And if you missed the in-depth interview with Sean Hannity -- go here.
More on the rally here.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 05:23 AM | Permalink | Comments (54) ShareThis
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Excelsior! Here is an icon for the advent of modernizing the Muslim world. She embodies everything sharia and the Islamic world deplore -- free women. Burn those burkas, baby, and come on in. The water is just fine.
I wonder if the ink is dry on the fatwa .................. "grumblings from certain members of the community."
Rima Fakih Is First Muslim Miss USA Atlantic Wire hat tip Choi
Rima Fakih, an Arab American from Dearborn, Michigan won the Miss USA beauty pageant Sunday. She is believed to be the first Muslim to win the title, though historical pageant records dating back to 1952 are not detailed enough to confirm. Fakih has beendeftly profiled in the Detroit Free Press in a piece that chronicles her unique journey. The daughter of Lebanese immigrants, Fakih's parents proudly supported her despite grumblings from certain elements of their community.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 03:11 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis
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More poisonous fruit from the US invasion against the Christians in the Balkans. We have paved the way for an Islamic state in the heart of Europe, one already conducting Islamic imperialistic war moves in Macedonia.
Turns out that the would-be assassins are "non-Muslimy kind of Muslims" from Albania.
Cartoonist Lars Vilks House Aflame in Assassination Attempt
Artist Vilks Attacked by Muslims During Free Speech Lecture
Kosovo Albanian is Among Vilks Arsonists Julia Gorin“He is of Swedish nationality but originally from Kosovo…”
Boy, it sure is a good thing that Sweden’s Carl Bildt rushed to be the first foreign minister to visit a newly “independent” Kosovo three weeks after the secession.
Then again, the poor man is terrified. Like the rest of the Western world, he was hoping that doing everything the Albanians wanted withSerbia would help assuage the many Albanian “refugees” that all these countries took in. The U.S. was hoping for the same thing ( ‘If we just keep feeding them Serbs, maybe they’ll leave us alone’). But then the plot against Ft. Dix was discovered, not to mention this more recent stuff. Oh well. It was a worth a try. Wasn’t it?
Two men arrested over fire at Vilks’ house
Two men, aged 19 and 21, have been arrested in connection with an arson attack at the home in southern Sweden of artistLars Vilks.
The 21-year-old was arrested late on Saturday at his home in Landskrona, 40 kilometres from the house where Vilks lives. He is being held on suspicion of aggravated attempted arson.
A police spokesman said he was detained after personal items were found near Vilks’ house in the village of Nyhamnsläge, which was slightly damaged in the attack overnight Friday.
“He is of Swedish nationality but originally from Kosovo … He was unknown to the police so far,” Scania district police spokesman Calle Pärsson told AFP.
The suspect whose name was not made public “is still being detained and expected to see a judge to decide whether or not he will be charged, possibly tomorrow” (Monday), said Pärsson. […]
Say, wait a second. Weren’t we told that Albanians were the non-Muslimy kind of Muslims? Why is this guy all up in the Islam? Then again, if an Albanian is involved, surely the attack against the Muhammad cartoonist has nothing to do with Islam at all. That’s what was being hammered into us when that Bosnian kid killed five Americans in Salt Lake City’s Trolley Square for Valentine’s Day 2007. So perhaps there are “special circumstances” here too. After all, just think of all the “Serbian atrocities” the arsonist might have witnessed as a young boy during the Kosovo war, which could have affected him negatively. (This is called the “Blame the Serbs” defense, and it’s almost guaranteed be coming to a newspaper near you.)
No, this person is not representative of most Albanians. But he is representative of more Albanians than Serbs. So remind me why we supported the former against the latter?
According to comment poster Froken Sverige, the name of our latest Albanian Islamist is Alija Mentor, born 1989.
I’ll just close with one random tidbit that I wrote about from Chris Deliso’s devastating 2007 book The Coming Balkan Caliphate:
“In October 2006, [a special investigator for the UN Mission in Kosovo] pointed to a case from a couple of years earlier, in which UNMIK police arrested several Islamic extremists plotting terror in a village near Mitrovica: ‘They were all Albanians, and all of them had British passports,’ said the investigator. ‘Some were related to leading officials in the Kosovo government. It was all hushed up and never reported in the media.’ Other intelligence sources have drawn aconnection between this group, civil administration appointees, and arrests made by the British government in the July 2005 bomb plots in London.”
