Friday, 14 May 2010

eu reform treaty

First cracks in coalition as Tories query Europe and vote reform policies
... some powers from Brussels and will demand a referendum if any powers are ceded to the EU under the Treaty of Lisbon, which Britain has ratified. ...
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4 May: Eurozone ministers approve €110bn bailout package - Open ...
Bild features on its front page today, the headline: “Why are our politicians breaking the EU Treaty?”, printing a copy of the no-bailout clause in the EU treaties. A leader in Handelsblatt carries the title “Merkel leads citizens the wrong way” ... In the Irish Times, Arthur Beesley argues, “Europe would divide the Tories and the Lib Dems in any joint administration, but the schism would be secondary to Clegg's totemic demand for reform of Britain's first-past-the-post ...
Open Europe Daily Press Summary -
Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | EU Patent Examiners Warn ...
The EU Parliament then passed several reasonably solid amendments against ..... The "Constitution" got replaced by a "Reform Treaty", and that one had to be ...
European Union Center of California
bon: Ireland's EU Reform Treaty Ref- erendums and Their Lessons from. Europe”. Colby Mangels, Georgia Institute of. Technology “European Union Security ...