eu reform treatyEU President: There was strong political will among EU FinMins to ...
By Gerry Davies
... Sense of urgency on reform so great that electoral calendar of secondary importance; Work on EUbudget rule reform must be as far as possible within current EU treaty as treaty change tough; There was broad agreement on having ...
ForexLive - crisis shows need to reform elements of EU mechanisms « The ...
By Senator Alex White
Greek crisis shows need to reform elements of EU mechanisms. Some two weeks ago when the Euro loan facility was first introduced, it was suggested it was a godsend that the Government could lend to Greece at a higher rate than the rate it would have to borrow the ... That was part of the problem with the Lisbon treaty. Too much of the discussion and debate occurred, essentially, behind closed doors and before there was an opportunity for it to be ventilated in public. ...
The White Board | Senator Alex White -
Saturday, 22 May 2010
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Britannia Radio