We also learn of a murky and as yet unreported incident in which six Albanian-American fundamentalists arrived in the village of Skenderaj in the weeks before 9/11. Says Gambill — who in 2005 blew the whistle on the Kosovo mission in aninterview with Cybercast News Service — the men had “spread anti-American slogans and stated, one week before 9/11, that the US would soon be attacked.”
“According to Gambill, the radicals were ‘linked to a wealthy Mafioso in Mitrovica’ — a shock admission linking Islamic radicals and the Albanian mafia. More shocking, however, was the utter disinterest with which UN authorities greeted this apparent ’smoking gun’ case. While investigators elsewhere were racing furiously to track down anyone and everyone with foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks, the CivPol [UN police] officer who identified the agitators, according to Gambill, ‘was frustrated that no one above him [in rank] was interested, and no one above him really pushed [for this investigation] — there was little said about it — and no follow-up.’”
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 02:44 PM in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia: Militant Islam, DENMARK: Danish cartoons, Europe frontline | Permalink | Comments (0)ShareThis
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Thank G-d those do-gooder jewicidals didn't have their way. Chomsky is an intellectual fraud and a pox on the Jewish people. Chomsky is an accomplice to genocide and should be shunned in every decent country, town, university, society everywhere.
If he's a Jewish intellectual, I am a Muslim scholar.
"Prominent Jewish lecturer" in an upside down world. Goebbels was a "prominent lecturer on the Jewish people" too, no? There is nothing the enemy loves more than a jihadist with a Jewish name.
Israel denies entry of prominent American Jewish lecturer who speaks out against Israel (Guysen.International News) hat tip Jan PJewish intellectual Noam Chomsky, one of the prominent speakers against the Israeli policy, was stopped Sunday while trying to enter Israel through the Allenby Bridge. According to the officials, Chomsky was scheduled to deliver a lecture at the Birzeit University and was detained at the border crossing for more than four hours. An activist with Chomsky said the authorities refused to permit him to enter israel.The American radical political activist was slated to visit the territories at the request of the university and Palestinian lawmaker Mustafa Barghouti, president of the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 01:31 PM in Antisemitism:Modern Argument to Age Old Hate, Jewicidal Jews, Dhimmi, Leftard and Democrat, Jewish Genocide Watch 2009 -_ | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis
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Has Obama decried this? Has the UN held an emergency session condemning these actions?
Dan Friedman opined:
This story, which will serve as the copy for scores of newspaper and electronic media stories throughout the world, inevitably (see bold below) winds its way back to the root cause of misery and Hamas oppression in Gaza - Israel. There is an invaluable lesson in this nutty non-sequitur, for those who are willing to absorb it. The received wisdom, the narrative gospel, is dictated by Jew-hatred - the subliminal, illogical, obsessive human instinct to weaken and destroy Jews - and indeed is created by sophisticated, highly intelligent people. Thus, the war for Israel has nothing to do with PR, education, disseminating "the Truth," eloquent speeches, correcting the record, editorial rebuttals, international law, "shared values," letters to the editor or warnings "we all face the same enemy." The war for Israel - if Israel is to win it - requires Israelis to use the strong arm that history has given them to reclaim their land and neutralize their foes without waiting for the understanding, let alone the approval, of the Nations (now including Obama's America) which seek to destroy them.
Hamas destroys dozens of homes in southern Gaza AP
RAFAH, Gaza Strip — Hamas police wielding clubs beat and pushed residents out of dozens of homes in the southern Gaza town of Rafah on Sunday before knocking the buildings down with bulldozers, residents said.
Gaza's militant Hamas rulers said the homes were built illegally on government land. Newly homeless residents were furious over Palestinians on bulldozers razing Palestinian homes.
For years, Palestinians have criticized Israel for destroying houses, mostly because they were built without permits issued by the military. Now, Rafah residents complained, their own government, run by the Islamic militant Hamas that seized power in Gaza in July 2007, has done the same.
"They promised reform and change — instead they've destroyed our homes," shouted Miasar Gan, a 54-year-old woman. Gan said she and her husband had nowhere else to go.
"I found my mattress, and that's where I'll be sitting," she said, standing next to the concrete chunks — all that was left of her house.
