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This week's news on OUT-LAW.COM
EU must break down national copyright barriers, says Commissioner
Piracy has created the single market in music and films that EU legislators have failed to build, European Commission Digital Agenda Commissioner Neelie Kroes has said.
US lawmakers publish internet privacy bill
A new law has been proposed that mandates information to be given to website visitors to improve privacy protections in the US. It also lists types of data that can be used until people opt out, and others that can be used only with their consent.
PhonepayPlus consults on new Code while industry demands clarity
A new regulatory system for the premium rate phone industry has been published and is the subject of consultations by both the premium rate regulator PhonepayPlus (PPP) and the overall telecoms regulator Ofcom.
Google image search results do not infringe copyright, says German court
Google does not infringe copyright when it displays thumbnail previews of pictures from other people's websites, the German Federal Supreme Court has ruled.
Football fixtures protected by copyright but not database right, says High Court
Football fixture lists are protected by database copyright but not by the EU's database right, the High Court has said. The ruling means that sporting bodies can charge users of their fixture lists licence fees.
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OUT-LAW Radio: The legal status of email
06/05/2010: On the cusp of concluding a multi-million pound deal an email is sent but not read. Did it conclude the deal? The High Court decides.