Aaron Klein confronts 'Ground Zero Imam' Sheik wants to build 13-story mosque near site of 9/11 attacks --WABC Radio, New York Aaron KleinToday on Aaron Klein Investigative Radio, Aaron interviews with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the architect who plans to build the mosque near the World Trade Center site. Aaron also talks to Danny Danon, Knesset Member of Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Is Obama throwing Israel under the bus? Listen to the great interviews with Aaron! |
WND.COMMENTARY Media Matters' assault against 'Manchurian President' Aaron Klein rebuts Soros-funded group's 'disprovable lies' --WND |

Media Matters' assault against 'Manchurian President'
Posted: May 24, 2010
By Aaron Klein
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
NEW YORK – Media Matters for America today launched a campaign of disprovable lies clearly aimed at minimizing my new book, "The Manchurian President," while attempting to deter news media from featuring the crucial work.
The George Soros-funded activist organization's attacks came in response to a segment today on the Fox News Channel's "Fox and Friends" morning program.
In one screaming headline, Media Matters falsely claims "WND's Aaron Klein makes absurd claim that Bill Ayers helped 'draft' health care reform."
The article has no text, only a link to my "Fox and Friends" interview in which I make no such claim.
What I factually state in the Fox interview is that extremists tied to Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground terrorist organization, helped to craft key Obama legislation.
Indeed, as I will document below, one of the main founders of the Weathermen with Ayers sits in the board of the very organization that helped craft President Obama's "stimulus" bill.
In a second lying piece, titled Fox hosts Klein to push his conspiracy-laden, anti-Obama attack book," Media Matters hurls a slew of false accusations.
Begins Media Matters: "In the May 24 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, WorldNetDaily's Aaron Klein pushed the baseless conspiracy theories from his book The Manchurian President. Klein claimed there were 'extremists now who are helping to craft legislation from the outside and then those inside the White House.'"Media Matters, however, does not prove how my claim, supported in my book by nearly 900 endnotes, is "baseless." Indeed, two years of research by myself and my co-author, Brenda J. Elliott, fully support the contention.
Astonishingly, Media Matters wrote, "Klein baselessly claimed the Apollo Alliance 'helped craft the stimulus bill'"
Baselessly? No less than Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid confirmed Apollo's role in crafting the bill last year when he stated: "The Apollo Alliance has been an important factor in helping us [the U.S. Senate] develop and execute a strategy that makes great progress on these "
The Apollo Alliance itself boasts on its website and in its promotional material its declared role in crafting the "stimulus bill."
Meanwhile, in its sloppy smear job, Media Matters again falsely claims I "suggested that Bill Ayers helped to draft health care reform," when I factually stated extremists tied to Ayers helped craft key legislation.
Apollo Alliance board members include a slew of radicals tied to Ayers:
- Jeff Jones, a founder of the Weather Underground who was on the run from law enforcement agencies while his group carried out a series of bombings of U.S.government buildings.
Jones joined the Students for a Democratic Society, or SDS, from which the Weathermen splintered in the fall of 1965. Two years later, he became the SDS' New York City regional director, a position in which he participated in nearly all of the group's major protests until 1969, including the 1968 Columbia University protests and the violent riots that same year at the Democratic National Convention.
In 1969, Jones founded the Weathermen with Ayers and Mark Rudd when the three signed an infamous statement calling for a revolution against the American government inside and outside the country to fight and defeat "U.S. imperialism.".
Jones also was a main leader and orchestrator of what became known as the Days of Rage, a series of violent riots in Chicago organized by the Weathermen. The culmination of the riots came when he gave a signal for rowdy protesters to target a hotel that was the home of a local judge presiding over a trial of anti-war activists.
Jones went underground after he failed to appear for a March 1970 court date to face charges of "crossing state lines to foment a riot and conspiring to do so." He moved to San Francisco with Ayers' wife, Bernardine Dohrn. That year, at least one bombing claimed by the Weathermen went off in Jones' locale at the Presidio Army base.
Jones' Weathermen took credit for multiple bombings of U.S. government buildings, including attacks against the U.S. Capitol March 1, 1971; the Pentagon May 19, 1972, and a 1975 bombing of the State Department building.
- Van Jones, President Obama's controversial former "green jobs czar" who resigned in September after it was exposed he founded a communist revolutionary organization and signed a statement that accused the Bush administration of possible involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Jones also called for "resistance" against the U.S.
Jones himself described the Apollo Alliance mission as "sort of a grand unified field theory for progressive left causes."
- Joel Rogers, a founder of the socialist New Party. "The Manchurian President" presents documented evidence indicating Obama was a New Party member. In an interview, New Party co-founder and Marxist activist Carl Davidson recounted Obama's participation with the New Party.
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Aaron Klein, WorldNetDaily's senior staff reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief, is known for his regular interviews with Mideast terror leaders and his popular segments on America's top radio programs. His newly released book is "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists." Follow Klein on Twitter. Follow Klein on Facebook.
