advise from Paris.

The whole system will be reviewed in 2004 when member states, and democracy itself, can expect to be further demoted.

There is no doubt that the ESC is an embryonic Securities and Exchange Commission. The Stock Exchange told me that the French are talking very seriously about this proposal, nicknamed EuroSec, and it is causing concern in London.

So what is being enacted? The Lamfalussy Report laid down a 4-stage procedure for implementing 42 items of securities legislation by 2004 from the principle to enforcement.

The four most important directives out of the current 42 are:

1 The Investment Services Directive is rightly called the constitution for the capital markets of Europe. This key directive upgrades a previous one and new proposals are due out this month. It will give market operators a passport or licence to go anywhere in the EU to do business and involves harmonising standards. There is of course concern in London that one size does not and cannot fit all.

2 The Prospectus Directive applies to issuers wishing to raise money – the lifeblood of the financial exchanges and why they exist in the first place. The principal is that if you wish to raise money you should be able to go anywhere to do so. In fact the EU is proposing that you will have to go to your own country first. No longer will you be able to go anywhere that would suit your company and your shareholders which British companies do today. So we are going backwards.

The City thinks this is contrary to an Anglo-Saxon free, flexible approach and we don’t need it.

3 The Market Abuse Directive (aptly called MAD) seeks a common approach. We in Britain are content with our system especially since the FSA was given more powers this time last year and our system is sophisticated. The new directive is likely to be finalised by the end of this year. Unfortunately Brussels has got an attack of anti Americanitis and specifically Enronitis and is trying to include research analysts in what should be a simple directive. It will be complex and retrograde.

4 The Regular Reporting Directive concerns information companies put out to investors. We in London have a very sophisticated system enhanced again at the beginning of this year. On top of the twice-yearly company reports all companies can put out ad hoc alerts via screens round the markets, and to individual investors via email alerts. In that way price sensitive information gets out quickly and widely.

Unfortunately Continental companies have no history of being good at putting out price sensitive information on an ad hoc basis – they have no flexibility – and it is to that level they wish to reduce us. So quarterly reporting is likely to be introduced which will be more costly and less flexible – somewhat like the US. Again going backwards.

With these four directives, and the other 38 in the pipeline, the EU expects that there will be fewer markets and ultimately one market, an EU market.

Nor is this all. You would think that such a great success story as the City would have few serious detractors within, only those trying to make it even better. Unfortunately there are Quislings. Not only are some of the banks like Deutsche Bank firmly on the EU side, as we would expect, there is now a branch of the Britain in Europe campaign in the City set up just over a year ago with over 50 members on its council. Many superannuated politicians now have remunerative and influential positions in the City.

Here are just a few of the old favourites active in the City in Europe:
Lord Brittan and Lord Tristran Garel-Jones at UBS Warburg; Lord Tugenhat Chairman of TU Fund Managers; Lord Howe at JP Morgan; Peter Sutherland Chairman of Goldman Sachs; Lord Dick Taverne, Chairman of AXA, and Adair Turner, Vice Chairman of Merrill Lynch Europe. Interestingly the Chief Economists of both KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers are both members. Perhaps they are anxious for the many lucrative contracts put out by Brussels.

In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, we in Britain are being lined up to take the financial strain from the struggling German economy. And French and German envy and their need to dominate and control are paramount. As a result we will be very second rate, on the fringes of Europe.

I am sad to say as a Conservative that my party in Strasbourg not only voted for the Single Financial Market, but in speeches enthusiastically supported it.

There can be no excuse for cheering at the destruction of the City of London.

