Friday, May 21, 2010
Understanding Asia's Troubled Waters
Iran Uses Brazil as Israel Grows Impatient
Iran Again Threatens to Annihilate Isrel
Is Islamonazi Iran begging for an atomic bombing?
Saturday, 22 May 2010
The U.S. Navy faces new challenges as crisis and conflict loom in the wake of North Korea's unprovoked torpedoing of a South Korean warship. An excerpt from a must-read analysis in The Wall Street Journal:
The longer term currents roiling Asia's waters, however, are coming from recent Chinese PLA Navy expeditions and strategic announcements. In early April, Chinese ships set out south and east to expand China's political claims and operational range. In the South China Sea, two Fisheries Administration patrol vessels were dispatched to accompany Chinese private fishing vessels in the Spratly Islands area. Two weeks earlier, Chinese ships seized a Vietnamese fishing vessel near the more northerly Paracels. Even though Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and the Philippines all claim sovereignty over parts of the Spratlys, China has now elevated its claims to almost the entire South China Sea to the level of "core interests," according to reports.
By making the South China Sea into a front-line territorial and strategic issue, Beijing is dramatically raising the stakes in any future confrontation, intentional or otherwise. It is also putting the U.S. Navy on notice that it will be far more present and engaged in the Asian maritime region that the U.S. has patrolled without interference for the past six decades.
Nuclear-arming, Islamist/Islamonazi Iran has accepted a flawed and phony Brazilian proposal to ship low enriched uranium out of Iran in return for fuel rods for its Tehran Research Reactor.
Brazil's role--it has become an exceptionally useful idiot of appeasement--reflects larger ambitions, according to this article.
Israel, in the meantime, is growing impatient with the international community's inability to stop Iran's atomic advance, as reported here.
China Confidential analysts add:
It certainly seems so.
Maniac-in-Chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's chief of staff on Wednesday warned Israel--which Ahmadinejad has repeatedly vowed to destroy--that it will be wiped within a week if the "Zionists" dare to attack Iran over its nuclear program.
Click here for the story. Recall that Iranian regime mouthpieces have also threatened to "burn" Tel Aviv and destroy the "heart" of the Jewish State, and, incredibly, to detonate nuclear weapons in U.S. cities.
Iran has also threatened to strike U.S. targets in response to an Israeli attack on Iran--even if the United States does not join in the military action.
The Obama administration, which has emboldened Iran by attempting to appease and align with the Islamist/Islamonazi nation--under cover of diplomatic engagement--is now trying to stop Iran's menacing nuclear program with a new round of supposedly tough but actually still soft sanctions.
There is no diplomatic solution to the problem of nuclear-arming, imperialist, Islamonazi Iran. Iran intends--for starters--to destroy Israel ("the Little Satan") and drive the U.S. from the Middle East, in order to rule over the region. Iran also aims to dominate Europe and actually destroy the U.S. ("the Great Satan") in order to bring about worldwide Islamic/Islamist rule.
Intentions matter most. Like Neville Chamberlain before him, Barack Obama seems bent on learning this lesson the hard way. His policy of appeasement has given Iran the time and space it needed to prepare for war on its terms.
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Britannia Radio