DEBKAfile Special Report May 11, 2010,
Tags: Iranian cruise missile

"This is an extremely serious threat to Israel," Yair Shamir, chairman of Israel's Aerospace Industries warned in a lecture, naming the new weapon as the KH-55 cruise missile, based on a model Tehran received from Ukraine in 2006 and upgraded - together with an air-launched version.
"The pace of missile development (in
Shamir rarely talks in public on security matters. DEBKAfile's military sources report he apparently found it necessary to speak out in view of the defense minister Ehud Barak's soothing assessments, his efforts to downplay the peril from
The defense minister was also challenged by President Shimon Peres who, speaking in
(He also noted that no ruler but
DEBKAfile's military sources note that Shamir's was the first authoritative voice to verify
The Israeli aerospace expert disclosed that Iranian scientists are working on lengthening the cruise missile's range beyond its regular 2.500 kilometers and developing a version for the use of fighter bombers. This would enable Iranian warplanes to shoot missiles against targets not only in
DEBKAfile Special Report
May 11, 2010, 12:54 AM (GMT+02:00)

In an unprecedentedly wild rampage, even for al Qaeda, raider-units, speeding drive-by gun squads, car bombs and homicidal suicides mowed down checkpoints, liquidated Iraqi soldiers, police and security personnel and murdered civilians in eight Iraqi cities including the capital, Baghdad, Monday, May 10. By the end of the day, more than 100 people were dead and 300 injured.
The gunmen used automatic weapons fitted with silencers to creep up on their victims.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
May 10, 2010, 1:44 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Medvedev Russian arms deal