Ó Lindsay Jenkins, London November 2002

Lindsay Jenkins is the author of Britain Held Hostage, The Coming Euro-Dictatorship (foreword Frederick Forsyth) and The Last Days of Britain, The Final Betrayal (foreword Lord Lamont of Lerwick)








Last Days of Britain, The Final Betrayal
“Lindsay Jenkins is no shrill europhobe, but a cautious, highly intelligent critic of what is currently happening in Europe. She cuts through much of the verbiage to expose its real nature. Everyone who cares about the future of this country should read this book.”
The Rt Hon Lord Lamont of Lerwick, former Chancellor of the Exchequer

“The picture she builds up, block by block, is as incontrovertible as it is frightening. These really are the last days of Britain unless something is done before it’s too late.”

“Always scholarly citing the evidence…Jenkins deploys the shameful and frightening facts with the conclusion that Blair wants to end Britain as a country.”
Professor Antony Flew in Freedom Today


Categories: Uncategorized


  • centurean2 // May 31, 2010 at 9:33 am | Reply


    London and Paris head for showdown on hedge funds

    John O’Donnell


    Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:48am EDTRelated NewsMoore Capital head tops UK richest fund manager list

    Fri, Apr 23 2010Moore Capital head tops UK richest fund manager list
    Thu, Apr 22 2010London and Paris head for showdown on hedge funds
    Thu, Apr 22 2010EU regulators mull Goldman fraud charge fallout
    Mon, Apr 19 2010EU finance ministers fail to reach deal on bank levy
    Sat, Apr 17 2010BRUSSELS

    (Reuters) – London and Paris face a showdown over new rules for hedge funds within weeks of British elections, with both sides refusing to budge on a controversial law to control the secretive industry, diplomats said.

    Spanish Economy Minister Elena Salgado is preparing to ask European finance ministers at a gathering next month to give the green light to new curbs on hedge funds and private equity, one diplomat said.

    “Work is continuing in order to have it in May,” said the diplomat, who is close to Spain, which holds the European Union presidency and will chair the meeting. “Ambassadors will have to decide this next week.”

    Such a move is set to escalate a long-running Anglo-French spat over the treatment of foreign funds under the new regime. It will also fuel tensions between Brussels and Washington, which fears the rules will stop U.S. funds operating in Europe.

    Privately, Paris has threatened to use EU voting rules to push through the law over the objections of Britain.

    With London largely isolated, it would be easy for France to win the backing of a majority of European countries.

    But this would break with a Brussels diplomatic code by which large countries such as Britain — home to eight out of 10 European hedge funds — are not bullied into acceptance.

    Last week, Michel Barnier, the French commissioner in charge of overhauling financial services across the 27-country EU, intervened again to head off a full-blown row between the two sides.

    But at a meeting last week in Madrid, French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde told Barnier that France was standing firm and would not concede to British demands that foreign funds be entitled to a license to operate across all EU countries.


    The draft law had been intended to curb pay and borrowing at hedge funds and usher in an era of transparency for a secretive industry that many politicians have said exacerbated borrowing difficulties in Greece by betting on its debt.

    But Britain wants lighter regulation of an industry important for London’s financial centre, while Germany and France are seeking a heavier clampdown.

    Negotiations in the European Parliament, which must also approve the law, have been protracted.

    Some British parliamentarians are hoping to derail a regime that would require hedge funds and private equity groups to register and disclose closely guarded trading information — the traditional advantage of hedge funds in the open market.

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has complained that the controls could discriminate against American firms.

    Washington, mulling lighter regulation for the sector, is worried the new EU rules would make it harder for a New York hedge fund, for example, to find investors in Europe.

    Barnier has signalled willingness to license foreign funds with a base in London, for example, to do business across the continent. Diplomats, though, say the former foreign minister lacks the backing of French President Nicolas Sarkozy on this.

    The tug-of-war between Brussels and Washington will also hold up leaders of the Group of 20 developed and emerging economies who are trying to keep momentum in a regulatory crackdown on banking.

    (Editing by Dale Hudson)



  • centurean2 // May 31, 2010 at 9:36 am | Reply

    Lindsay Jenkins is an investigative author and journalist. She specializes in the history and current operations of the European Union.

