Sunday, 16 May 2010

Does George Osborne dare reveal the TRUE size of Britain's black hole?


15th May 2010

Prime Minister David Cameron has moved with incredible speed, daring and ruthlessness.

In a matter of days he has reshaped the landscape of British politics, chucking overboard the Tory Right, and creating what is, to all intents and purposes, a completely new political party: the Liberal Conservatives.

What Cameron has done is extraordinary. For ten years Tony Blair dreamt impotently of moulding a progressive alliance on the Left of British politics though a merger of Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

Cameron merged the Lib Dems and Tories in three days. Whatever else, it shows that he is a leader of the highest calibre.

But his biggest challenge is yet to come. The real problem facing Britain is not political. It is financial, and last week's pyrotechnics at Westminster have done little to address the economic crisis.

It is very grave indeed. And once again it confirms one of the immutable laws of politics and economics in Britain: it is Tory governments who sort out the chronic mess habitually left behind by Labour.

Back in 1979, Margaret Thatcher's overwhelming task was to address the social and economic catastrophe bequeathed by Jim Callaghan's outgoing administration.

Social order had broken down, unemployment was rising, the unions were on the march and the country was living beyond its means.

Thatcher saved Britain - and has never been forgiven by the Left for doing so.

The challenge facing Cameron and his new Chancellor George Osborne (the youngest occupant of the post since the 19th century) is graver and even more onerous than the task that faced Thatcher and her Chancellor Geoffrey Howe in 1979.

Consider the facts. This year, according to Treasury forecasts, British government spending was expected to exceed income by the spectacular sum of £160 billion. That is approximately £500million a day - an amazing sum of money.

Brown's government was in total denial about this desperate situation. It refused to do anything to confront our massive national indebtedness.

Indeed, just before the General Election Brown took the reckless step of postponing the Comprehensive Spending Review - the housekeeping exercise through which the Chancellor of the Exchequer sets the budgets of government departments - until next year.

This meant that during the election campaign, Gordon Brown could use every opportunity to accuse David Cameron's Conservatives of planning cuts that would damage the living standards of ordinary people.

Such conduct was deeply cynical because Brown would have known that he would be forced to make cuts himself if he'd won the election.


decision to bury its head in the sand means that for the past two years the British people have been insulated from the consequences of the global economic

recession. Over the next few weeks that safety net will at last be taken away. We will be forced to acknowledge the appalling economic reality.

George Osborne's first act on entering the Treasury 72 hours ago was that of any new chief executive who takes the helm of a failing or bankrupt corporation. He ordered a rigorous and thorough examination of the books.

So over this weekend a top-class team led by Sir Alan Budd, a highly regarded economist who is the head of the newly created Office for Budgetary Responsibility, is going through the Treasury accounts with a toothcomb, seeking to expose the accounting tricks and fraudulent devices for which Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling were notorious.

One of Brown and Darling's favourite wheezes was to hide government liabilities 'off balance sheet' - the same kind of notorious business practice that led to the bankruptcy of the Enron energy trading concern almost ten years ago and Lehman investment bank in 2008.

They did this through the Private Finance Initiative (PFI), whereby the government built hospitals, schools and other public enterprises using money borrowed from the private sector which will have to be paid back like mortgages over a long period.

Crucially, those massive loans have not been declared in the public accounts - something that would be illegal in the private sector - yet it is we taxpayers who are going to have to foot the bill.

Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling were aided and abetted in their financial skullduggery by the Treasury Permanent Secretary Sir Nicholas Macpherson, who may now find himself with some very tricky questions to answer.

It should be born in mind that one of the key reasons that Gordon Brown got away with this deeply questionable conduct was that he sacked or moved all the honest and independent-minded officials who stood up to him.

Sir Alan Budd's task will be to establish where the PFI liabilities have been hidden, to quantify them, and then to make sure that they are accounted for in a regular and honest manner.

Nor is that all. Over the past ten years, New Labour has also repeatedly given in to trade union demands for higher pensions for Britain's six million public sector workers.

As a result, our civil servants now have far better and more secure pension entitlements than their counterparts in the private sector.

But once again Brown and Darling concealed the cost of these concessions by hiding them 'off balance sheet'. Nobody knows the true extent of the liability, but experts reckon that it could stretch as high as a terrifying £1,000 billion.

In all, I guess that the black hole at the heart of the Treasury accounts as a result of 13 years of New Labour fraud and neglect is not far short of £2 trillion, or about £40,000 for every family in Britain.

are truly shocking figures, and they mean that Chancellor Osborne will soon be confronted with a very difficult decision. Does he come clean about the full scale of the financial horror bequeathed by New Labour and add the extra £2 trillion to the national balance sheet?

If he does so, financial markets may easily take fright, interest rates rise and sterling collapse. On the other hand, if Osborne does not come clean, then he, too, will be guilty of the same fraud and concealment as his New Labour predecessors. He faces a very delicate task.

It will take Sir Alan Budd's crack team at least a month to discover the truth about the real state of British finances. Only once he has done so will George Osborne be in a position to deliver his emergency Budget, which is now expected in the third week of June.

It is here that Osborne will unveil the first of the Budget cuts which New Labour so disgracefully put off. As I've explained, I believe our true financial situation is far, far worse than than anybody yet realises.

No doubt it will be Osborne who will get the blame for the cuts - and they will be the sharpest since before World War II.

But the real culprits are New Labour and in particular Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling.

If they were the chief executive and finance director respectively of a failed public company, they might now be waiting for the fraud squad to come knocking at their door.