Her neighbor, Nazira Abu Jara, 56, said policewomen wearing face veils typical of conservative Muslim women beat her with clubs until she fled her house with her husband and two children. "Neighbors help us get by with charity. We can't afford to build again," Abu Jara said.
Others picked through rubble to retrieve dusty clothing and mangled furniture.
Residents said between 30 and 40 homes were torn down, ranging from concrete structures to tin shacks. They did not know how many people were affected. Hamas officials did not allow reporters into the area until the demolition was over.
Residents said more demolitions in the area were expected Monday.
Even if they are allowed to rebuild, Israel does not allow most building materials into the territory it has blockaded since Hamas seized power. The newly homeless residents are unlikely to be able to afford the steep black market prices for concrete, steel and wood. Some of the families cannot afford rent.
Rafah's mayor, Issa Nashar, promised alternative housing. Gaza's housing minister Yousef al-Mansi said he had no information about such housing.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 12:24 PM in "Palestinian" aka Fakestinian Islamic Jihad | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis
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Father of a Soldier left this comment in a previous post. It was so spot-on, I had to run it. It sums up the situation we are in rather perfectly. My work is done.
Cordoba is Spanish and recalls for the Muslims Andalusia and their control of Spain. They lost Spain and it is their responsibility to always get back what they once controlled. For those who Islam has not controlled, they are viewed as the enemy of Islam and it is the obligation of the Muslims to try to subjugate them and make them dhimmis like Mayor Bloomberg. The Koran calls for the humiliation of the infidel and that is exactly the intent in building this mosque at Ground Zero.Like some others, after 9/11, I made it my business to learn everything I could about Islam. The politically correct American public is clueless. Most Americans are unaware of the links between Islam, Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem before and during WWII. They are unaware of the history of the Muslim Brotherhood. We have a President who licks the boots of and bows to the Saudis and an idiot for an AG who will not even admit to Congress that radical Islam could have been a factor in the Times Square bombing attempt.Pamela Geller is absolutely right in her concern about the Islamization of America. It is already here, not to the same extent as in Europe, but coming to a neighborhood near you soon. We are only slightly behing Great Britain. It is happening at the colleges and universities and in decisions made by idiots who allow the building of a Mosque at Ground Zero. These people are complicit in the destruction of their own country.Commenter name: fatherofasoldier
Now what? SIOA.
This from an expat;
I live in Israel. In the 16 years that I've been living here I've gained some insight into the Moslem culture. But you don't have to live here or in a Moslem country to understand what's going on at Ground Zero.
Their aim is not the building of a mosque, but the demonstration of dominance over the West, their enemies. It's not that they are insensitive to the pain of the victims, their families and Americans in general. Oh no. It's BECAUSE of their "sensitivity" to our pain that they build their mosque as near as possible to Ground Zero. To us, it's sacred ground that must not be further contaminated by the hateful ideology that caused so much pain and changed our way of life. To them, it's another opportunity to use the freedoms of Western culture to bring it down, step by step, liberty by liberty, humiliation by humiliation. Their aim is mainly to humiliate us and to twist the dagger in our chest. Why else would they plan to dedicate their monstrosity on Sept. 11? Why is the Dome of the Rock mosque placed on top of the ruins of the Jewish temple? History is replete with similar examples. Why do they keep Gilad Shalit captive? Only to cause pain and demonstrate our impotence.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 01:12 AM in SIOA: Stop the Islamization of America | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis
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By now you must have seen the story going viral about Comedy Central's vile anti-Israel war game: Israel Attacks.
Just for knowing, Atlas had it last month. First, as usual.
Read Atlas regularly -- stay ahead of the news while everyone else plays catch-up.
The Comedy Central website has created an anti-semitically named game there called "I.S.R.A.E.L. Attacks," in which a murderous robot called Israel is called upon to wipe out every cartoon character on the show.
While the creators of South Park are free speech warriors, their network is hard at work at the stealth jihad. Here is the direct link to the game. Watch the little movie before the game starts -- the evil mastermind wants all the "drawn together" characters killed, and Israel is going to it.
Maybe Comedy Central isn't actually as passive in their pro-Islam behavior as first thought, and their attitude towards mohammad is not actually the disease but just a symptom.