    She has dedicated years of research to exposing the rising power of the European Union, the waning power of the member nation states and the decline of freedom, liberty and democracy. Her continuing series of books, Britain in Europe, shows how far this stealthy takeover has progressed.

    Lindsay’s first book, Britain Held Hostage, reveals for the first time who created the EU and why. This is the historical thesis the Brussels’ bureaucrats do not endorse.

    Her second book, The Last Days of Britain, starkly illustrates how far ‘Brussels’ has already taken over Britain’s former national life.

    Her most recent book, Disappearing Britain, The EU and the Death of Local Government, exposes how local government in Britain and across the EU is being replaced by the EU’s own local government of regions, sub regions and sub sub regions and thus marks the end of the nation state.

    Lindsay previously worked for British and American investment banks in the City of London and as a senior civil servant in the British Ministry of Defence. She received an honours degree from Bedford College, London University and an MBA from Cranfield School of Management. She lives in both the UK and US.

  • centurean2 // May 31, 2010 at 9:47 am | Reply


  • centurean2 // May 31, 2010 at 10:07 am | Reply

    The British Monarchy Has Its Roots in Nazism
    May 11, 2007 · 12 Comments
    Prison Planet | May 9, 2007

    I am personally disgusted that Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Phillip are even allowed to visit the United States. The British monarchy should be abolished and not one member of their so called royal family should be allowed to set foot on American soil. The idea of a royal or elite class that believes they are entitled to rule over the people is an abomination and contradicts the very idea of individual freedom. Queen Elizabeth’s husband Prince Phillip who holds the ridiculous title of Duke of Edinburgh is heavily involved in implementing the plan for a New World Order that we see before us today. He has been linked with the Bilderberg group, has advocated widespread population reduction and helped start the World Wildlife Fund with former Nazi SS Officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. The House of Windsor also has other historical ties to supporting Nazi Germany, most notably dealing with King Edward VIII’s abdication of the British throne.

    King Edward VIII was actually forced to abdicate the British throne in 1938, due to his support for Hitler and the Nazis. The House of Windsor through a devious propaganda campaign said that King Edward VIII was an aberration. This was a lie as the British monarchy combined with London bankers helped fund Adolf Hitler and built up the Nazi war machine. The British monarchy wanted to build up Hitler to fight Russia in an effort to consolidate power.

    It was also revealed that following his abdication, King Edward VIII had been in close collaboration with the Nazis in Spain and Portugal to create a British revolution, overthrow the Churchill government and regain the throne from his brother King George VI. This was reported in the Washington Post and London Observer in the mid 1990s.

    King Edward VIII’s abdication eventually allowed Queen Elizabeth II to ascend to the throne in 1952. Five years before, she married her second cousin Prince Phillip who had siblings with numerous ties to Nazis. Prince Phillip was actually trained in the Hilter Youth and his brothers-in-law became high profile members of the Nazi party. His belief in Nazi ideology is clear when one looks at what he has said on the subject of overpopulation.

    Here is one particular quote where Prince Phillips talks about his views on overpopulation.

    In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.

    Prince Phillips quoted in the Deutsche Press Agenture, August 1988

    What sort of sick individual would want to be reincarnated as a virus to solve overpopulation? Prince Phillips is clearly obsessed with reducing the world’s population much like how Hitler wanted to kill off the world’s population and form a master race.

    Prince Phillips also helped create the World Wildlife Fund with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who was a former Nazi SS officer. Prince Bernhard was also instrumental in helping create the secretive Bilderberg group where the elites of the western world meet on a yearly basis to agree on policy that helps further their New World Order agenda. Julian Huxley the original director of UNESCO and a proponent of eugenics also aided in the formation of the World Wildlife Fund. The World Wildlife Fund exists to this day acting as a multinational front to implement Nazi inspired environmental policies to limit human progress and potential. This organization is clearly designed to help the fraudulent global warming agenda that is being used to try and implement a global carbon tax. The global carbon tax would be used to help fund the United Nations and cement a one world government. The House of Windsor routinely hypes why we should care about global warming for a reason, and this is undoubtedly the real agenda behind it.

