Friday, 28 May 2010

May 28, 2010

Centralizing Power: The Tyrants’ Agenda, Part 1
The goal of tyrants has always been to centralize power unto themselves. Alexander Hamilton admits this much: “This tendency is not difficult to be accounted for. It has its origin in the love of power.”[1] While nation and empire building inevitably lead to destruction and breakup of the political structure, tyrants always believe themselves to be the exception to the rule, not to mention the exception to God’s rule. Thus.........
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin

Saving Soldiers from Gay Death
The gays and their allies, however, don’t care about the troops. They want their “rights” and they want them now. They simply don’t care if a premature policy change causes thousands of our soldiers to leave the Armed Forces in disgust and dismay and thousands more never to sign up because they don’t want to room or shower with individuals sexually attracted to them........
by Cliff Kincaid

Let's Make the Vets Wait for Care Until They All Die
What often happens is the needy VET accidentally fills out the wrong form and 6 months later gets the standard refusal for care. They are told that they have to start again with a different form. Typically, another rejection comes 6 months after that and so on. One example Phenniger shared was of Leroy Comer, a Vietnam veteran who had spent over 21 years processing applications with nothing but denials and appeals......
by Laurie Roth