Can you imagine a similar game called ISLAM ATTACK!? Where all the characters get annihilated by jihad?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 12:56 AM in Blogosphere: The New Power | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis
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Sunday, May 16, 2010
The monster mosque in what once was the shadow of the World Trade center is creating waves across the pond. The Daily Mail in the UK is all over the story. Our protest has people coming from across the country and across the ocean. Anders Gravers of SIOE, as well as many other Executive SIOE Directors, will be joining us from many countries on June 6th, D Day, to protest this outrageous expression of Islamic conquest and domination.
New York's fury at plans for Ground Zero mosque Daily Mail
Plans to build a giant mosque close to Ground Zero have caused a storm of protest from families who lost loved ones in the September 11 attacks.
Angry relatives claim the move is an ‘insult’ to the victims of the World Trade Centre atrocity.
The mosque is part of a proposed 13-storey Muslim community centre, which will include a swimming pool, gym, theatre and sports facilities.
'Sacred' ground': The World Trade Centre attacks claimed 3,000 lives. Plans to build a mosque at Ground Zero site have been described as a 'slap in the face'
The building, which was damaged by the fuselage of one of the hijacked planes, is just two blocks from Ground Zero.
Construction is due to begin on September 11 next year – the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack.
Rosemary Cain, whose fireman son was killed, said: ‘I think it’s despicable. That’s sacred ground. It’s a slap in the face.
'How could anybody give them permission to build a mosque there?’
Bill Doyle, whose son was also among the 3,000 victims, said: ‘What I’m frightened about is that it’s almost going to be another protest zone – a meeting place for radicals.’
Paul Sipos, a member of the New York community board, said the £68million community project should be located somewhere else.
‘If the Japanese decided to open a cultural centre across from Pearl Harbour, that would be insensitive. If the Germans opened a Bach choral society across fromAuschwitz, even after all these years, that would be an insensitive setting,’ he told the New York Post.‘I have absolutely nothing against Islam. I just think, why here?’
Since the attacks, Ground Zero has become a shrine to the victims, with millions of visitors paying their respects every year.
Pamela Geller, executive director of the Stop Islamisation of America activist group, is organising a rally next month in protest against the development, which will be called Cordoba House.
She said: ‘What could be more insulting and humiliating than a monster mosque in the shadow of the World Trade Centre buildings that were brought down by an Islamic jihad attack?
‘Any decent American, Muslim or otherwise, wouldn’t dream of such an insult.’
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 07:21 PM in Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (13) ShareThis
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Washingtoons16 May 2010Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Retired)"What is at Stake?"Greetings Wheels on the Road (WOTR) readers, fellow South Floridians, and indeed all Americans. It is time for our monthly political assessment, and do we have lots to assess.I am writing from the home of my dear friend LtCol Neal Puckett (USMC, Ret) in Alexandria Va who just successfully defended US Navy SEAL Matthew McCabe. I have a week of evening meetings in DC and on station work in nearby Crystal City. After getting settled I took a nice late morning run through Alexandria and along the Potomac. As I raced along, my mind also raced along thinking about all that has recently occurred, and the incredible ramifications.The BP oil rig crisis was first to enter my thoughts, and my condolences to the families of those who lost their loved ones. It has truly become what was characterized as a "ridiculous spectacle". There is no reason why those we elect to oversee our Nation have no clue about deep water oil drilling emergency management procedures. Leadership is about anticipating, analyzing, and executing viable solutions, before the incident occurs; that is what we call vision. Leadership is not about the immature game of pointing fingers and laying blame. As well, leadership is not about saying "mea culpa" and giving up on what is a national security, economic, and jobs, issue for our Nation.Our dear fearful leader President Obama fashioned himself as a reincarnation of President's Lincoln and Roosevelt. I must remind him that after the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt delivered an address evidencing leadership, and vision. Furthermore, he did not look to blame, but wanted answers to prevent another such event. However, most importantly Roosevelt did not cower away, he thought of how this Nation could respond in kind.....which resulted in the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo.That is leadership, that is American leadership.Also, did you all realize that there was a catastrophic weather event in Nashville Tennessee? Hmm, funny, the President never visited the city nor publicly offered regards, something that has not gone unnoticed.Did you all notice that we had a terrorist attack in New York City? Yes, in Times Square, there was a fella who was upset about losing his home to foreclosure and decided to act as a lone wolf and wanted to blow up just a couple of the media and the Obama Administration would love for us to believe. Another embarrassing moment for Attorney General Holder, Director of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, and the other cast members of "The Gang who cannot Think Straight".Just this past week, when queried before a Senate panel on radical Islam being an impetus behind the rash of domestic terrorist activity, Holder stated that "he was not comfortable" with that premise. This of course