    What’s really strange is the fact that the House of Windsor is more German than anything. In the 1800s, Queen Victoria married Albert of Saxe-Coburg which had its roots in Germany creating the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The name was changed to the House of Windsor by King George V to renounce its German ancestry in light of World War I. Amazingly, King George V was actually an honorary Field Marshal in the German army.

    It is clear that Queen Elizabeth II and the House of Windsor has numerous links to Nazis. Prince Harry dressing up in a Nazi outfit a few years ago was actually reflective of what these so called British royals are all about. These are disgusting creatures that are heavily involved with the creation of the New World Order. The mainstream news maintains that Queen Elizabeth II and these other royals only have symbolic power, but that is clearly an illusion. Queen Elizabeth II is officially the head of state of sixteen countries and is believed to have total net worth in the billions if not higher. Her husband’s involvement with the Bilderberg group, the World Wildlife Fund among other things is a clear indication that the House of Windsor is involved in trying to form a New World Order. Much like the Rockefeller family, the House of Windsor rules in secret and utilize front men like Tony Blair to implement policy and absorb the brunt of public anger.

    It was sickening watching President Bush refer to Queen Elizabeth II as her majesty and Prince Phillip as his royal highness. At least Bush didn’t entirely bow down to her majesty slipping up in his speech saying that the Queen helped celebrate the nation’s bicentennial in 1776. Queen Elizabeth II was not amused by the slip up because she is an elitist piece of garbage. These people should be referred to as royal Nazi trash and deported from the country immediately. The United States of America is supposed to be a free country and the idea of a royal lineage is in direct conflict with freedom. Even more disgusting was watching a CNN news piece lecturing us on appropriate protocol when dealing with the Queen. Royal families and elites have established these anal protocols only as a mechanism of control. Military institutions also establish protocol like this so people don’t question orders. It is nothing more than social engineering, training people to be enslaved.

    Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Phillip are human garbage and have clear links to Nazism. The sooner these inbred clowns leave the country the better.

    King Edward VIII’s Nazi Ties

    Prince Phillip Admired Nazis

    Bilderberg Group Strikes Again

    Categories: Crime & Corruption · Feudalism & Neofeudalism · Nazism

    12 responses so far ↓
    Is Global Warming worthy of a World Wide Warning? // May 11, 2007 at 1:09 pm

    [...] Aftermath News Julian Huxley the original director of UNESCO and a proponent of eugenics also aided in the [...]

    Matthew // May 11, 2007 at 3:39 pm

    You are a complete a-hole. Just because one person in a line of people was evil doesn’t mean that the whole line is horrible. There is still the Imperial House in Japan that has ties to Nazi Germany that actually exsisted. The Duke of Windsor a.k.a. King Edward VIII abdicated to be with the woman he loved. Only after the fact of him leaving the country of the U.K. did he meet with Hitler on very few and rare occasions.

    Also if it weren’t for the Queens family most notably King George III you would not be here today. After all yes every one in the position of power has done bad but the Queens liniage has done much more good than they have taken fromthe world.

    God Save the Queen,

    pjwalker911 // May 11, 2007 at 4:43 pm

    Excuse me, but I was not created by King George. And sorry to have to inform you, but Queen Elizabeth did not create the heavens and the earth. She simply feeds off the earth and off the labors of serfs who are made to believe that she is something special, something “royal”, something to gush over, bow and curtsy over. Such rediculous non-sense! What a laugh! There is nothing superior about her. In fact, it is just the opposite, but as in the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes, you cannot see the naked truth.

    You have been taught to worship royalty as gods and they have got you dancing to their New World Order tune. They talk about us as “useless eaters” who need to be “culled”, when it is they who are the most useless and destructive of all. Yes, the world would do just fine without them. In fact, it would do a hell of a lot better. There would be more freedom, fewer wars, less crime, less taxation, more wealth and abundance to go around.

