With Tony Hayward struggling to survive the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Mandrake hears that BP grandees are toying with the idea of his being succeeded as chief executive by an intriguing figure: Lord Mandelson. "What recent events have shown is that we need someone who is adroit at handling the politics and the public relations," whispers my man in the company's offices in St James's Square, London. "Peter knows our company well and was, of course, close to Peter Sutherland [the former chairman] and Lord Browne [the former chief executive]. Some would say it is the perfect fit." BP assures me that Hayward's position is secure. Its spokesman says she has no knowledge of any discussions taking place with Mandelson, left, who masterminded Gordon Brown's election campaign. The peer would be following in the footsteps of Anji Hunter, Tony Blair's gatekeeper, who became BP's communications boss. Any appointment would be controversial. An eco-protester who hurled green custard over him last year observed: "The only thing green about Mandelson is the slime coursing through his veins." Still, he suggested recently that he saw his future as a farmer, even if it was a notion that made Cherie Blair laugh when I put it to her.Lord Mandelson may find treasure in BP oil slick
Lord Mandelson is said to be lined up as a potential successor to Tony Hayward as the chief executive of BP.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
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Britannia Radio