Monday, 17 May 2010
Don't Tread On Me, The Rise of the Republic!
For Immediate Release
Contact: Debbie Morgan, 573-378-9123
Columbia, MO - Do you think you know your natural rights? Think again! The newest release from the team that brought you Camp FEMA is sure to fuel the flames of liberty in our Republic! The much-anticipated film, Don't Tread On Me, releases May 17, 2010. This is the civics lesson for the twenty-first century that you will never forget.
What defines an American...a Patriot? Filmmakers William Lewis and Gary Franchi interviewed some of the foremost freedom fighters and Constitutional authorities of our time, along with astute local political activists and active politicians, bringing the viewer incredible answers to some of the political problems of our time
In this latest offering by Lewis/Franchi, Radio host Alex Jones tells us. "In the last 20 years we've seen an acceleration away from our constitution and Bill of Rights and towards absolute despotism." When asked about the film, Lewis states that it is "a blueprint for insuring that people like you, me and the grassroots efforts effectively target what's wrong with the politics in this country and have the knowledge to do something about it."
During an interviewed for the film, Missouri State Representative Brian Nieves tells us, "The US Constitution was written absolutely in stone and intended to be the chains that would bind the Federal government." Franchi hopes viewers "walk away with a sense of hope that the people and legislators across the country are drawing their line in the sand against the unconstitutional actions of the Federal Government" but hopes viewers "don't wait for the next person to take action."
Guests include author and Constitutional Expert Edwin Vieira, former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, former Presidential Candidate Michael Badnarick, American Policy Center's Tom DeWeese, Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key, Radio Host Alex Jones, Missouri State Representatives Cynthia Davis and Brian Nieves and State Senators Jim Lembke and Gary Nodler, as well as a host of other true American Patriots answering questions like:
How does the Federal Government abuse the Commerce Clause?
What does the Tenth Amendment really mean and how does it affect you?
Is a Constitutional Militia really necessary for the security of the "Free State"?
What is the proper role of the federal government?
Insightful answers to these and other questions come from activists and state politicians alike. Don't Tread On Me is a timely reminder of what those who shaped this country fought and died for. This is the perfect film if you, your friends, family, or community, have forgotten what our country's crucial documents say about the rights of the state, government and your rights as a free citizen.
Lewis says, "It's not a two-party system. It's going to be up to the individual to make sure that their state governments do their job and keep the federal government in its place." Lewis and Franchi are hopeful that when people understand their rights and everyone gets involved, a positive change can be made. Nieves puts it succinctly, "Thirty years from now, someone is going to ask you what you did during the patriot uprising." What will your answer be?
For more information, please visit
3149 Dundee Rd #176
Northbrook, Illinois 60062, USA
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Britannia Radio