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Exposing Obama's Radical Past
New book reveals shocking truth about president's radical associations
President Obama's Radical Network Exposed
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," May 4, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Ever since Barack Obama arrived on the national political stage, this programhas shined the spotlight on his connections to controversial figures like Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. And now a new book delves deeper into the president's radical associations.
It's called "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists."
The author, Aaron Klein, has a radio show and often writes for World Net Daily. He joins us now.
Aaron, good to see you. Thanks for being here.
AARON KLEIN, AUTHOR, "THE MANCHURIAN PRESIDENT": Thanks so much for having me.
HANNITY: Alright. Even the title, it's going to make liberals' head explode. And what we just — explain what you mean, Manchurian candidate and the title of the book?
KLEIN: I know it's a very sensational title. The book, though, is extremely well documented. We're talking about almost 900 footnotes.
And by Manchurian what we mean, we don't believe, me and my co-author, Brenda J. Elliott, we don't that Obama is a sleeper agent for communism, which is what the original book was about.
But we document thoroughly — it's not our opinion, it's fact — that Obama is tied to an anti-American fringe nexus that was instrumental in building his political career from the beginning, all the way through now with the White House.
We expose extremists currently in the White House. And also outside helping to draft different legislation that's affecting everyday American lives.
HANNITY: I've chronicled the appointment of these "czars," Kevin Jennings and Van Jones and Holdren and Anita Dunn. I mean, one person after another; I mean, the list goes on and on. Very extreme. Most Americans don't understand this. And I've chronicled it.
Go back to the Ayers connection, for example. I always thought "just a guy in the neighborhood" was total baloney. And yet he got away with that throughout the entire campaign.
KLEIN: He did. And actually, Ayers is key. We can go back to the beginning to Obama's childhood when we found out we — it's actually exclusive to the book — that he we went to a certain Sunday school that was affiliated with the ideology of Bill Ayers. It was in Hawaii, where deserters from the Students for a Democratic Society from Bill Ayers' organization used to hole up in this church. But OK, so you can't hold him responsible for that.
And then we find out where he first met Bill Ayers, which was in 1988.
KLEIN: Actually. And very interestingly, in Obama's book, in "Dreams From My Father," he talks about his first job at what's called the ABC Coalition. And he says that he was hired by a guy named Marty Kaufman. Well, Kaufman doesn't exist. It's Kellman (ph), a Marxist Alinsky-ite. And so the thing with Ayers is that it's just the beginning of a radical nexus.
HANNITY: You — and you even talk about the connection to the Nation of Islam. Does he have a relationship with Louis Farrakhan?
KLEIN: We know certainly that he attended Louie Farrakhan's Million Man March. And we know, as well, that Obama, for 20-something years, went to the Trinity United Church of Christ, where Farrakhan gave guest lectures. And we went through, actually, the church correspondence where the Nation of Islam, Louie Farrakhan, was listed many times. Actually, Obama was — they were on the cover.
HANNITY: They were on the front cover together.
KLEIN: They were on the front cover. But it goes on. The Nation of Islam actually was, in part, on Obama's payroll in Chicago in the early days.
And David Axelrod, by the way, he was — he sides with the Nation of Islam. I know everybody believes he's a Jew and he's Jewish, but he's on the board of St. Sabinas, which is in Chicago. That was where you and I were reporting during the campaign of Michael Pfleger, the guy who said that Hillary cries because she's white.
So the bottom line is that there's this extreme nexus that is currently drafting White House policies, not just when Obama was a child. It's not just when Obama was being politically mentored in college. And we actually uncover a lot of his college years in the book.
But it's here; it's now. And Americans need to understand who is drafting this key legislation and what's behind them.
HANNITY: You go into detail that these radicals actually drafted the stimulus bill, which you talk about in some detail.
Look, we're only touching the surface here.
HANNITY: So I guess in a broader sense people are going to have to read the book to get the specifics. But one last important question: how radical is he?
In other words, all your research, what you've come to conclude about Barack Obama, is he far more radical than — than even people like me and others that were on this case day in and day out ever imagined?
KLEIN: Absolutely. And here's what we need to be concerned about. It's about Alinsky ideology. It's boring from within in order to bring down the U.S. capitalist system.
And we uncover in the book Obama's extensive ties to Alinsky, including during the campaign, by the way, where his first trainers were trained by those from the Midwest Academy, which is an Alinsky-ite academy. So we have to worry about boring from within to bring down the U.S. system and a capitalist system. And I believe that that is Obama's ideology.
HANNITY: Alright, Aaron Klein. Your column's often on World Net Daily. The book is on World Net Daily and now in bookstores everywhere.
KLEIN: Everywhere. Amazon.com, as well.
HANNITY: Alright. "The Manchurian President." And thanks for being with us.
— Watch "Hannity" weeknights at 9 p.m. ET!
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