    The Queen is the true head of Illuminati Freemasonry with the Order of the Garter being the elite center of it. Now go read Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma and realize the fact that the top masons deceive their lesser bretheren and worship Lucifer and they will control, set up and destroy you just to maintain their dominance over the planet as they have done for centuries.

    Do you really seriously believe there is such a thing as a “royal lineage”? It’s the biggest scam of all history my friend. Don’t be a fool! Wake up now.

    Matthew // May 16, 2007 at 5:15 pm

    This has nothing to do with religion. She is a tie to the past and everything that not only we the British have been through but what the Earth has been through.

    She does not feed off of anything ot anyone. If you were well informed you would know that she only cost 62 pence per UK citizen. There are only around 60 million of us. She cost far less than that of the President of America. Who did you know still gets paid till the day he dies even when not being the “leader of the free world!”

    She also if you didn’t know pays taxes and makes her own money on the collections and estates.

    And lets just say that there is a New World Order not that there is and you may just be a crack-pot, would it be so bad.

    Jonny // July 16, 2007 at 10:56 am

    I saw a documentary about Atlantian theory by a man called micheal tsarion, who claims that every single american president so far has had very strong bloodline links to the english monarchy.

    So there you go, America is run by the queen already, Bush bowed to her to be knighted ffs.

    jewhater // July 20, 2007 at 12:14 am

    What you say is not exactly true,
    the queen is just a pupper of the jews
    like everyone else

    pjwalker911 // July 20, 2007 at 12:34 am

    Follow it back to the source: Egypto-Baylonian mystery schools to Kabbalah, to Christianity, to Templars and Assassins, to Islam, to Freemasony/Illuminati, to Zionism, Nazism and Communism. The British royal family is the leader of Freemasonry (occult religion) today which has spawned all these religions including Nazism which is a cult of eugenics. The Zionist elite such as the Rothschilds are equals in this global conspiracy.

    Michael Howdyshell // May 16, 2008 at 1:28 am

    Your an idiot! God save The Queen. I’m a 13th generation Virginian and I’m very proud of the way we received Queen Elizabeth. I’m also a 32 degree Mason. There are a lot more of us than there are you, dumb a$%!!!!!

    pjwalker911 // May 16, 2008 at 4:43 am

    Michael Howdyshell,

    How do you feel about the New World Order, having your borders controlled by Brussells and having all your rights stripped from you as your country sinks into chaos there in Jolly Old England?

    And who do you think is behind this Novus Ordo Seclorum, may I ask?

    Dan // December 15, 2008 at 1:00 pm

    Your an idiot! God save The Queen. I’m a 13th generation Virginian and I’m very proud of the way we received Queen Elizabeth. I’m also a 32 degree Mason. There are a lot more of us than there are you, dumb a$%!!!!!

    Hope your also proud that Americans still pay taxes to the British Crown.
    your IRS.
    $ good sign to use in respect of HRH.

    pjwalker911 // December 15, 2008 at 5:46 pm


    All royalty are traitors to the rest of humanity. They believe they have superior bloodlines and therefore are born to rule over the rest of us. Another fact is that they are so interbred, especially in Europe, that they are effectively just one big family, such that it matters little which one rules over which country. They share many of the same or similar orders and carry out the same New World Order plan, regardless of religion or nationality. That is how this global tyranny is being set up, instigated by them.

    So it isn’t wise to pay respects to any of them.

    sean stevens // April 21, 2009 at 7:01 am

    There was organised torture in british peoples formative years in the north of england in the 60′s and 70′s. I got a dentist struck off the dental register.
    There was no british equilivent of the FBI when i was a boy. Every so-called parent who sent there children there should have been questioned.

  • centurean2 // May 31, 2010 at 10:09 am | Reply