Gold Hits Record High in Sterling
May 3rd, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: @Mike/Liverpool . . . I tell you, this is your Thing of Beauty.
Australian Mining Shares Tumble on New 40% Tax on Resource Firms to Fund Increase in Government Employee Wages
May 3rd, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: The Banana Republicanization of the entire Western world. Government employees and the graft they are able to extract corrupts the entire economy. It would be one thing if a resources tax (and Michael Hudson has some interesting ideas on this) were being used to abandon all income taxes and not being used just to line the pocket of the political class (some reports also say the revenue will be used to cut some taxes on property); but, to me, it looks like the only thing being abandoned is the illusion of free markets. Political classes are just openly and blatantly plundering our Submerging Economies, as they have apparently given up all hope of competing with Emerging Economies.
Four Disasters and a Pool
May 2nd, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: So, we have an economic disaster, an ecological disaster, a political disaster and now a biological disaster in the news.
[OTE52] On the Edge with Max Keiser & David DeGraw
May 2nd, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: The episode is being uploaded as we speak; so I will post the parts as they become available. Guest this week is David DeGraw of AmpedStatus.
Oracle of Omaha Defends Lloyd ‘Doing God’s Work’ Blankfein; Says RBS Was ‘Dumb’ to Lose $900 Million on Goldman’s Allegedly Fraudulent CDO
May 2nd, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: I doubt RBS managers were dumb. I’m sure they knew exactly what they were doing when they participated in this allegedly fraudulent CDO.
[Sunday Video Club] Off the Cuff Acoustic and Swirly
May 2nd, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Here is my cousin Billy playing guitar in his farmhouse in Upstate New York. He’s three weeks older than I am and so most of my baby pictures up until about the age of 5 have him in it. But the most important thing to know about him is that when he and I were four and I had just been given a new all in one red pajama set, Billy convinced me that my pajamas could make me fly, and so, with his encouragement, I leapt from the top of his parent’s stairs in a very big, old house. Needless to say, I actually couldn’t fly and my head needed some bandaging up! My mom has the picture somewhere. But anyway, he has just started vlogging, mostly about his dogs, one of which,Swirly, used to be the pet of my niece and nephew.
Riot Police Clash with Greek Protesters Over Austerity Measures
May 1st, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Riot police clash with Greeks protesting austerity measures. Coming to a city near you?
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By the way, these riots are unnecessary; the Greeks should default on these bonds that are unpayable and let the French and German banks eat the losses on their bad investments. That’s capitalism. And the sooner the global zombie debt pile is set alight, the sooner we can get on with rebuilding our economies and financial systems.
SEC Happy Hour Jibber Jabber
May 1st, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Um, jibber jabber thread. And this one. Eugh. ‘Cuddling’ Bob Rubin.
Max Keiser-The Gold Market is a Giant Ponzi Scheme
Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser-Goldman Sachs Fraud-04-30-2010
Max Keiser is on the edge of the financial news where future financial scandals, market crashes and monetary crisis begin .Be there before it happens
TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010
Keiser Report meets Schiff Report
Must Hear: Panic and Loathing From The S&P 500 Pits
May 7th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: This is awesome fun to listen to, from 1 minute mark it really gets exciting. Kudos to Zerohedge for getting this: Panic and loathing from the S &P 500 Pits.
Tags: dow · open cry · s & p 500 pits66 Comments
Deconstructing Myths of America: Innocence by Institutionalized Solipsism
May 7th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Firedoglake on Max’s turn of phrase, “innocence by institutionalized solipsism.” And this,Suffocating Our Intellects. It’s part of an interesting series they have deconstructing some American myths.
Brits Wake Up to Find They Have Hung Their Parliament
May 7th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Good morning everyone! So the Brits have brought back the Tories to lead a hung Parliament. Long live the Suppository Salesman! Or not? h/t @Mike/Liverpool – - Brown & Clegg could conspire to keep Cameron out of No. 10.
UPDATE: Clegg to do deal with Cameron
[KR40] Keiser Report – Markets! Finance! Scandal! – And Michael Krieger
May 6th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: We look at the scandals of repaying American taxpayers with their own cash. We also check out the headlines on Lloyd ‘I’m Too Mysterious’ Blankfein, Bernie ‘I’m Just a Market Maker’ Madoff and Warren ‘I Love My Goldman Investment’ Buffett. In the second half of the show, Max interviews investment adviser, Michael Krieger, about “America’s Disneyland and Neo-feudalistic, Gulag Casino Economy,” financial war between the US and China; and about which nation will be the first to back its currency with gold.
