Tom Stevenson
EU to bail out Greece in £104bn deal
Tories urged to call in IMF for audit if they win
The Conservatives have been urged to consider calling in the International Monetary Fund to examine the extent of Britain's debts if they win election.
01 May 2010
Roubini says Greece is just the 'tip of the iceberg'
Economist Nouriel Roubini said Greece is just the tip of a sovereign debt crisis that could derail a global recovery.
29 Apr 2010
David Cameron needs to hit Gordon Brown's record where it hurts: jobs, jobs, jobs
David Cameron has to win the debate on the election's key issue - the economy. Damian Reece explains how he should do it.
29 Apr 2010
What the leaders will say about Britain's debt and what they should answer
Ahead of Thursday's leaders debate, Philip Aldrick and Louise Armitstead examine the key economic issues.
29 Apr 2010
General Election 2010: what the leaders will say about banks and what they should say
Ahead of Thursday's leaders debate, Philip Aldrick and Louise Armitstead examine the key economic issues.
29 Apr 2010
Cuts will doom election winner, warns King
Whoever wins the election will be exiled from power for a generation, governor of the Bank of England reportedly claims.
30 Apr 2010
Taxes must be raised by 6p in the pound, warns NIESR
Political parties' plans to slash spending will not be enough, warns leading UK economic authority.
30 Apr 2010
City may draw comfort that Cameron has done enough
Despite ducking the deficit issue, Cameron won the final debate on the economy, writes Louise Armitstead.
30 Apr 2010
Clegg's fantasy finance exposed in final debate
I would much rather have been at Craven Cottage watching the football than watching the craven excuse for an economics debate on BBC1.
30 Apr 2010
Leaders' debate fact checker
The economy is a key issue in this election. Here's a fact checker on Britain's deficit, the recovery and the banks.
29 Apr 2010
Debt makes money
Aberdeen's Brett Diment: emerging market debt is a money spinner
29 Apr 2010
Business leaders: shrink the state or risk ruin
Leading business body warns next Government of need to shrink the size of the public sector.
28 Apr 2010
European markets hit as Spain is downgraded
European stock markets fell after Spain became the latest European country to see its credit rating cut.
28 Apr 2010
Greek financial crisis could hit Britain, warn economists
Businessmen and economists warn that the next Government must take drastic action to cut the national deficit.
28 Apr 2010
Why did Greece's economy fall?
With Greece's economy in desperate trouble, Harry Wallop explains how the country got into such a mess.
28 Apr 2010
Liam Halligan