comes along with his desire to file a lawsuit against the State of Arizona for a law which he admited to not reading.I will never forgive Holder for referring to our Country as a "nation of cowards". But when I consider the inept and incompetent person which he is, well, I do have pity on him.In the last month we have seen Greece explode in riots. This is obviously what happens when you allow people to retire at age 55 with 80% pensions, truly an entitlement class. When they were told that the government of Greece is bankrupt and will finally have to act fiscally responsible, hmmm, see what happens. Now, here we are in the US with debt in the trillions, we decide to lend Greece $1Trillion, which we had to borrow. And do not forget that we have 47% of Americans who do not pay federal income taxes but are being promised free you see a pattern or worse, a parallel?Socialist economic theory has never been successful, why do the liberal intellectual elites believe they can make it so in America? Our success in 233 years has been based upon a work ethic and free market principles, how long before what is happening in Europe, and with the Euro, comes to America?Economics 101, revenues increase when taxation is lightest, will someone please inform the occupants of the White House and Capitol Hill that immutable maxim. Also, get the CBO a new calculator since somehow they miscalculated the Healthcare law costs by some $250 Billion.Speaking of miscalculation, the latest from Afghanistan is that the leadership has proposed a new medal, an award for "Courageous Restraint". Yes, you heard me right, the military leadership in Afghanistan is considering awarding combat troops for "NOT FIRING BACK". There have been some fairly insidious plans proposed in the history of warfare, but never an award for Warriors to not fight. I know, the liberal intellectual elites are going to call me brutish and mean. The leadership proposing this inane action is going to say, "it is about protecting the Afghan civilians". My retort is simple, and comes from two opposing Civil War Generals; General Wm T Sherman, "War is hell" and Cavalry General N Bedford Forest, "War is about fighting, and fighting means killing".If we do not want our Men and Women in combat to fight and kill the enemy, I say we retrograde from Afghanistan. The promotion of hesitation in combat by senior military leaders means that more of our American treasure will lose their lives and be forever maimed. I have been in a firefight, it is about gaining and maintaining the initiative, not restraint.And speaking of restraint, how many Senators will show restraint and not vote to confirm Elena Kagan? Actually, it is not about restraint, it is about moral courage, ok, I just answered my own question. If I were sitting there in the US Senate I could tell you right now what my vote would be, No. No to anyone who would file an amicus brief challenging the Solomon Amendment which allows ROTC recruiting on college campuses. Ms Kagan made the cowardly decision to not confront the Clinton administration or the Congress, but rather evidenced her anti-military sentiments. She and her compatriots were soundly defeated 8-0 by the Supreme Court, however, if she were to be on the bench of our Nation highest court and same case came before her........Soon we will need Justices who make decisions for our Constitutional Republic and its borders, language, and culture, no more activist judges in our federal court systems. How would judges rule in the case of five young Americans who were suspended from school for wearing US flags on their shirts?Just for clarification, Cinco de Mayo recognizes the victory of the Mexican milita against the French at the Battle of Puebla, 1862. Mexico actually gained its independence on 16 September 1821. Cinco de Mayo is not even a national Mexican celebration, just a regional one, therefore the premise of suspending these young men is false. This incident combined with the support to disregard our borders and laws is very disconcerting.Lastly, I addressed the true "party of political intimidation" last month, the Democrat party. And it did not take them one month to prove me right, and personally as well. Ron Klein decided to attack one of our campaign volunteers who just happens to work for a local news station. His subversive, immature, and petulant actions resulted in a very professional person to be confronted at her workplace, and publicly humiliated by the Palm Beach Post. As well, there has sprung up a "No West FL-22 Blog" in South Florida along with a "No West FL-22 Twitter" account. There are a couple of interesting twitter comments posted, "November is hunting season and there is no bag limit", which is followed by this sent out 13 May at 8:30am, "I will skin you personally West".Funny, we did submit a police report but do you think it will get any attention. Do you think the mainstream media will report this twitter post?What is at stake is many more months can we take like this past 30 days. America is being led into a "Hurt Locker".Steadfast and Loyal, LTC A B West
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 05:27 PM in Allen West: Lt. Colonel's Column from Kandahar | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis
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Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 04:44 PM in One of the Really Good Guys | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis
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Let the taqiya spin begin. Taqiya is deception to advance Islam and, in this case, to obfuscate Islamic anti-semitism and historical genocide of non-Muslims. Taqiya is mandated by the Koran. Our favorite Muslima, who said here that she boldly, proudly advocated a second holocaust, is spinning the taqiya just as the Imam Abdul Rauf is spinning his taqiya when he says that the monster mosque he plans to build at Ground Zero is a "project to honor those who were harmed on September 11th." Uh, who were harmed? Harmed? They think we are idiots.