Plunge Protection Team’s Two Favorite Shares Hit Circuit Breakers?
May 6th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Interesting that the two shares that hit circuit breakers today, P&G and 3M, are often cited as two of the stocks that the PPT targets for buying for the precise purpose that, as they are so heavily weighted, they can move the Dow more than others. Your thoughts?
Gold Soars on Alternative Currency Appeal
May 6th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Gold soars as (despite a mysterious last hour rally) markets crash. I know we have been advising buying it since it was at £200 and $400 and that many on these boards have told you that it is crazy and that the value of gold is merely based on perception . . . but when placed against fiat currency in a time when faith in credit based currencies has obviously collapsed, I would rather have gold. People say all the time, “You can’t eat a gold” but the truth is I have tried eating a dollar bill and it tasted no better than a euro and a bit worse than a yen note and only slighty better than a rouble; and I still felt hungry afterwards. Everyone has to do their own thing, but, at the end of the day, I am pretty sure I will be able to trade that bar of gold for food . . . good luck trying to trade that euro or yen or dollar or Swiss franc as this entire debt based system collapses over the next few years.
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Max Keiser Interviewed on Radio Five Live – 06 May 2010 – Greek Debt Crisis
May 6th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: From this morning. Just had time to post it.
Currency Wars
May 6th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: As part and parcel of this year’s sovereign debt crises, the accompanying currency wars are going to cause the most noticeable consequence to the man on the street. I have spoken to people who lived through a currency crisis and the trauma was still visible a decade later. Anyway, no doubt this blog post from Jesse will trigger much conversation . . .
BJ Lawson Wins North Carolina District 4 Primary
May 6th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: BJ Lawson won the Republican nomination in North Carolina’s 4th District. Here is our interview with him:
Hanging Parliament – The UK Elections Thread
May 6th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: A thread for the UK elections today. Most are predicting a hung Parliament. But I’ve seen many consensus predictions fail in UK politics. This British guy, Drake, starts a hunger strike today against the monetarism of all parties. So any Brits or UK residents who will be voting today, leave us any comments in this thread about what you are hoping for, what you are voting for, etc.
William Engdahl: Financial Warfare Against the Eurozone
May 5th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: From yesterday . . . and if this is war, then the European Commission has just fired back: “UK deficit is worst in Europe”
Protesters Attempt to Storm Parliament in Greece
May 5th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: h/t @kitty for alerting me to this story
Box Office Futures: Ellen Brown vs Joe Weisenthal
May 5th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: RT hosted a debate between Joe Weisenthal and Ellen Brown on the Box Office Futures story.
Matt Taibbi: Goldman, Naked
May 5th, 2010 by
Greeks Rise Up, Euro Plunges, Pound Rallies, Investors Told to Head East
May 5th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Good morning, y’all. I found a better photo (via Huffingtonpost) of the “Peoples of Europe Rise Up” banner. Two of our major themes as we laid out in our first Keiser Report of the year are in the headlines this morning – sovereign debt crises and currency volatility. There will be many more mornings like this before the year is out. Anyway, how are things where you are at?
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In Paris, I see no sign of Depression or Recession with ordinary people, but huge quantities of commercial real estate are suddenly becoming vacant in the 8th and 16th near our office. Nearly every day sees another 800 or 1500 square meters open up.
Parthenon Banner: “Peoples of Europe – Rise Up”
May 4th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Banner unfurled by protesters at theAcropolis Parthenon reading, “Peoples of Europe – Rise Up” Of course, the Oracle said it first . . .
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From Max Keiser Dot Com – Viewer Art |
[KR39] Markets! Finance! Scandal – Keiser Report Meets Schiff Report
May 4th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: We look at the scandals of President Bill Clinton’s skepticism on Goldman charges; the TARP watchdog’s handcuffs for Timmy Geithner; and the continuing ‘ratings surveillance’ payments to credit rating agencies for defaulted CDOs too complicated to unwind. In the second half of the show, Max interviews Peter Schiff, who is running for the Republican nomination for US Senate for Connecticut, about debating Greenspan, revaluing yuan and regulating that which is already illegal.