Douglas Murray
Douglas Murray is a bestselling author and award-winning journalist based in London. He has written for numerous publications including the Telegraph, Spectator, Wall Street Journal and Sunday Times. He is a columnist for Standpoint magazine and the Director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, a Westminster think-tank which studies radicalisation and extremism in Britain.
Islamic Jew-hatred isn't just on UK campuses. America's got it too
By Douglas Murray World Last updated: May 14th, 2010
If you spend any time looking into Islamic radicalism, you do sometimes wonder if you can be shocked any more. For me this video at least reminded me that I can be.
It is a video from a recent talk by the American author David Horowitz at University of California San Diego.If any of you thought that it is only the UK that has been stupid enough to allow radical Islamists to thrive on our campuses, think again.
I really do urge you to watch till the end to understand quite why it is so shocking. When Horowitz quotes the leader of Hezbollah saying that all the Jews going to Israel will save Hezbollah going round the globe and hunting them down one by one, you may guess what the girl is going to say. But I promise your breath will be taken away by the way she says it.
Tags: David Horowitz, Hezbollah, Islamists, Jew-hatred, UCSD