Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Hi All,
The dowry has been paid, (five cabinet seats), and Mr Cameron has married his blushing bride Miss Clegg of this parish. (Brown, Cameron & Clegg - weren't they the lead characters in Last of the Summer Wine?).
The happy couple are now enjoying a blissful honeymoon.
All say aah.
How long will their blissful journey through life last?
Will the grooms eye be turned towards the charms of the flirty Miss Farage?
When the happy couple get back they will open the wedding present given to them by that nice Mr Brown, declare the state of the economy to be worse than they were told and dump vows and introduce the cuts and taxes they said they wouldn't. The groom will no doubt blame the brides family and the rows will start.
How long will theTory grandees allow the Lib/Dem tail to wag their dog?
Seeing as the extra staff taken on at Conservative Party HQ for the election have had their contracts extended for five months - not six you will notice which you would expect to be a logical term if there was just tidying up work to be done.
Five months eh?
This suggests that , (unless the bride gets pregnant in the meantime), we can expect seperation and another election in October.
My initial view when the election results were first announced was that we would have a coalition until next spring as its not going to be too long before parliament goes into recess so they can't really start enacting stuff until the end of the summer break.
But with all parties hard pressed for cash I can't see any party retaining staff for five months unless they expect a need for them.
The surprise package?
If the Tories give an absolute guarantee that they will allow a referendum on remaining in the European Union , (i.e.restore the situation that we voted for in the 1974 referendum and that is to be part of a Common Market not of a new nation); then it is likely that UKIP will not field candidates in the 40 seats where the Tories came second by less votes than the Tories failed by.
With 40 more MPs, (that means 40 fewer Labour MPs as well), then they would have a workable majority and the Tories will be able to dump the Clegg family and with probably one of the Millibands - both lightweights - trying to unify and revitalise old New Labour who knows?
Another PM X Factor series with Cameron - Cleggy and Milliband as the contestants. I only see one winner their unless Mandelson can work his alchemy and turn the frog into a Prince.
So what does this mean for investors?
At the moment my own money is out of the UK equities until the dust settles over Greece and we know that the other PIIGS arent going to get sucked in - the UK will be the next on the speculators list once that's done.
I'm avoiding UK Gilts like the plague and thought that bonds might get dragged down with them but a report from Pimco, has turned my head a little so I'm researching bond funds at the moment.
Another article suggests that we should see steady Equity growth - which I'm willing to accept but they aren't taking account of of a possible October election.
If the Tories dump the Lib Dems I can quite see the markets reacting positively so I'm in a quandry just at the moment - your opinions welcomed on whether we will see a surge or a fall.
On the Positive side the £ rose against the Euro from around 1.145 ish cents to the £ to 1.185 - or was that a case of the Euro falling. Haven't checked the dollar rates yet.
Please do share your views
regardsxxxxxxxxxx dl
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Britannia Radio