She is spinning the jihad lies. Swindle has it all here:
Robert Spencer had a post this morning highlighting a statement made from someone claiming to be Jumanah Imad Albahri, the UCSD student whose words supporting the extermination of the Jews have been heard by over 300,000 people on YouTube and even more on cable television and talk radio. Albahri herself showed up in the comments to deny authorship and direct readers to her own statement.
It’s been almost a week since David Horowitz’s talk at UCSD and Albahri is all of a sudden finally trying to explain herself at a new blog she has recently created.
I emailed Albahri just now:
Ms. Albahri,I’ve read your blog post in which you try and explain the remarks you made Monday night at David Horowitz’s talk.“Towards the end of the exchange, I became emotional. I could no longer hear Mr. Horowitz speaking and so did not even hear his injection of Hezbollah’s credo of “rounding up” Jews in his last tangent. I could no longer contain my anger at being implicitly and improperly labeled a terrorist, an anti-Semite, and a proponent of genocide. The answer I was coerced into giving grossly misrepresented my beliefs and ideologies.”
I have a hard time believing your explanation that all of a sudden you could not hear what he was saying. You seemed to be able to communicate with him perfectly fine and hear what he was saying up until he asked his question. The video speaks for itself.
I have a question: if you oppose anti-Semitism and you oppose Islamists’ quest to instigate a second Holocaust what have you ever done to challenge these tendencies within the MSA itself and Islam as a whole? If you do not hold such views yourself, why are you a part of an organization who regularly hosts speakers who call for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 03:12 PM in Islamic Jew hatred, Jewish Genocide Watch 2009 -_ | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis
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The NY Post has a revealing look at the finances (or lack thereof) behind the 911 mega mosque. There's no there there.
But I will bet dollars to dinars that the Saudis and many of the other 56 countries (plus the Palestinian Muslims) of the Organization of the Islamic Conference will pony up every last dollar for this flag of conquest. Imam Abdul Rauf's father did the same thing on 96th street with his "Islamic center," paid for with contributions from 49 Muslim nations.
Protest the mosque at Ground Zero June 6th. Be there.
Short on Allah dollars NY Post
Ground Zero mosque team lacking funds amid bookkeeping chaos
The American Society for Muslim Advancement, which proposed the center, has assets of less than $1 million, according to its most recent audited financial statement.
A sister organization, the Cordoba Initiative, listed assets of less than $20,000 in 2008. Its tax filings do not disclose at least $60,000 in private contributions, a Post analysis found, raising questions about where the money went.
Deep-pocketed benefactors who have supported the groups in the past include the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal's Kingdom Foundation, the government of Qatar and the World Economic Forum. But some of the foundations have already backed away from the mosque, which is to be called Cordoba House.
The driving forces behind the project, Feisal Abdul Rauf -- a usually media-savvy imam -- and his wife, Daisy Khan, have been tight-lipped on financing. They have said in brief statements that fund-raising has not started, donors have not been identified and that the Kingdom Foundation has no involvement.
"Cordoba House will be a new entity whose funding sources will be independent from the funding sources of ASMA and Cordoba Initiative," Khan said.
Opponents are suspicious about who will foot the bill.
"I'd like to know who the hell is funding it," said Bill Doyle, a leading advocate for families of those killed on 9/11. "There's no question in my mind that somehow the rich Saudis are going to be approached."
Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy in Phoenix, called a mosque by Ground Zero poor judgment and said he worried about overseas funding..
"I don't believe that there are any foreign interests that would be helpful," he said.
Plans for Cordoba House include a mosque that could attract up to 2,000 worshipers on Fridays, the Muslim Sabbath, as well as meeting rooms, a swimming pool, kitchen and performance space.
