Thursday, 06 May 2010 10:23 'Police signs have begun springing up in internet cafes in London warning users that they could be reported to the police and face criminal charges if they access “extremist”, “offensive” or “inappropriate” material. The signs, which state that the owners of the premises are actively working with the Metropolitan police, have drawn criticism due to their vagueness and questionable legality. “Downloading or accessing certain material could constitute a criminal offence” states the bright pink sign.' Read more: Internet Police: London Signs Warn Against Accessing 'Extremist' Material Thursday, 06 May 2010 10:13 'Last month, so-called “birthers” got very excited over a clip in which Michelle Obama called Kenya President Obama’s “home country,” but a newly uncovered video is likely to stoke even more controversy, because in it the First Lady clearly states that Obama is “Kenyan”. In a video of a 2008 speech that went viral last month after it was resurrected from the archives, Michelle Obama states, “When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya, we took a public HIV test.” Some media pundits expressed doubt that the First Lady was explicitly saying that Obama had been born in Kenya, and Glenn Beck even implied that the release of the tape was a trick designed to push Tea Party members over the edge and incite violence, allowing Democrats to demonize their political opposition as extremists. However, yet another clip has been uncovered from the archives in which the First Lady plainly states that Obama is “Kenyan,” leaving little open to speculation in terms of context.' The comment is made around the 2 minute mark Thursday, 06 May 2010 10:01 'Labour was rocked yesterday by explosive new claims about its ‘disastrous’ policy on EU workers. Figures showed almost four times more EU citizens working here than Britons taking jobs on the continent. Read more: The EU Migration Lie: Official Statistics Expose Huge Gap Between PM's Figures and Truth
Opposition parties said the figures destroyed the claim by Gordon Brown – who promised ‘British jobs for British workers’ – that there had been equal numbers travelling in each direction.'
Thursday, 6 May 2010
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Britannia Radio