Tuesday 25 May 2010

Keyhole & Arrow (Pyramid & Eye) Crop Circle Decoded?

'I would say due to the alchemical/symbolic nature of the crop circle I would say the "sh*t is going to hit the fan" around August 6th...Maybe.   I'll explain the date further down.  The keyhole crop circle may be inferring the merging of the energetic principles of Isis and Osiris, which is also confirmed by the circumpunct crop circle in the same field.  

The Yod (finger of God) being the energetic male aspect of Osiris, the circle, the ovum or egg of Isis indicated by the circle aspect.  The circumpunct (in the same paddock) is an ancient symbol depicting the conjunction of Sirius A and our Sun during the dog days.'

Read more:  Keyhole & Arrow (Pyramid & Eye) Crop Circle Decoded?


Anti-war Protester Brian Haw Arrested as Police Clear Parliament Square Ahead of Queen's Speech

'Anti-war protester Brian Haw was arrested today as police carried out security sweeps ahead of the Queen's Speech. Mr Haw was seen being handcuffed by police as they cleared the area outside the Houses of Parliament before the monarch's visit this afternoon. He and other peace campaigners have been camping there and maintaining a 24-hour peace vigil.

Police with sniffer dogs moved in this morning to search the ragtag collection of tents in what Scotland Yard said was a 'standard' security operation. Mr Haw, who was wearing a grubby T-shirt declaring 'IRAQ 2,000,000 DEAD, 4,000,000 FLED, was allegedly trying to stop them when he was arrested.'

Read more: Anti-war Protester Brian Haw Arrested as Police Clear Parliament Square Ahead of Queen's Speech

David Cameron Exposed: Another Empty Agent of 'Change'

Newly selected Prime Minister David Cameron is revealed to be yet another cheap suit for the same empty rhetoric of “change” who apparently didn’t bother to update the flimsy lines he borrowed from Tony Blair and others.


North Korea: An Enemy Made in the U.S.A.

Hillary Clinton was trotted out by the global elite today with task in-hand — war with the authoritarian state of North Korea.

“Initial reports of the sinking had provoked fears that North Korea had attacked the ship, possibly with a torpedo, however South Korean military authorities have now said there is no evidence so far that North Korean forces were to blame,” the Daily Telegraph reported on March 27. “Speculation is now turning to the possibility that the Cheonan, which would have been carrying torpedos, suffered an accident or had perhaps struck a sea mine that had broken free from its mooring.”

In order to blame North Korea and set the stage for the possibility of a war that will conveniently displace the daily horror show of the engineered global economic implosion, a “joint civilian-military investigation group” of military and civilian experts was cobbled together.'

Read more: North Korea: An Enemy Made in the U.S.A.


CBS Propaganda Placement: Conspiracy Theorists Are Anti-American, Domestic Terrorists

'A primetime CBS show that aired last week featured a notable example of so called “propaganda placement”, where a talking point is inserted into the plot in order to shape public perception, often at the behest of the government.

CSI NY’s episode entitled “Point of View” featured a character who researches “conspiracy theories”, such the deliberate dispersal of potentially dangerous chemtrails into the atmosphere. First the character, a professor, is labeled”odd”, then “anti-American”, before finally he is revealed to be a “domestic terrorist” hell bent on releasing a biological weapon in New York.'

Read more: CBS Propaganda Placement: Conspiracy Theorists Are Anti-American, Domestic Terrorists

Dying Man Left on Pavement for Two Hours as Shoppers Walk Around Him

'Shoppers walked past a dying man as he lay helpless on the pavement. The man, in his 50s, was slumped outside a busy row of shops in Eastfield Road, Peterborough, for nearly two hours before someone finally came to his aid. A passer-by eventually dialled 999 after approaching the man to see if he needed help.

Good Samaritan Tony Poll said he felt disgusted that the man had been left there for so long and blasted shoppers for having 'no regard for human life'.'

Read more: Dying Man Left on Pavement for Two Hours as Shoppers Walk Around Him