The center would replace the old Burlington Coat Factory building at 45 Park Place -- two blocks from the World Trade Center site -- which was damaged when a piece of landing gear tore through its roof on Sept. 11, 2001.
The building was purchased in July for $4.85 million by a group of companies tied to real estate developer Sharif El-Gamal. Gamal, who did not return calls seeking comment, presented plans for the mosque to a Community Board 1 committee last month, along with Rauf and Khan.
"We will make this project happen!" he tweeted on March 24 after meeting with an Islamic doctors group.
The plan calls for a 15-story building, including two levels below ground. There is no architect. Instead, the builders plan to hold a "world-class design competition."
Rauf said his aim was to "build an American Muslim identity."
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 10:51 AM in Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (4) ShareThis
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But oh no, the conflict with Iran has nothing to do with Islam.
Note also Kharrazi's appropriation of the language of the Left -- "the global village of the oppressed." The Leftist/jihadist alliance is one that Islamic supremacists like Kharrazi -- and others as well -- are consciously fostering.
"Iranian cleric wants creation of 'Greater Iran,'" by Ali Akbar Dareini for Associated Press, May 15 (thanks to Sr. Soph):
TEHRAN, Iran - A radical cleric called Saturday for the creation of a "Greater Iran" that would rule over the entire Middle East and Central Asia, in an event that he said would herald the coming of Islam's expected messiah.Ayatollah Mohammad Bagher Kharrazi said the creation of what he calls an Islamic United States is a central aim of the political party he leads called Hezbollah, or Party of God, and that he hoped to make it a reality if they win the next presidential election....
Kharrazi's comments were published Saturday in his newspaper, Hezbollah.
He said he envisioned a Greater Iran that would stretch from Afghanistan to Israel, bringing about the destruction of the Jewish state.
He also said its formation would be a prelude to the reappearance of the Mahdi, a revered ninth-century saint known as the Hidden Imam, whom Muslims believe will reappear before judgment day to end tyranny and promote justice in the world.
"The Islamic United States will be an introduction to the formation of the global village of the oppressed and that will be a prelude to the single global rule of the Mahdi," the Hezbollah newspaper quoted him as saying....
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 04:30 AM | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis
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But you don't have to be Jewish to distinguish between justice and injustice, right and wrong.
Bolton thanked Ateret Cohanim and the Jerusalem Reclamation Project for their support in building Jerusalem, which he referred to as the “heart and soul” of the Jewish State.
I love that man.
Bolton: Obama Respects Afghani President More than Netanyahu Fern Sidman
U.S. President Barack Obama recently treated Afghan president Hamid Kharzi to a gala lunch at the White House and showed the kind of respect that should be displayed to Israel, “our staunchest ally in the Middle East,” John Bolton told supporters of Ateret HaCohanim.
Speaking at the Ateret Cohanim annual dinner in New York Thursday night, the former American ambassador to the United Nations sharply condemned President Obama’s adoption of Palestinian Authority demands to stop a Jewish presence in areas of Jerusalem.
“People should be able to buy and sell property in Jerusalem, as in any other country and clearly peace in the region is not dependent on Israel making territorial concessions,” he maintained.
Following Israel’s announcement two months ago of progress in plans for building more homes for Jews in the Ramat Shlomo Jewish neighborhood, President Obama gave Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu a chilly reception at the White House, and their discussions took place without the usual lunch or dinner for visiting dignitaries.
Bolton also said that the Obama administration has all but ruled out the military option to deal with the potential of Iran to produce a nuclear weapon, which it apparently is accepting as a fact, leaving Israel to deal with it by itself.
He said Iran is the “cradle of terrorism, [and] has been developing nuclear weapons for the last 20 years and neither diplomacy nor economic sanctions will be effective deterrents against them.”
Unless the Iranian regime is toppled, it “cannot be contained or deterred,” according to Bolton.
Regarding the Palestinian Authority, Bolton declared, “The Palestinians are being exploited by their own leaders and the United States should not force either proximity or direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians because there is no legitimate Palestinian entity to negotiate with.
“The United States needs to stop digging the hole that they are in because undertaking this huge diplomatic task that will result in failed negotiations will leave [it] in a much weaker position.”
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 04:26 AM in BOLTON!, Obama: Lethal for Israel | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis
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